Is calculus helpful in understanding physics

In summary, calculus is a fundamental tool in understanding physics and is necessary to solve more complicated problems. It is often removed from high school physics courses to avoid turning it into a math class, but it is crucial for anyone pursuing a degree in physics.
  • #1
Im taking algebra based physics and i am having a hard time trying to understand some concepts or equations and i heard that calculus is very helpful
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  • #2
What don't you understand for example?
  • #3
micromass said:
what don't you understand

I don't really understand how some equations were created or why they work
  • #4
You really need to be a lot more detailed.
  • #5
What do you expect as an answer? Whether calculus is helpful in physics? Yes.
  • #6
Calculus is more than helpful, is needed, one of the most basic physics equations that are seen in school come from derivation, such as V=Vo+a*t is a derived equation from
X=Xo+Vo*t +1/2*a*t^2.
Calculus works at a more fundamental level than the equations stated above, for every kind of classical motion, it is true that the acceleration is the derivative of the velocity, and the double derivative of the position, so it let's you solve more complicated problems, such as modelling air resistance problems for a falling object.
But everything is taught in due time, most (if not all) high-schools "rip" calculus out of physics so it doesn't become a math course, they give you a set of equation to work with in very specific cases, and you work them out as you go.
After this quite extensive answer, yes, calculus is used in every branch of physics, and if you are planning to get a degree in physics, it will be taught in university.
  • #7
potato123 said:
Im taking algebra based physics and i am having a hard time trying to understand some concepts or equations and i heard that calculus is very helpful

As has been stated already, I will repeat the clear and unambigous answer to your question in the topic: Calculus is NECESSARY (not just "helpful) in understanding physics.

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FAQ: Is calculus helpful in understanding physics

1. Is calculus necessary for understanding physics?

Yes, calculus is necessary for understanding physics. Calculus is the mathematical language used to describe the fundamental laws and principles of physics. Without an understanding of calculus, it would be difficult to fully comprehend the mathematical models and equations used in physics.

2. How is calculus used in physics?

Calculus is used in physics to describe how quantities change over time or space. This includes concepts such as velocity, acceleration, and force, which are all described using calculus. Additionally, calculus is used to solve complex equations and problems in various areas of physics, from mechanics to electromagnetism.

3. Can you understand physics without knowing calculus?

While it is possible to have a basic understanding of physics without knowing calculus, it would be difficult to fully grasp the underlying concepts and principles. Without calculus, it would be challenging to fully understand the relationships between variables and the mathematical models used to describe physical phenomena.

4. How does calculus help in understanding the laws of motion?

Calculus helps in understanding the laws of motion by providing a way to describe the motion of objects in terms of changing variables, such as position, velocity, and acceleration. This allows us to accurately predict the behavior of objects and systems in motion, and to understand the underlying principles and laws that govern them.

5. Is it beneficial to learn calculus before studying physics?

Yes, it is beneficial to learn calculus before studying physics. Understanding calculus is crucial for understanding the mathematical concepts and equations used in physics. Additionally, learning calculus can help build the necessary problem-solving skills that are essential for success in physics and other scientific fields.

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