Is it too late to learn advanced physics at 27 years old?

  • Thread starter rockstar24
  • Start date
In summary, the individual is a 27-year-old who used to love physics but became lazy due to personal issues. They now want to re-educate themselves in physics, preferably through online sources. They are not interested in obtaining a degree, but rather gaining a broader understanding of physics. They are from Greece and are hesitant to take classes due to their age and work schedule. Suggestions were given for online resources and encouragement was given to pursue their passion regardless of age.
  • #1
When i was young (i am 27yrs old) physics was my favourite lesson.
Even though ,i became lazy in my life, stopped reading too much ... (family problems bla bla)
Then a time came when even if i studied the theory i couldn't apply it on solving the problems. While problems on last theories we were teached were ok , problems that had to use many theories i couldn't solve (propably of little reading? or inability to make the right connections?)

Anyway , this is the story so far, now i am a photographer and a musician i discovered pple don't have 1 or 2 talents but many and everywhere as long as u feel like doing it with ur heart.

Now i want to really learn physics and advanced physics ... even if I am 27yrs old

Can u suggest a place to start educating myself ??
(id prefer online sources, buying books isn't going to be eazy atm)

ps:im no stupid or something , i did learn programming on Basic 0.22or 2.22 or something on Commodore64 when i was 8

edit : id like to have a complete re-education starting from the very beginning ... i don't have my school books any more
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  • #2
Wahooooooooo, i am all with this... ok...what are your goals now.. i mean do you want to study physics for yourself or you want the degree as well? is there any specific field in physics that makes your heart beeps faster?
  • #4
I think taking a course would be best, in that way there is a clear cut path in which to go. I do quite a bit of research outside my class but the class itself is the most important place for me. I am still at school, but I am sure there are plenty of courses available. It's never to late to pursie a passion. Good luck!
  • #5
What part of physics are you interested in? Or is it a broad interest int he subject? I personally find it very difficult ot learn from the internet, and prefer learning from a textbook, but that may not suit your interests. What do you mean by starting at the beginning? If you take a course you will learn things related to that subject. My interests are not in any way related to electricity and so my knowledge of how it works in components is very limited, but it doesn't interest me so I am happy with some basic knowledge. What part of the world are you from if you don't mind me asking?
  • #6
that website seems very nice for a start and some planning !

im not really interested in a certain part/course like electricity (which i actually am but not only that), id like to have a broader understanding of physics around us.

also id be very shy taking a course at my age :p lol
i work full-time,etc. i just would like to add it on my free time like some weekends or so.. i have studied genetics through internet last yrs ,but last year its out of my interest.

ps: I am from greece

edit ps2: no I am not interested in any degrees, the knowledge is all id like
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  • #7
Well then this is a good place to start of. Just about any question you ever have related to Physics can be answered here. It's quite nice to have a look round and see something that interests you and then do some further reading, using this site as a way of explaining ideas you do not understand or even helping you expand on what you already know. I've just had a look at the site now and It looks nice, might have a longer look a bit later.

There is a chat room open on the site right now if you want to ask a few questions or maybe get to know a few people. On the main menu you will see ++PF CHAT++ I find it quite nice as you can ask short questions and get quick answers.

Along with the link given above I have found these useful aswell.

This site may not look so nice at first glance but it covers most things, there's also wikipedia which can be great.
  • #8
I've found it's easier to learn physics if you have a good math foundation. It's one thing to understand the theory, but if you can't do the problems you haven't really learned it. So if you haven't done any math for a while, take time to re-learn it.

And no, it's not too late to start!
  • #9
I am taking a class in stochastic processes and there is a fellow in the class who looks 60 and has a full head of white hair. He is also very sharp. 27 is a long way from 60. If 60 is not too old then 27 certainly isn't!
  • #10
Do not be shy... ! what are you thinking about! i am proud of people who i saw that were more than 50 years old and just sturted to study in their interest area! come on..... do what ever you feel like.

i think you can have the time you like just buy going to bookstores and studying the physics book in your spare time.

good luck and have fun!
  • #11
rockstar24 said:
that website seems very nice for a start and some planning !

im not really interested in a certain part/course like electricity (which i actually am but not only that), id like to have a broader understanding of physics around us.

also id be very shy taking a course at my age :p lol
i work full-time,etc. i just would like to add it on my free time like some weekends or so.. i have studied genetics through internet last yrs ,but last year its out of my interest.

ps: I am from greece

edit ps2: no I am not interested in any degrees, the knowledge is all id like

I wouldn't be shy about taking classes at 27 because you're too old. If you're working full time and wind up taking evening classes, you'll probably be one of the youngest in most of your classes.
  • #12
So you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Cool.
  • #13
Prof. Francis Chen is somewhat well known for his work in plasma physics. In the dedication of his second edition of his classic text "Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion", he mentions that his mother finally achieved her PhD at 72 years of age.

So it's never too late to learn, nor to achieve one's goals.
  • #14
It's even more fun to learn stuff when you get older because you can learn something really cool, forget it, then learn it again the next day.
  • #15
tribdog said:
It's even more fun to learn stuff when you get older because you can learn something really cool, forget it, then learn it again the next day.

:smile: It's true. I've read this post 3 times, and I laugh every time! And I don't even have to wait a day!
  • #16
rockstar24 said:
that website seems very nice for a start and some planning !

im not really interested in a certain part/course like electricity (which i actually am but not only that), id like to have a broader understanding of physics around us.

also id be very shy taking a course at my age :p lol
i work full-time,etc. i just would like to add it on my free time like some weekends or so.. i have studied genetics through internet last yrs ,but last year its out of my interest.

ps: I am from greece

edit ps2: no I am not interested in any degrees, the knowledge is all id like

Hello rockstar24
I'm 65 years, and somewhat retired, if plans work out i'll enroll in community college this summer to continue a EE plan, which i started at an earlier date. In the last 8 years i have been in class, and worked alongside people that are younger than my two oldest grandchildren,:smile: I do not find it embarassing at all, but rather amusing, that i know things first hand from use applications, that they are trying to understand from a book, while i try to forget actual use, and put myself in the book.

Never feel shy about learning, and life is too full of oportunities to work very long at things you don't like.:biggrin:

FAQ: Is it too late to learn advanced physics at 27 years old?

1. Is there an age limit for learning?

No, there is no age limit for learning. People of all ages have the ability to learn and acquire new skills and knowledge. While it may be easier to learn certain things at a younger age, there is no limit to learning at any stage of life.

2. Can I learn something completely new at an older age?

Yes, it is possible to learn something completely new at an older age. Our brains have the ability to form new neural connections and adapt to new information, regardless of age. With dedication and effort, anyone can learn something new at any age.

3. How long does it take to learn something new?

The time it takes to learn something new can vary depending on the complexity of the subject and the individual's learning abilities. It also depends on how much time and effort one puts into learning. Some things may be learned quickly, while others may take more time and practice.

4. Can I still be successful if I start learning late?

Yes, it is never too late to start learning and pursuing success. Many successful individuals have started their careers and learned new skills later in life. As long as you are dedicated and motivated, you can achieve success at any age.

5. Are there any benefits to learning at an older age?

Yes, there are many benefits to learning at an older age. It can help keep the brain active and improve cognitive function, as well as provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Learning new things can also open up new opportunities and expand one's knowledge and understanding of the world.
