Is astrology an art or a science?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between astronomy and astrology and how they differ as disciplines. It is argued that although they share a common history, they have developed into separate fields with different focuses and methods. Some participants express skepticism towards astrology, considering it a pseudo-science, while others defend its validity. Overall, it is concluded that the observations and findings of astronomy are not invalidated by the beliefs and practices of astrology. A video is also shared that highlights the differences between the two disciplines.
  • #1
I've read in an online article that astronomy, the science as we know it, developed from astrology, which many people today consider as a pseudo-science? Do you think it is fair to believe that astronomy had its roots in astrology? And wouldn't be the astronomy facts, as we know it, become null and void if their foundation rests on pseudo scientific assertions in astrology? Feel free to post your thoughts!
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  • #2
Well, just because people started paying attention to the stars for stupid reasons doesn't mean that astronomy still somehow depends on those superstitions.
  • #3
jhon13 said:
I've read in an online article that astronomy, the science as we know it, developed from astrology, which many people today consider as a pseudo-science? Do you think it is fair to believe that astronomy had its roots in astrology? And wouldn't be the astronomy facts, as we know it, become null and void if their foundation rests on pseudo scientific assertions in astrology? Feel free to post your thoughts!

Astrology is crackpottery pure and simple. The fact that some early observations of astronomical events were misinterpreted in ludicrous ways does not in any way invalidate anything about astronomy as we know it today.
  • #4
I think the following video fits here:

It touches on the difference between astrology and astronomy. Basically, astronomy gives answers on what happens and tries to quantify things. Astrology tries to answer "why" things happen. That astrology fails and is utter crackpottery, doesn't invalidate the observations of astronomy.
  • #5
Astronomy is not rooted in astrology. Both were part of one system of knowledge at one time that was called "astrology". Over time, the study fissioned into the two disciplines we have today, one of which is also called "astrology", but it's not the same astrology as before; nowadays, we basically put everything that's falsifiable and mechanistic in the astronomy category.

So what happened is that the semantics changed with the fissure, so astrology doesn't mean the same thing anymore; it now just means all the crap we cut away from astronomy.
  • #6
astronomy and astrology both take measurements from the sky and made predictions from them but at some point in the past they parted ways. It was easy for ancient man to believe that the heavens affected life on Earth considering the moon's clockwork relationship to the tides and to then further extend it to a persons destiny.

They differ in that the astrologer believes that planetary movements affect your destiny and has developed a cookbook of interpretations to reference that was at best anecdotal ie make a reading of someone, characterize their destiny and then extend it to others born on the same day but with slight variation in planetary positions.

The astronomer in contrast is trying to understand the relationship of the moving planetary bodies with each other and trying to come up with a physical model to predict their motion.

I loved the scene in the I Claudius series where the court astrologer kept getting Tiberius's destiny wrong while Tiberius was in exile. He comes back one day from a walk to see Tiberius sitting at his table going over the charts. When the astrologer asked what he was doing, Tiberius replied: "I'm going over your chart Astrologer and its not looking very good. I want to see what will befall you should the next messenger from Rome not bring good tidings." The scene ends with the messenger bringing word that Tiberius is to return to Rome at Augustus' request. They both laugh, the astrologer more nervously as he dodged an arrow (hey didn't have bullets back then).
  • #7
People who don't believe in astrology are ill, they should take homeopathic treatment. (Sarcasm)
  • #8
jhon13 said:
I've read in an online article that astronomy, the science as we know it, developed from astrology
Even if this were true it would not matter. Alchemy is often credited with being a pre-cursor to modern chemistry. Does that make your aspirin invalid?
jhon13 said:
which many people today consider as a pseudo-science?
Yes it is. "Science" is a method for using empiricism to build predictive models about the world that can be tested. We use these models for building technology. A pseudo-science adopts the vaneer of science in some way but does not actually use the method, instead using a plethora of fallacies to support itself.
jhon13 said:
And wouldn't be the astronomy facts, as we know it, become null and void if their foundation rests on pseudo scientific assertions in astrology?
There is a world of difference between historically rooted in the same field and building your field on a series of premises. Astronomy and astrology are only linked because they involve looking out into the sky. Nothing more.
  • #9
micromass said:
I think the following video fits here:

It touches on the difference between astrology and astronomy. Basically, astronomy gives answers on what happens and tries to quantify things. Astrology tries to answer "why" things happen. That astrology fails and is utter crackpottery, doesn't invalidate the observations of astronomy.

The guy in that clip makes a fool of himself though in the first 3 or 4 words. "The Mayan Indians", he says? Wrong continent buddy.
  • #10
jreelawg said:
The guy in that clip makes a fool of himself though in the first 3 or 4 words. "The Mayan Indians", he says? Wrong continent buddy.
Richard Feynman is a fool? Pahahahaha :smile: Do you not know who he is? Did you not listen to the whole video?

Historically the phrase "Mayan Indian" was used but probably fell out of fashion around the same time as calling Native American's Indians did. The fact that an old man in an old video used an old term that does not match your modern day terminology does not make him a fool.
  • #11
Ryan_m_b said:
Richard Feynman is a fool? Pahahahaha :smile: Do you not know who he is? Did you not listen to the whole video?

Historically the phrase "Mayan Indian" was used but probably fell out of fashion around the same time as calling Native American's Indians did. The fact that an old man in an old video used an old term that does not match your modern day terminology does not make him a fool.

It was a joke, although I do think that it's ridiculous to say Mayan Indians, unless your talking about Mayan Indians.
  • #12
One of the most interesting factoids I've happened across is that it was part of Galileo's teaching duties to teach astrology, and, in his capacity as a learned man in this field, to cast horoscopes for the local Nobles and wealthy people. There is no indication he balked at this. Apparently he took it in stride. I would guess that's because it got him access to movers and shakers in the area. It allowed him to become friendly with important people.

The split between astrology and astronomy, though, must have become definite due to him. The Starry Messenger upset everyone's concept of the heavens.
  • #13
Both astrology and astronomy are very interesting fields of study. If you can carry out an experiment based on measurable factors and come to logical conclusions based on that experiment, its a science.
  • #14
eeMath said:
Both astrology and astronomy are very interesting fields of study. If you can carry out an experiment based on measurable factors and come to logical conclusions based on that experiment, its a science.

Well, that's a bit overly-simple and in any case, astrology does not DO that.

FAQ: Is astrology an art or a science?

1. What is the definition of astrology?

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.

2. Is astrology considered an art or a science?

The answer to this question is debated among experts. Some consider astrology to be a form of art, as it involves interpreting symbols and using intuition. Others argue that astrology follows certain scientific principles and can be studied and tested.

3. What are the main differences between art and science?

The main difference between art and science is their approach to understanding the world. Science relies on the use of evidence, experimentation, and logic to explain phenomena, while art often relies on creativity, imagination, and emotional expression.

4. How do astrologers make predictions?

Astrologers use a variety of techniques to make predictions, including analyzing birth charts, studying planetary movements, and interpreting astrological symbols. However, the accuracy of these predictions is often debated and not scientifically proven.

5. Is there any scientific evidence supporting astrology?

At this time, there is no scientific evidence that supports the validity of astrology. While some studies have shown some correlations between astrological signs and personality traits, these findings are not considered scientifically significant. Astrology remains a controversial topic in the scientific community.
