If gasses escapes Earth, then how do they reach escape velocity?

In summary, the conversation discussed the concept of gas molecules escaping from Earth's atmosphere and how their escape velocity is dependent on temperature and mass. The lighter molecules, such as Hydrogen and Helium, have a higher chance of reaching escape velocity due to their smaller mass and faster velocities. The composition of gases in the atmosphere is relatively constant in the lower parts, but in the upper atmosphere, the mean free path is longer and therefore, the atmosphere is predominantly made of lighter components. The loss of gas molecules from an atmosphere is a continuous process, influenced by factors such as temperature and proximity to the Sun. There is a possibility of some gas molecules being in orbit around the Earth, but this is not a common occurrence.
  • #1
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
they don't have to, they just float upwards.
its only the lightest gasses that are lost to space, eg, Hydrogen and Helium

google is a wonderful thing ;)

have a read of this

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  • #3
davenn said:
they don't have to, they just float upwards.
its only the lightest gasses that are lost to space, eg, Hydrogen and Helium

But the gasses can only escape if their atoms/molecules do get to escape velocity,
and if that happens far enough up for the molecules to escape without colliding with other air molecules again.
This can happen because of random thermal motion, or collisions with protons from the solar wind.
In both cases, the lightest molecules will get the highest speeds and will be far more likely to escape.
  • #4
so there's gas in orbit around earth?
  • #5
Escape velocity is dependent on mass. Gas molecules have very little mass so they require very little escape velocity.

Though, there's probably other factors for gas molecules because of their small inertia. A small inertia means even the smallest forces will push you around.
  • #6
Pythagorean said:
Escape velocity is dependent on mass. Gas molecules have very little mass so they require very little escape velocity.

Though, there's probably other factors for gas molecules because of their small inertia. A small inertia means even the smallest forces will push you around.

It doesn't. See for example here:
You can see that there is one value for a given planet.

The velocity of the gas molecules, for a given temperature, depends on the mass of the molecule.
Lighter molecules like hydrogen have a higher average speed than heavier molecules, for a given temperature. So it's more likely for them to have speeds above the escape velocity.
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  • #7
how do you do the red highlighting? that would be really useful. also, I agree. the lighter molecules will be bouncing around a lot more, so are more likely to reach escape velocity, but the escape velocity for them is not less than it is for heavier molecules.
  • #8
BruceW said:
how do you do the red highlighting? that would be really useful.
Just change the colour.
  • #9
I was trying to find the tags, but I found them now. to do this write \[color="red"\]to do this\[/color\]

I've just put \ before every [ or ] so that it doesn't actually do the tags, and you can see what it is.

p.s. thanks for the hint "change the colour". I went on the advance reply, and used the "colors" button, and it showed me the tags.
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  • #10
Pythagorean said:
Escape velocity is dependent on mass. Gas molecules have very little mass so they require very little escape velocity.

Escape velocity is ##v^2 = G(M+m)/r##. When m is 50 orders of magnitude smaller than M (e.g., the mass of a molecule versus the mass of a planet), it is quite safe to approximate this as ##v^2 = GM/r## . In other words, the escape velocity of a molecule of gas is independent of the mass of the molecule.

The primary reason lighter molecules and atoms tend to escape is temperature. The kinetic energy of a gas is proportional to temperature, and this energy is more or less equally partitioned amongst the individual components of the gas. In a gas comprising multiple kinds of molecules, the less massive components will have a larger velocity than the more massive components.

The composition of the gases in the atmosphere is pretty much independent of altitude in the lower parts of the atmosphere (water vapor excluded, for obvious reasons). The very short mean free path (average distance a gas molecule travels between collisions with other molecules) in the lower atmosphere means that this part of the atmosphere is very well-mixed. This is no longer true in the upper atmosphere. Here the mean free path is very long, longer than one orbit in the uppermost reaches of the atmosphere. Coupling that long mean free path with the velocity distribution means the uppermost reaches of the atmosphere is predominantly made up of very light components.
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  • #11
There is a constant stream of lost gas molecules from any atmosphere. The actual rate of loss depends upon the temperature, the planet's mass and how near the planet is to the Sun (which can pinch the highest flying molecules).
I think the reason that Mercury and the Moon have lost most of their atmospheres is due to their particular temperatures and masses of their nearest neighbour.

Otoh, there is a steady stream of stuff reaching every planet in the form the material it sweeps through in its orbit and from the Sun etc.
  • #12
BruceW said:
how do you do the red highlighting?
It looks that it was answered already, change the color.
I select the text and then click on the list associated with the "A" with a bar underneath to change the color. It's next to the "Sizes" list.
  • #13
BruceW said:
how do you do the ...
To find out how someone does something on a message boat, press quote on his post, and you see his tags.
  • #14
FGS, what's a "message boat"?
I am so out of touch. (I only learned how to use Spotify today).
  • #15
acesuv said:
so there's gas in orbit around earth?

Its called the atmosphere.
  • #16
Devils said:
Its called the atmosphere.

No, the atmosphere is not in orbit around the Earth any more so than the ocean is.

I guess it's possible for some molecules to be actually in orbit, e.g. a particle near escape velocity gets a kick from a cosmic ray in just the right direction to put it into orbit. Or rocket exhaust. But how many and for how long, I don't know.
  • #17
If gasses escapes Earth, then how do they reach escape velocity?

Temperature is only an indication of the average velocity of gas molecules. Some will be a lot faster than average and some will be fast enough to escape...


FAQ: If gasses escapes Earth, then how do they reach escape velocity?

1. How is escape velocity calculated?

Escape velocity is calculated using the formula ve = √(2GM/r), where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the planet, and r is the distance from the center of the planet to the object.

2. Can gas molecules reach escape velocity?

Yes, gas molecules can reach escape velocity if they have enough energy and are able to overcome the gravitational pull of the planet. This is often seen in the form of atmospheric escape, where lighter gases such as hydrogen and helium are able to escape from the Earth's atmosphere into space.

3. What factors affect the escape velocity of a planet?

The main factors that affect the escape velocity of a planet are its mass and radius. Planets with a larger mass and smaller radius will have a higher escape velocity, making it more difficult for objects to escape its gravitational pull.

4. How does Earth's atmosphere prevent gases from reaching escape velocity?

The Earth's atmosphere is composed of different layers with varying densities. As gas molecules move upwards, they collide with other molecules and lose energy, making it difficult for them to reach escape velocity. Additionally, the Earth's gravity is constantly pulling on these molecules, making it hard for them to escape into space.

5. What happens to gas molecules that reach escape velocity?

Gas molecules that reach escape velocity will continue to travel at a high speed and may eventually escape the planet's gravitational pull and enter space. However, they can also be pulled back by the planet's gravity or be affected by other forces such as solar wind and magnetic fields.
