Is the function riemann integrable? havent got a clue

In summary: So, yes, this function is Riemann integrable.In summary, the function f defined as 0 at x = 0 and 1/n for 1/(1+n) < x ≤ 1/n, where n is a natural number, is Riemann integrable on the interval [0,1]. This is because the set of discontinuities is countable, meaning the function only has "jump" discontinuities, and thus satisfies the fundamental theorem of Riemann integration.
  • #1
natasha d

Homework Statement

f:[0,1]→R where f(x)= 0 if x=0 and f(x)=1/n when 1/(1+n) < x ≤ 1/n, n [itex]\in[/itex] N.
is f Riemann integrable

Homework Equations

R integrable only when L(f) =U(f)
L(f) = largest element of the set of lower sums for n partitions
U(f) = least element of the set of upper sums for n partitions

f is R integrable if the function has finite discontinuities

The Attempt at a Solution

tried plotting a graph, where the function is constant on intervals [1/(1+n) , 1/n] since all x in between take the value 1/n
that gives me intervals on which f is R integrable except at 1/(1+n)
but that also gives ∞ such R integrable intervals, which means ∞ discontinuities...
On an interval the lower sum = the upper sum
= length of the interval X F(x)
= [(1/n)-(1/(1+n))] X (1/n)

the total integral will be the summation with n → ∞ ?
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  • #2
Hey natasha d and welcome to the forums.

It looks like this function for each realization of n (i.e. each value of the natural numbers) will simply be a box in the given interval.

You say that it's defined to be 0 at x = 0, but what about outside the interval of the box (i.e. outside of (1/(n+1),1/n]? Because n will be constant for a particular realization of a natural number, it means the interval will be finite which means that it will look more or less like a single box with two discontinuities if it is defined everywhere else to be zero.

The question I have is, "Is the function defined to be zero everywhere outside the above interval, or does it have a different definition?"
  • #3
what 'box'? um.. on the interval [0,1] f(x)=0 only at x=0, everywhere else the value of f for an x will be the 1/n value x is less than or equal to..
i thought that meant in, say, [1/2,1], f(x)=1 , except at x=1/2
did i miss something?
  • #4
There is a fundamental theorem that says that a function is Riemann integrable on an interval if and only if it has only "jump" discontinuities and the set of discontinuities on the interval has (Lesbesque measure) 0. Here the set of discontinuities is the set of numbers 1/n which is countable and so has measure 0.

FAQ: Is the function riemann integrable? havent got a clue

1. What is Riemann integrability?

Riemann integrability is a mathematical concept that determines whether a function can be integrated using the Riemann integral. It involves breaking up the function into smaller intervals and calculating the area under the curve in each interval.

2. How is Riemann integrability different from other types of integrability?

Riemann integrability is a specific type of integrability that focuses on using partitions and limits to calculate the integral. Other types of integrability, such as Lebesgue integrability, use different methods to calculate integrals.

3. What are the requirements for a function to be Riemann integrable?

A function must be bounded and have a finite number of discontinuities on a closed interval in order to be Riemann integrable. It also must satisfy the Riemann integrability criterion, which states that the upper and lower Riemann sums must approach the same limit as the partition becomes finer.

4. Can all functions be Riemann integrable?

No, not all functions are Riemann integrable. For example, functions that are unbounded or have an infinite number of discontinuities are not considered Riemann integrable. Additionally, some pathological functions, such as the Dirichlet function, are not Riemann integrable.

5. Why is determining Riemann integrability important?

Riemann integrability is important because it allows us to calculate the area under a curve, which has many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. It also provides a way to evaluate definite integrals and solve various mathematical problems.

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