Is Bureaucracy Killing NASA's Future?

  • NASA
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In summary, the new rocket ship that is supposed to blast America into the second Space Age and return astronauts to the moon appears to be coming undone. Not sure of that article in particular but Nasa has definitely lost it's way. I think Ares is just the last straw.
  • #1

Bit by bit, the new rocket ship that is supposed to blast America into the second Space Age and return astronauts to the moon appears to be coming undone.
Physics news on
  • #2
Not sure of that article in particular but Nasa has definitely lost it's way. I think Ares is just the last straw.

The aeronautic half is just hidden subsidy to Boeing, the science missions have been scaled back in favour of pointless man-in-space publicity rides and as for the shuttle, does the US even have a commercial satelite launch capability any more?

My last direct contact with this stuff was >10 years on Hubble projects - even then Nasa was like dealing with the state railroad company of some former soviet republic.
I doubt that it's attracting the best and brightest of US science grads today.
  • #3
More design flaws found in Ares I rocket
by Staff Writers
Cape Canaveral, Fla. (UPI) Oct 26, 2008

More problems have been found with the design of the next-generation manned U.S. spacecraft launch rocket, leading some to wonder if it will ever be built.

Computer models show the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's 309-foot-tall Ares I rocket could be affected by "liftoff drift," in which its motor could cause it to jump sideways at ignition, The Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel reported Sunday. One NASA contractor told the newspaper the latest problem is shaking confidence in whether Ares' flaws will become too expensive to fix.

"I get the impression that things are quickly going from bad to worse to unrecoverable," the unnamed contractor said.

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  • #4
You guys are kidding, right? The Ares I project started in April of 2005. It is now October of 2008. That's 3 1/2 years. It is only halfway through its design process! First flight is scheduled for June, 2011 (they are never on time, though). By comparison, the Shuttle program was 9 years from announcement to first flight.

Welcome to engineering, guys! If you could just plop a fully functional design down on paper right off the top of your head, life would be a lot simpler, but that just ain't how it works!
  • #5
russ_watters said:
Welcome to engineering, guys! If you could just plop a fully functional design down on paper right off the top of your head, life would be a lot simpler, but that just ain't how it works!

  • #6
russ_watters said:
Welcome to engineering, guys! If you could just plop a fully functional design down on paper right off the top of your head, life would be a lot simpler, but that just ain't how it works!
No - unfortunately how it works is:
We have to launch in 2010 because we already have the logo done and the two zeros look really good. Don't worry if it can't lift the necessary payload or it won't do the mission, the important thing is for us not to miss the projected budget round.

I heard Ares referred to as Project Goldilocks, Ares I is too small to lift anything, Ares IV is too heay to launch and Ares II/III (aka just right) were cancelled.
  • #7
mgb_phys said:
My last direct contact with this stuff was >10 years on Hubble projects - even then Nasa was like dealing with the state railroad company of some former soviet republic.
I doubt that it's attracting the best and brightest of US science grads today.
A pair of lions escaped from the zoo. One said to the other "We ought to split up so at least one of us can survive. Let's get back together six months from now." After six months the lions reunite. One is skin and bones, mangy, and practically maneless. The other, sleek and fat. The skinny one says "Look at you! Look at me! I ate one human, and the pursuit was relentless. I had to survive on rats and garbage. How did you fare so well?" "I camped out at NASA's main gate. I ate a civil servant a day, and nobody noticed a thing."

Unfortunately, that joke was very appropriate 10+ years ago. NASA hired very few people other than beancounters from the end of the Apollo era to the late 90s. What finally changed was that NASA came to the realization that they had outsourced everything but beancounting; they had very little technical expertise. The NASA of today is a bit more savvy than the NASA you knew, mgb_phys.
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  • #8
I hope so - I remember a 'discussion' about the logo on the Faint Object Camera images.
It was a european built instrument and so had the ESA logo on the publicity images. Nasa also added the Nasa logo to all HST images.

But the ESA logo is square and the Nasa logo is rectangular, so if they were both printed the same width, the Nasa one appeared smaller. So there were 'discussions' about renegotiating the agreement so that they were displayed with equal areas.

This was before COSTAR - so the mission was in deep trouble, and Nasa's main concern was aspect ratios of logos.
  • #9
Welcome to engineering, guys! If you could just plop a fully functional design down on paper right off the top of your head, life would be a lot simpler, but that just ain't how it works!

This is true. Especially with larger and more complex projects, these things always just take a lot of time. I will agree that NASA has some MAJOR issues but I think its to early to tell at this point if the ship is going to sink.

Plus, since China is now getting into the space game I think space technology will be getting a little more attention in the US. Either that or we will outsource it to China or India. All the engineers at NASA will have to accept minimum wage jobs and 25% of our astronauts will die equipment failure related incidents. But it will be OK though because we will be saving 3 million a year.
  • #10
mgb_phys said:
But the ESA logo is square and the Nasa logo is rectangular, so if they were both printed the same width, the Nasa one appeared smaller. So there were 'discussions' about renegotiating the agreement so that they were displayed with equal areas.

This was before COSTAR - so the mission was in deep trouble, and Nasa's main concern was aspect ratios of logos.

lol nice
  • #11
mgb_phys said:
The aeronautic half is just hidden subsidy to Boeing, the science missions have been scaled back in favour of pointless man-in-space publicity rides and as for the shuttle, does the US even have a commercial satelite launch capability any more?

My last direct contact with this stuff was >10 years on Hubble projects - even then Nasa was like dealing with the state railroad company of some former soviet republic.
I doubt that it's attracting the best and brightest of US science grads today.
Well, I can disagree with your first part since we definitely don't do anything with Boeing and we have a lot of irons in the coals with NASA.

I will agree that it is a huge bureaucracy and stuck in its ways. Many ways are justified from experience but need to be tempered with a new engineering regime. We can not base the way we operate on the way we did things back in the '60s even if they did work well. NASA has yet to evolve in many ways.
  • #12
FredGarvin said:
Well, I can disagree with your first part since we definitely don't do anything with Boeing and we have a lot of irons in the coals with NASA.
Ok that was a little unfair - Nasa does a large amount of aeronautics research which is available to any US manufacturer of large civil aircraft. They then talk about how much of the 777 was due to Nasa research.

A case with the WTO alleges that NASA funds about $20Bn of research for Boeing's large commercial aricraft business.
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  • #13
FredGarvin said:
I will agree that it is a huge bureaucracy and stuck in its ways.
ESA is/was even worse - it's like NASA but involves a dozen different countries so projects are chopped up and pork barrelled based on politics and national contributions, any techncial argument turns into a diplomatic incident!

One story I heard from Hubble was that a small country got some tiny % of an instrument and had contributed a PSU - which contained fuses! It had been built by an aircraft company and their aviation authorites required fuses.
The aviation authority wouldn't change it's ruling and the company wouldn't build anything that wasn't approved by the aviation authority. In the end it was rebuilt by the main contractor as an overspend - apparently this is the main part of any multinational space or defence program in Europe.

There is a brilliant parody from someone inside NASA about how the west would have been won if Nasa had been in charge of exploring it - does anyone have a copy?

FAQ: Is Bureaucracy Killing NASA's Future?

1. What is the current status of NASA?

NASA is still an active agency and is currently working on various projects and missions, including the Artemis program which aims to send humans back to the moon by 2024.

2. Is NASA in danger of being shut down?

There have been discussions and proposals to decrease NASA's budget in recent years, but as of now, there are no plans to shut down the agency completely.

3. Why are people questioning the future of NASA?

There are several factors that have led to concerns about NASA's future, including budget cuts, changes in political priorities, and shifts in public interest.

4. What would happen if NASA was no longer funded?

If NASA were to lose its funding, it would be unable to continue its current operations and missions. This would have a significant impact on not only space exploration, but also on the scientific research and technological advancements that NASA is known for.

5. Can NASA survive without government funding?

It is unlikely that NASA would be able to continue its operations without government funding. While there are some private companies involved in space exploration, their efforts are often supported by NASA and would not be able to sustain the agency on their own.

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