- #1
Common sense seems to be the platitiudes, half truths and old wives' tales that we inherit from our parents and surroundings, stuff like "life is fair", "work hard and you can be anything you want". "dream big and you'll be rewarded big", etc. etc. While there might be a minute grain of truth in such common sense, there is also a whole load of unsubstantitiated nonsense.
Some so-called common sense is merely thinly disguised prejudice, such as that certain groups of people are more intelligent/beautiful/harder working than other groups.
When someone says that something is common sense, I am immediately suspicious. I think that the person is about to lie, speak nonsense or be extreme.
How do you feel about commmon sense? Is it good sense at all?
Some so-called common sense is merely thinly disguised prejudice, such as that certain groups of people are more intelligent/beautiful/harder working than other groups.
When someone says that something is common sense, I am immediately suspicious. I think that the person is about to lie, speak nonsense or be extreme.
How do you feel about commmon sense? Is it good sense at all?