Is External Influence the True Source of Human Actions?

In summary, the debate over whether external influence or individual agency is the true source of human actions is ongoing. Some argue that external factors such as societal norms, cultural values, and environmental conditions heavily influence human behavior. Others believe that individuals have agency and the ability to make independent choices and decisions. Ultimately, it is likely that both external influences and individual agency play a role in shaping human actions. While external factors may set the foundation for behavior, individuals still have the agency to interpret and respond to these influences in their own unique way. Additionally, personal experiences, beliefs, and motivations can also greatly influence human actions. Ultimately, the true source of human actions is likely a complex combination of external influences and individual agency.
  • #1
The inventor Tesla stated that all living things' actions appear to come from the will but actually come from the outside. He stated to the effect "we are corks upon the sea". For example you are sitting at your computer and start typing. You don't start typing because you want to but because you are forced by the outside environment. In the case of responding to me it is the text you are reading that forced you to type?

I believe this is true because I have seem glimpses of it. If it is real it is a is a major discovery for the world. There are a lot of possibilities to do good in the world with it. However, I do not see it fully. Any thoughts on this subject?
Physics news on
  • #2
Lindat123 said:
Any thoughts on this subject?
Welcome to PF! To me, what you've written is too vague to be meaningful. Do you have a source that tells us exactly what Tesla said? Also, in physics, a theory must make testable/measurable predictions -- what can we do with this one?
  • #3
Perhaps the OP is asking about the age old argument about free will and determinism?

  • #4
Lindat123 said:
You don't start typing because you want to but because you are forced by the outside environment. In the case of responding to me it is the text you are reading that forced you to type?

Honestly, that is garbage ... I respond to your text because I want to ... no one forced me to

this is more philosophical and isn't really inline with PF standards
  • #5
Maybe a good Einstein quote adds something here:

„An Freiheit des Menschen I am philosophischen Sinne glaube ich keineswegs. Jeder handelt nicht nur unter äußerem Zwang, sondern auch gemäß innerer Notwendigkeit. Schopenhauers Spruch: „Ein Mensch kann zwar tun, was er will, aber nicht wollen, was er will“, hat mich seit meiner Jugend lebendig erfüllt und ist mir beim Anblick und beim Erleiden der Härten des Lebens immer ein Trost gewesen und eine unerschöpfliche Quelle der Toleranz. Dieses Bewusstsein mildert in wohltuender Weise das leicht lähmend wirkende Verantwortungsgefühl und macht, dass wir uns selbst un die die anderen nicht gar zu ernst nehmen; es führt zu einer Lebensauffasung, die auch besonders dem Humor sein Recht läßt.“

„In human freedom in the philosophical sense I am definitely a disbeliever. Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity. Schopenhauer's saying, that „a man can do as he will, but not will as he will,“ has been an inspiration to me since my youth up, and a continual consolation and unfailing well-spring of patience in the face of the hardships of life, my own and others’. This feeling mercifully mitigates the sense of responsibility which so easily becomes paralyzing, and it prevents us from taking ourselves and other people too seriously; it conduces to a view of life in which humour, above all, has its due place.

Regarding Tesla, I have something akin to a "Pavlovian cringe" when I see that name.
  • #6
Closed pending moderation.
  • #7
Thread does not meet our guidelines and will remain locked.
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FAQ: Is External Influence the True Source of Human Actions?

1. Is what Tesla observed real?

Yes, many of Tesla's observations and experiments have been replicated by other scientists and have been proven to be real phenomena. His pioneering work in the field of electricity and magnetism has had a lasting impact on modern technology.

2. What did Tesla observe?

Tesla observed a wide range of phenomena, including the effects of electricity and magnetism on various materials, wireless transmission of energy, and the creation of artificial lightning. He also made groundbreaking discoveries in the fields of radio, x-rays, and wireless communication.

3. How did Tesla's observations contribute to modern science?

Tesla's observations and experiments paved the way for numerous advancements in modern science and technology. His work on electricity and magnetism laid the foundation for the development of AC power systems, which are still used today. He also made significant contributions to the fields of radio, x-rays, and wireless communication, which have revolutionized modern communication systems.

4. Was Tesla's work recognized during his lifetime?

While Tesla's work was highly regarded by many scientists and engineers, he did not receive widespread recognition during his lifetime. He faced challenges from other inventors and financial difficulties, which led to some of his ideas being overlooked. It wasn't until after his death that his contributions to science were fully recognized.

5. Are there any modern applications of Tesla's observations?

Yes, many of Tesla's observations and experiments have been applied in modern technology. His work on wireless transmission of energy has been utilized in the development of wireless charging technology for electronic devices. His contributions to the fields of radio and wireless communication have also been instrumental in the development of modern communication systems.
