Inverse of a multivalued function

In summary, the conversation discusses the invertibility of multivalued functions, specifically using the example of y=x^2. It is mentioned that for an inverse to exist, the domain must be restricted to (0,+infty) and that the point 0 presents a problem as it is a multiset with a double zero. The concept of a "branch point" is also brought up, and there is a discussion about whether the inverse exists at the point (0). Ultimately, it is clarified that the concept of repeated roots is more appropriate in this context and the fundamental theorem of algebra is mentioned.
  • #1
Hi, just a quick question concerning the invertibility of multivalued functions. Specifically, I am looking at


as a simple example. So for an inverse to exist we have to restrict the domain to (0,+infty) right (doesnt matter which branch I am taking, so Ill take this one.)

Now my problem is the point 0, because the point (0) is actually a multiset. For


there is a double zero. So formally speaking the mapping of the origin is (0,0) -> (0). Is this correct? Because if it is, then this implies that the point y=0 has no inverse, regardless of our choice of branch, because there is no bijection at this point.

That is my query. The point (0) is a branch point isn't it? So I am thinking that the inverse doesn't exist here. Is this correct? I've looked online and many sources say that if you restrict the domain to [0,+infty) you get an acceptable inverse, but I think it should be (0,+infty).

Any help that anyone could give would be excellent. I am not being pedantic, this is important for what I am doing. Also sorry if some of my maths definitions are ambiguous; I am a physicist not a mathematician!

Thank you,

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  • #2
Joey_Joe_Jojo said:
Hi, just a quick question concerning the invertibility of multivalued functions. Specifically, I am looking at


as a simple example. So for an inverse to exist we have to restrict the domain to (0,+infty) right (doesnt matter which branch I am taking, so Ill take this one.)

Now my problem is the point 0, because the point (0) is actually a multiset. For


there is a double zero. So formally speaking the mapping of the origin is (0,0) -> (0). Is this correct? Because if it is, then this implies that the point y=0 has no inverse, regardless of our choice of branch, because there is no bijection at this point.
I think you have it backwards. For any y> 0 there exist two different values of x such that x2= y. That's why you have to select a "branch" in order to have an inverse. But there is only one x such that x2= 0. In this sense, 0 is "better behaved" than other values of x. It's not at all clear to me what you mean by (0,0)-> 0. Would you mean by that notation (-2,2)-> 4?

That is my query. The point (0) is a branch point isn't it? So I am thinking that the inverse doesn't exist here. Is this correct? I've looked online and many sources say that if you restrict the domain to [0,+infty) you get an acceptable inverse, but I think it should be (0,+infty).
Again, that's backwards. 0 is better behaved than other points which is why we can choose either [0 +infty) or (-infty, 0].

Any help that anyone could give would be excellent. I am not being pedantic, this is important for what I am doing. Also sorry if some of my maths definitions are ambiguous; I am a physicist not a mathematician!

Thank you,

  • #3
yes sorry. By my horrible notation I meant (for example) (-2,2) -> 4. So if we take (0,+infty) then we have only (2) -> 4 (a bijection) from the domain.

But if we keep x=0, we still have (0,0) -> (0) don't we? Its still a double zero, so there is no bijective map from x=0 to its image y=0. I don't think I've got it the wrong way round have I?

My think my point is that for a quadratic there are always exactly two solutions. We have removed all of the negative solutions by choosing [0,+infty) as the domain, but there are still two solutions corresponding to y=0, which are x=(0,0).

  • #4
Stating that there are exactly two solutions is a nice way to make the fundamental theorem of algebra work; the degree of the polynomial is equal to the number of roots (real or complex.)

However, is x=0 different from x=0?

Think of a function as a machine that turns one number into another number. In the case of f(x) = x^2, that machine would turn an input of -2 into an output of 4, and an input of 2 into an output of 4.

An inverse function is a math machine that undoes what the original machine does. So, if I take the output of the function machine and put it into the inverse function machine, I should be back to what I started with. However, as you realize, such a machine can't exist if there were two *different* values of x that gave the same value of y. If I were to put 4 into the inverse machine, it wouldn't know whether the original input in the function machine was a 2 or a -2. That is why you restrict the original domain of the function (range of the inverse function.) However, in the case of putting 0 into the inverse function, you seem to be claiming that it could have come from two *different* x-values. 0 and 0. Are you sure they're different?

I like your rigorous way of thinking though. Sometimes I warn students in other courses that they're over-thinking a problem. That's not necessarily a bad thing to do. How about if we call it a repeated root. The noun-marker "a" meaning one value.
  • #5
Drpizza is right. I think you are getting confused by terminology.

A function is just a relation between two sets (i.e. a rule for converting an element in one set to an element in the other set). Functions in that sense don't have roots: equations have roots.

Any polynomial P(x) has a unique factorization into linear factors (the fundamental theorem of algebra). If n of the factors are identical, then the equation P(x) = 0 can be said to have n repeated roots. Note the the roots belong to the equation P(x)=0, not to the function P(x).

If you have any differentiable function f(x) (not necessarily a polynomial) and there is a value of x=X where f(X) = 0 and f'(X) = 0, then one can say the equation f(x) = 0 has a repeated root, in the sense that a power series expansion of f(x) would be of the form f(x) = (x-X)^2.g(x) for some function g(x).

But, multiple roots have nothing to do with the existence of the inverse of a function. Consider f(x) = x^3. That has an inverse defined for all real numbers exactly the same as the function f(x) = x, even though the equation x^3 = 0 has (in the above sense) a triple root.

The function x^2 is invertible on the domain x > 0 and also on the domain x >= 0. There is only one element of the set of real numbers called "zero", not two.
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  • #6

ok, thanks for the responses. It turns out that my particular function is not invertible for an entirely different reason. However thank you all.

I was confused because I started with the domain (-infty,+infty), and 'removed' (-infty,0), i.e. an open interval at 0. So I was thinking of the two zeros as x=epsilon, x=-epsilon, and taking epsilon -> 0. I thought that since the two zero solutions arose from the limits of two different objects in the domain, +epsilon and -epsilon, it might mean that they are distinct. But I guess I was wrong (right?).

One last question concerning the matter then. Is x= -epsilon in the domain in the limit epsilon -> 0? I think it is since we are removing (-infty,0) as opposed to (-infty,0].

Thank you,


FAQ: Inverse of a multivalued function

1. What is the inverse of a multivalued function?

The inverse of a multivalued function is a function that "undoes" the original multivalued function. It maps the output values of the original function back to their corresponding input values.

2. How is the inverse of a multivalued function different from a regular inverse function?

A regular inverse function has a one-to-one mapping between input and output values, while a multivalued function can have multiple input values that correspond to the same output value. This makes the inverse of a multivalued function more complex and often requires the use of set theory.

3. Why is it important to find the inverse of a multivalued function?

Finding the inverse of a multivalued function can be useful in solving equations involving the function, as well as understanding the behavior of the function. It can also be used in optimization problems and in finding the roots of a function.

4. How do you find the inverse of a multivalued function?

To find the inverse of a multivalued function, you must first restrict the domain of the original function to make it one-to-one. Then, you can use the traditional methods for finding the inverse of a regular function, such as switching the input and output variables and solving for the new output variable.

5. Can every multivalued function have an inverse?

No, not every multivalued function has an inverse. The function must first be one-to-one and onto (also known as bijective) in order to have an inverse. Otherwise, the inverse may not exist or may not be a function.

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