Is something wrong with my understanding of Liouville's Theorem?

In summary: No, but I should have.In summary, Liouville's Theorem for non-dissipative classical systems is shown to be false by a counterexample.
  • #1
One version of Liouville’s Theorem for non-dissipative classical systems, governed by a conserved Hamiltonian, is that the volume in phase space (position-momentum space) of an ensemble of such systems (the volume is the Lebesgue measure of the set of points where the ensemble’s density is non-zero) does not vary with time. This is equivalent to the version of the Theorem which states that the density of systems along a flow line does not vary with time.

This so-called Theorem seems to be shown to be false by the following simple counterexample.

Let each system in the ensemble consist of one point or extended spherically symmetric non-rotating classical particle with mass 1 in an otherwise empty 3-dimensional Euclidean space. This system is non-dissipative and governed by a conserved Hamiltonian. The phase space is then a 6-dimensional space with 3 dimensions of space (position) and 3 of (linear) momentum. Let the ensemble in question at time t = 0 consist of such systems distributed with non-zero density d everywhere in a 6-dimensional hypercube with sides of length 1 (3 position, 3 momentum), centered on the origin and with sides parallel to the coordinate axes, and zero elsewhere. The ensemble’s phase space volume will then be 1, and its density d inside the cube and zero elsewhere. At time t = 1 the ensemble will have evolved to have non-zero density everywhere in a 6-dimensional rectilinear parallelepiped with edges still of length 1 in the 3 momentum coordinates, but of length 2 in the 3 position coordinates. The ensemble’s phase space volume will then be 8, and its average density d/8 inside the parallelepiped and zero elsewhere.

It seems that both the ensemble’s phase space volume and its phase space density have varied with time. Comments?
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  • #2
I'm not convinced you have calculated the volume of this n-parallelopiped correctly. Would you agree that there is no problem in a 2d phase space ##(q,p)## using the same setup you prescribed in 6d?
  • #3
Haborix said:
I'm not convinced you have calculated the volume of this n-parallelopiped correctly. Would you agree that there is no problem in a 2d phase space ##(q,p)## using the same setup you prescribed in 6d?

In 2d phase space the volume of the ensemble at t = 1 would be 2 and the average density d/2, still a problem. BTW, I just edited the post because I realized that at t = 1 the density, while non-zero everywhere in the parallelepiped of volume 8, won't be the same everywhere in it.
  • #5
Lord Jestocost said:
Did you get something like Figure 1. (a) in
Liouville's Theorem - Inside Mines - Colorado School of Mines
No, but I should have. Your linked article has cleared up my confusion. I should have thought more about this problem, and realized that there was indeed something wrong with my (mis)understanding of the situation. I carelessly failed to realize that while the total position space in each dimension occupied by some system in the ensemble at t = 1 would be [-1,1], the space occupied by systems of any momentum p would depend on p, all systems with momentum p occupying a total position space interval of length only 1, whose center varied between -1/2 and +1/2 as p varied between -1/2 and +1/2. Thanks.

FAQ: Is something wrong with my understanding of Liouville's Theorem?

1. What is Liouville's Theorem?

Liouville's Theorem is a mathematical principle that states that the phase space volume of a closed system remains constant over time. In other words, the distribution of particles in a closed system will not change over time.

2. How is Liouville's Theorem related to conservation laws?

Liouville's Theorem is closely related to the concept of conservation laws in physics. This is because if the phase space volume remains constant, then the total energy, momentum, and other conserved quantities of a closed system will also remain constant.

3. Can Liouville's Theorem be applied to all physical systems?

No, Liouville's Theorem only applies to closed systems, meaning those that do not exchange matter or energy with their surroundings. It also assumes that the system is in a state of equilibrium.

4. Is Liouville's Theorem a fundamental law of physics?

Liouville's Theorem is not considered a fundamental law of physics, but rather a mathematical consequence of other fundamental laws such as the laws of thermodynamics and conservation laws.

5. What are some real-world applications of Liouville's Theorem?

Liouville's Theorem has various applications in fields such as statistical mechanics, fluid dynamics, and celestial mechanics. It is also used in quantum mechanics to understand the behavior of particles in a closed system.

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