What Can Brewnog Do with a BBBEngGGRtst AMITTGNNMHRMechE?

  • Thread starter brewnog
  • Start date
In summary, Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE. has successfully completed his degree from the University of Sheffield. He is also an associate member of the engineering club and has not finished his formal education yet. He plans to do an MBA in a few years time. Congratulations on your success, Brewnog!
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Yes! Get in!

From now on, you can all refer to me as Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE.

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  • #2
Congrats ^_^ Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE.
  • #3
Hearty congratulations well done old boy.
  • #4
I say, Jolly good guv nor.
  • #5
Nice one :smile:.
  • #6
Congratulations, Brewnog! I think this merits a celebratory carrot cake treat, at the very least.
  • #7
From which university, the University of Sheffield? I'm also getting a BSc (Hons) from Sheffield.
  • #8
I'm very proud of you..is it time to party?
  • #9
Congratulations! - Brewnog and ramollari on your degrees. Well done!

Now go out there and get a job! :biggrin:
  • #10
ramollari said:
From which university, the University of Sheffield? I'm also getting a BSc (Hons) from Sheffield.

Yes well done.
  • #11
Congrats! Are you going to be going to grad school next year?
  • #12

  • #13
Congrats. Celebrating with style?
  • #14
Congrats! Dang, that's a lot of letters for one degree! :biggrin: How do you fit all that on a business card?
  • #15

Ok, the pink champagne has kicked in now. Yay!

It's not from Sheffield ramollari, that's my hometown, although I'm in Sheff all summer! It's from either UMIST, or The University of Manchester. I get a choice since the old institutions have merged since I started my degree. Any suggestions which I should go for?

Astronuc, mattmns, I'm done with formal education (for now, anyway). It's all about the job I've got designing big yellow diggers! Yay!

Matthyouiouiow said:
Congrats. Celebrating with style?

Well, I went for an "all you can eat" Chinese buffet lunch this afternoon, only to return home to find that my family are ordering, yep, you guessed it, Chinese. Joy! Deep fried food isn't that bad for you, right? :smile:
  • #16
brewnog said:
Astronuc, mattmns, I'm done with formal education (for now, anyway). It's all about the job I've got designing big yellow diggers! Yay!
A scientist/engineer is 'never' done with formal education. I am learning new things all the time in my work, and I churn out the equivalent of a PhD dissertation about every 1 or 2 years, but I get paid for it. :biggrin:
  • #17
Astronuc, mattmns, I'm done with formal education (for now, anyway). It's all about the job I've got designing big yellow diggers! Yay!

Oh no, please be careful of the center of earth.
  • #18
Astronuc said:
A scientist/engineer is 'never' done with formal education. I am learning new things all the time in my work, and I churn out the equivalent of a PhD dissertation about every 1 or 2 years, but I get paid for it. :biggrin:

That's why I added "formal" in there. I appreciate that I'm probably only going to use about 10% of my degree in my job, and I know I've got loads more learning to do! What I meant is that I'm done with, urrm, university education for a while. I'm thinking of doing an MBA in a few years time... :smile:
  • #19
brewnog said:
Yes! Get in!

From now on, you can all refer to me as Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE.
Congrats! What do all those letters stand for?
  • #20
brewnog said:
I'm thinking of doing an MBA in a few years time...
Say it aint so lad! Say it aint so!
  • #21
Good on ya, old boy! Never a doubt in my mind that you'd get it done. The only remaining question is: How long will you take to convince your new employers that they should change their logo to...

  • #22
Math Is Hard said:
Congrats! What do all those letters stand for?

Well, it means that I'm a Bachelor, an honourable one at that. I'm also an associate member of the engineering club. :smile:

FredGarvin said:
Say it aint so lad! Say it aint so!

Well, I've not done my research yet, but it was a thought!

Danger said:
Good on ya, old boy! Never a doubt in my mind that you'd get it done. The only remaining question is: How long will you take to convince your new employers that they should change their logo to...


That thing really is disgusting, isn't it! Someone tell Moonbear to stop playing with the cloning machine in her lunch hour and to get on with some proper work!
  • #23
'Grats Brewnie !1111

It's from either UMIST, or The University of Manchester. I get a choice since the old institutions have merged since I started my degree. Any suggestions which I should go for?
Here's a suggestion. If you are sure you will stay in Engineering or related technical field, get it from UMIST. If you want to "explore"other areas like management , then I think getting your degree from UM may be more helpful.

So do folks make jokes like, "...the two schools are finally united forever", or is such poor taste in humor endemic to me ?

Ever considered a career in 'hard' turned 'soft-and-wimpy' rock ? Last I recall, Sheffielders were good at that.
  • #24
Congratulations brewnog!

Now show us what you can do with a BBBEngGGRtst AMITTGNNMHRMechE!

Did I get that right? :-p
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FAQ: What Can Brewnog Do with a BBBEngGGRtst AMITTGNNMHRMechE?

1. What is Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE?

Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE is a professional engineering qualification awarded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) in the United Kingdom. It is a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering that signifies the holder as a Chartered Engineer.

2. What are the requirements to obtain Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE?

To obtain Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE, one must have completed a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering or a related field from a recognized university or institution. Additionally, the individual must have at least four years of relevant work experience and must pass the IMechE's Professional Review interview.

3. What are the benefits of becoming a Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE?

Becoming a Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE demonstrates that an individual has achieved a high level of knowledge, skills, and competence in the field of Mechanical Engineering. This qualification can open up opportunities for career advancement, higher salaries, and recognition as a professional engineer.

4. How is Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE different from other engineering qualifications?

Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE is a Chartered Engineer qualification specific to the field of Mechanical Engineering. It is recognized globally as a mark of excellence and is one of the highest levels of professional recognition for engineers. Other engineering qualifications may vary in terms of level and focus.

5. Can I become a Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE if I have a degree in a different engineering field?

Yes, it is possible to become a Brewnog, BEng (Hons) AMIMechE with a degree in a different engineering field. However, the individual must have relevant work experience and must pass the IMechE's Professional Review interview to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in Mechanical Engineering.

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