Initial conditions for stability

In summary, the general solution for the given equations is x=4C1e^2t, y=C1e^2t-3C2e^-2t. To find a set of initial conditions (x0, y0) for which the solution is stable, the constants C1 and C2 need to be such that x and y do not go to infinity as t gets large. This can be solved by setting up the solution and finding the values of x(0) and y(0). The only unstable part of the general solution is e^-2t.
  • #1
The general solution fo the following equations:


Is, x=4C1e^2t, y=C1e^2t-3C2e^-2t

They ask for me to list a set of initial conditions (xo, yo) for which the solution is stable, i.e, (x, y)-->(0,0) for large t.

I don't understand this part of the problem.
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  • #2
Basically, for what constants C1 and C2 do x and y go to infinity as t gets large? From that, solve for what x(0) and y(0) can be
  • #3
Ok, I understand that for the general solution, the only unstable part of it is e^-2t. What does the setup of the solution look like?