What aspects of our everyday reality can be considered illusions?

  • Thread starter PIT2
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In summary, the conversation discusses the idea that our everyday reality may be an illusion, with specific examples such as time and motion being mentioned. The participants also question what substance things are made of and whether or not color and sensation truly exist outside of the observer. Some suggest that consciousness may be the underlying substance of our physical reality, while others believe our finite minds are not capable of understanding the true nature of the universe. The conversation ends with the idea that we use our physical experience to learn and manipulate energy, and that ultimately everything is energy.
  • #1
What parts of our so called everyday reality do u suspect are illusions?

Now i know some of u may say 'everything is', but id like to keep it a bit more specific here.

For example, one might say 'time' or 'motion' or whatever.
Also id like to know why u suspect it is an illusion and if there are any scientific, logical or other indications that this might be the case.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I come from the perspective that our physical reality is a valid illusion. This reality is to the broader reality what our dreams are to this reality.

Motion can be said to be an illusion in so far as we might be focused in this reality in a very quick stop frame sequence. Meaning that our consciousness visits many dimensions in nano-seconds or less. In each revisit to this reality there is a minor change creating the illusion of time or motion.

On the broader level this is necessary so that we can experience physical reality with a physical body. This experience expands our awareness so that we may become__________(fill in your word).

olde drunk
  • #3
I think the physical reality is an illusion yes. It appears to us that there is some kind of substance out of which everything is made (quarks, strings, energy) but i suspect that there is no substance, at least not a physical one.
  • #4

can you please describe why you thinl the physical reality is an illusion and why u don't think 'things' aren't made out of a physical substance? what substance can it be?
  • #5
The illusions of life

PIT2 said:
What parts of our so called everyday reality do u suspect are illusions?

Now i know some of u may say 'everything is', but id like to keep it a bit more specific here.

For example, one might say 'time' or 'motion' or whatever.
Also id like to know why u suspect it is an illusion and if there are any scientific, logical or other indications that this might be the case.

Yes you are correct. The Hindus call our everyday experience "maya"(illusion) Our eyes only receive a very small sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum. Our hearing only receives a small portion of the available frequencies. We cannot perceive the subatomic world and what lies in the vacuum of space we do not yet know. Even though we have scientific instruments to help extend our senses, much of the universe remains a mystery.
  • #6
i concur with RAD4921. i believe that we are limited in experiencing "reality" because of our sences. our sences are just tools to emerge us in the world, to allow us to be aware of it around us, and maybe we are too acoustomed to it that we don't think about what it is that we are receiving through sight. most say blue is a color, but less question why we perceive blue as such. and maybe there is no "blue", but it is just a representation of certian light frequencies upon an object.
  • #7
I have also wondered how it is that we perceive "color" and "sound", and feel "heat and cold", and "pain and pleasure". I would say that "color" does not exist outside of the observer, only electromagnetic vibrations of various frequencies which we interpret
as color. The same idea applies to the other elements of sensation. How is it...? I see the grass and say that it is "green". You see the grass and call it "green". We both learned to call that "color" that we experienced by the same name, but is my "green" the same as your "green". Really makes me wonder! ...?
"The cosmic religious experience
is the strongest and noblest driving force
behind scientific work." [Albert Einstein]
  • #8
Rasine said:

can you please describe why you thinl the physical reality is an illusion and why u don't think 'things' aren't made out of a physical substance? what substance can it be?

Well apparently, matter consists of energy. But what energy is, no one has a clue.

Even if u try to imagine it urself, u will reach a paradox. Imagine the smallest possible thing that matter is made of. Then zoom in on that and look what that is made of. U can zoom in till the end of times.

Personally i suspect the substance to be consciousness.
  • #9
the smallest things

PIT2 said:
Well apparently, matter consists of energy. But what energy is, no one has a clue.

Even if u try to imagine it urself, u will reach a paradox. Imagine the smallest possible thing that matter is made of. Then zoom in on that and look what that is made of. U can zoom in till the end of times.

Personally i suspect the substance to be consciousness.
I have to agree about consciousness. When I try to imagine the smallest things, I see what we call "commands" as having to be that. It is much easier for me to believe that the existence of "things" is dependant upon "consciousness" rather than the opposite.
  • #10
but is my "green" the same as your "green". Really makes me wonder! ...?

For your information, this is called by philosophers "the inverted spectrum problem".
  • #11
I think our finite minds are not couped well to understand such things, specially when it comes understanding how bizarre nature is. Questions that I'm used to think are "What is all this universe? what is it doing here? Is it really here?". And there you come to deep thoughts you can't get out of. And the universe just sits there laughing at you, knowing you're not going to understand it. It's almost freaky!

  • #12
The human brain can't understand because, if it did, it would ruin the value of being physical. We enter this world to experience being physical and yet, our unconscious mind knows that there is a broader reality.

Personally, I suspect we use the physical experience to learn how to use, manipulate and control our energy. After all is said and done, we and everything is energy. Is it a consciousness? A soul? A mind? A matrix? Take your pick. Whatever works for you will take you where you want to be.

olde drunk
  • #13
More Information Pls

Crosson said:
For your information, this is called by philosophers "the inverted spectrum problem".

Imagine my surprise when i stumbled upon these words, i have discussed the same subject with a friend of mine, when i was in high school, but never thought it even had been considered by phylosophy, would appreciate any information on the "inverted spectrum problem"
  • #14
I honestly think the majority of illusions in our lives are human constructs, not mis- or limited perceptions of the physical world. For example, ugliness is a mostly arbitrary concept, yet much of the worlds we live in are ugly, and that is what we see. IOW, our own psychology gives us enough illusions that we can give Bohr and friends the night off without too much trouble.


The Rev
  • #15
RAD4921 said:
Yes you are correct. The Hindus call our everyday experience "maya"(illusion) Our eyes only receive a very small sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum. Our hearing only receives a small portion of the available frequencies. We cannot perceive the subatomic world and what lies in the vacuum of space we do not yet know. Even though we have scientific instruments to help extend our senses, much of the universe remains a mystery.

Partial information is not illusion.
  • #16
jrlogan said:
It is much easier for me to believe that the existence of "things" is dependant upon "consciousness" rather than the opposite.

So whose consciousness did things in the early universe depend on ?
  • #17
Tournesol said:
So whose consciousness did things in the early universe depend on ?

That would be some kind of universal consciousness then :smile:

Does anyone think consciousness itself is (or can be) an illusion?
  • #18
PIT2 said:
What parts of our so called everyday reality do u suspect are illusions?

Now i know some of u may say 'everything is', but id like to keep it a bit more specific here.

For example, one might say 'time' or 'motion' or whatever.
Also id like to know why u suspect it is an illusion and if there are any scientific, logical or other indications that this might be the case.

Time is an illusion. Created only by humans so that we may understand why things come to pass. For instance, we die because of free radicals attacking the body and causing what we call, ageing. Not because of time that has past.
  • #19
PIT2 said:
That would be some kind of universal consciousness then :smile:

Does anyone think consciousness itself is (or can be) an illusion?

It can't because you need consc. ITFP in order to be subject to illusions.
  • #20
Magg$ said:
Time is an illusion. Created only by humans so that we may understand why things come to pass. For instance, we die because of free radicals attacking the body and causing what we call, ageing. Not because of time that has past.

moreover, you live inside a stack of bricks, not a so-called "house"
  • #21
Tournesol said:
It can't because you need consc. ITFP in order to be subject to illusions.

Good point.

FAQ: What aspects of our everyday reality can be considered illusions?

What are visual illusions and how do they occur?

Visual illusions are misleading perceptions of reality that are created by our brain. They occur when our brain tries to interpret and make sense of the sensory information it receives, but due to various factors such as lighting, context, and past experiences, it can create an inaccurate perception of what we see.

Why do we experience illusions in our everyday life?

We experience illusions in our everyday life because our brains are constantly trying to make sense of the world around us. Our brains use shortcuts and assumptions to quickly interpret incoming sensory information, which can sometimes lead to incorrect perceptions. Additionally, illusions can also be intentionally created for entertainment purposes.

How do illusions affect our perception of reality?

Illusions can greatly affect our perception of reality, as they can make us see things that are not actually there or perceive things differently than they actually are. They can also challenge our understanding of how we perceive the world and remind us that our perceptions can be influenced by external factors.

Are there different types of illusions?

Yes, there are many different types of illusions, including visual illusions, auditory illusions, and cognitive illusions. Visual illusions are the most common and involve misleading perceptions of what we see. Auditory illusions, on the other hand, involve misleading perceptions of what we hear. Cognitive illusions are illusions that occur in our thought processes and can affect our decision making and problem solving abilities.

Can illusions be used for practical purposes?

Yes, illusions can be used for practical purposes, such as in the field of psychology to study perception and cognition. They can also be used in design and advertising to grab people's attention and create memorable experiences. Additionally, illusions can also be used for entertainment purposes, such as in magic shows and optical illusions.
