Do Probabilities Always Approach Extremes at Infinity?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of probabilities decreasing to 0 or increasing to 1 as time approaches infinity. Examples are given, such as the probability of Earth surviving or being hit by an asteroid, and the probability of getting certain outcomes in a game of chance. The conversation also clarifies the difference between "and" and "or" statements and how they affect probability calculations.
  • #1
Gelsamel Epsilon
Is it just me or do all high probabilities dwindle to nothing as time approaches infinity and all small probabilities increase to 1 as time approaches infinity?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Have any examples?
  • #3
Your question is vague but here's a kind of counter exemple:

Each of N girls have a ball with a number on it (1 to N). They all throw their ball in an urn and take one at random. What is the probability that no girl take her own ball? Intuitively, it would seem that as N goes to infinity, the probability that NO girl ever taker her ball is zero. But this probability goes to 1/e as N-->oo, while it is quite large for small N.

This probability is not time dependant, but is this kind of what you were talking about?
  • #4
Gelsamel Epsilon said:
Is it just me or do all high probabilities dwindle to nothing as time approaches infinity and all small probabilities increase to 1 as time approaches infinity?

It is you (unless you deign to tell us in what way you think *all* probabilities are in any way dependent on time,since most of them are not: the probabiliy I get deal a straight flush in poker is in no way time dependent, for example.)
  • #5
Mmm well the examples I thought of were like, the probability that Earth is here tomorrow when I wake up. I'd say that is extremely close to 100%, but as time tends towards infinity the chance the Earth still exists dwindles to nothing. Similarly the chance that an asteroid hits Earth and destroys it in the next 2 seconds is so close to 0 it isn't funny, but as time tends towards infinity it is certain that Earth will be hit by an asteroid (assuming Earth is there that long).

And if you were playing poker for an infinite amount of years the chance that you get a royal flush is low when you first start playing but by the time that time reaches infinity you're almost certain to have gotten a royal flush by then.
  • #6
1. don't confuse and with or (the Earth surviving tomorrow, and the next day and the next day.. versus being hit by a meteor tomorrow or the next day or the day after that...)

2. and don't say 'when time reaches infinity'
  • #7
matt grime said:
1. don't confuse and with or (the Earth surviving tomorrow, and the next day and the next day.. versus being hit by a meteor tomorrow or the next day or the day after that...)

2. and don't say 'when time reaches infinity'

I don't get anything from this, it just sounds like semantics.
  • #8
Since you got the semantics wrong, why not start with explaining the semantics of it?

1. You're comparing apples and oranges: one is an 'and' the other an 'or' statement. There is a difference between asking X and Y and Z happen, and asking that X or Y or Z happen and has nothing to do with the probabilities of X, Y, or Z being large or small (relatively).2. Don't say when time reaches infinity.
  • #9
Say you roll a die a 1000 times. The probability of getting 3 every time is (1/6)^1000, which is very small. This is the probability of getting a 3 and a 3 and a 3, and so on. On the other hand, the probability of getting no 3's is (5/6)^1000, which is also very small. Then the chance of getting a 3 at least once is just the 1 minus the chance of never getting a 3, which is 1-(5/6)^1000, and which is very close to 1. This is the probability of getting a 3 or a 3 or a 3, and so on. Do you understand this difference? Note also that you can replace 1/6 by any probability between 0 and 1 and you'll get the same result, ie, that the chance of something happening every time for a large number of times is very small, while the chance of it happening at least once out of a large number of times is very close to 1.
  • #10
Ok I see, thanks for explaining that, I hate probability, the only math I don't really like.

FAQ: Do Probabilities Always Approach Extremes at Infinity?

1. What is infinity?

Infinity is a concept that represents something that has no limits or boundaries. It is often used in mathematics and philosophy to describe something that is endless or never-ending.

2. Can infinity be measured or calculated?

No, infinity cannot be measured or calculated because it is a concept, not a numerical value. It is often represented by the symbol ∞.

3. How are probabilities related to infinity?

Infinity and probabilities are closely related because probabilities are used to describe the likelihood or chance of an event occurring, and infinity represents the possibility of an endless number of outcomes.

4. Are there different types of infinity?

Yes, there are different types of infinity. In mathematics, there is countable infinity and uncountable infinity. Countable infinity refers to a set of numbers that can be counted, while uncountable infinity refers to a set of numbers that cannot be counted, such as all the real numbers between 0 and 1.

5. How is infinity used in the real world?

Infinity is used in the real world in various fields, such as physics, astronomy, and computer science. It is used to describe concepts like space, time, and infinite series. In computing, infinity is used to represent values that are too large or small to be stored in a computer's memory.

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