Explore Irrational Exponents: {e^(2ki)|k=intiger}

In summary, the set {e^(2ki)|k=intiger} can be thought of as 1^(1/pi) values of 1. There are a countable infinity of them, and they are dense on the complex unit circle.
  • #1
I am playing around with the set {e^(2ki)|k=intiger}. all of these numbers when raised to the pi power give one (at least as one possible value). In other words, they can all be thought of as values of 1^(1/pi). There are a countable infinity of them, and I believe that these numbers are dense on the complex unit circle, but I am having a hard time thinking of how, even to begin, to show that. any thoughts on that, or this set in general?
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  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi eczeno! welcome to pf! :smile:

(have a pi: π and try using the X2 icon just above the Reply box :wink:)

one way would be to assume that they aren't dense, so there's an interval which has none of them, and to prove that that's impossible :wink:
  • #3
hi tim,

thanks for the reply.

that is an idea i have considered. it is probably a good way to go, but i guess my real problem is trying to state an assumption like that in a rigorous way. the way i have presented the set above is a bit of a cheat. for all values of k where |k|>1 the argument lies outside of the interval (-pi,pi]. any attempt to restrict the domain introduces a discontinuity somewhere on the circle and i don't know how to talk about density on an interval that contains a discontinuity.

well, if nothing else, the problem has become a littler clearer to me.
  • #4
Hint: [tex]\mathbb{Z}+2\pi \mathbb{Z}[/tex] is dense in [tex]\mathbb{R}[/tex].
  • #5

thanks landau. if i am understanding you correctly my conjecture is equivalent to:

2Z+2piZ is dense in the reals and so it is dense in any subset of the reals, such as (-pi,pi].

now all i have to do is prove your hint is true :smile: .
  • #6
Proving my hint is the most work. Once you've done that, use the homeomorphism
[tex]\mathbb{R}/2\pi \mathbb{Z}\to S^1[/tex]
and the fact that a surjective continuous map sends a dense set to a dense set.

To prove my hint, prove the generalized statement:
[tex]\mathbb{Z}+r\mathbb{Z}[/tex] is dense in [tex]\mathbb{R}[/tex],
where r is any irrational number.
  • #7
thanks again landau. this is exactly the kind of help i was looking for.

FAQ: Explore Irrational Exponents: {e^(2ki)|k=intiger}

1. What is an irrational exponent?

An irrational exponent is an exponent that cannot be expressed as a rational number, meaning it cannot be written as a fraction of two integers. Examples of irrational exponents include numbers like √2, √3, and π.

2. What is the value of e in this equation?

In this equation, e represents Euler's number, which is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828. It is often used as the base for logarithmic and exponential functions.

3. What does the letter i represent in this equation?

In this equation, i represents the imaginary unit, which is equal to the square root of -1. It is commonly used in complex numbers and is essential in understanding irrational exponents.

4. How do you solve an equation with an irrational exponent?

To solve an equation with an irrational exponent, you will need to use a calculator or a mathematical software program. First, rewrite the irrational exponent in terms of its decimal approximation. Then, use the power rule to solve the equation.

5. What is the significance of the integer k in this equation?

The integer k in this equation represents the number of times the irrational exponent is multiplied by itself. It is essential to include this integer to accurately express the value of the exponent and its corresponding complex number.

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