John Hutchison and the Hutchison Effect: Evidence Examined

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In summary, John Hutchison claims to have discovered the so called 'Hutchison effect'. And it seems he has a lot of evidence to back this up, hours of video footage etc. Anybody have any thoughts on this ?
  • #1
John Hutchison claims to have discovered the so called 'Hutchison effect'. And it seems he has a lot of evidence to back this up, hours of video footage etc. Anybody have any thoughts on this ?
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm too busy working on the 'BoulderHead' effect...

This is where my feet are planted firmly on the ground...
  • #3
perhaps you could explain this effect?
  • #4
Here's an important question. Has any independent scientist in fact managed to duplicate this effect? Video tapes are one thing, but if this effect only appears to happen using his apparatus under his direction, suspicions are immediately raised.
  • #6
hmm. got any high-quality videos of it? I found this

But seriously tell me that doesn't look like a piece of metal on a string...
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  • #7
Tesla coils, Van de Graff generators, a ship's control and steering wheel, results that cannot be duplicated... I bet he accepts donations.

Don't believe it!

If he really has anything, then nothing is stopping him from proving it...except him.
  • #8
Originally posted by Alex
hmm. got any high-quality videos of it? I found this

But seriously tell me that doesn't look like a piece of metal on a string...

Yes it really does look like a toy on a string (and I am sure it is). This is strange because of the many hours of earlier footage where reasonably convincing see:

EDIT: I find the entire scam if it is one pretty convincing with the exception of the obviously faked latest video footage maybe this is just a clever ploy invented for the conspiracy theorists?
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  • #9
Originally posted by FZ+
Here's an important question. Has any independent scientist in fact managed to duplicate this effect? Video tapes are one thing, but if this effect only appears to happen using his apparatus under his direction, suspicions are immediately raised.
Is someone going to answer this?
  • #10
Originally posted by FZ+
Is someone going to answer this?
Not until you first buy the one hr video for $12.00
  • #11
Originally posted by FZ+
Here's an important question. Has any independent scientist in fact managed to duplicate this effect? Video tapes are one thing, but if this effect only appears to happen using his apparatus under his direction, suspicions are immediately raised.
He won't, um, er, um [can't] reproduce it in front of reliable witnesses. Trust me, my psychic told me this guy is a sham!
  • #12
Well for some unreasonable reason I still believe it but it does not matter because even he can't reproduce it.
  • #13
I e-mailed him and he responded. He didn't respond with much, I thought he would be interesting to talk to. I am pretty sure he just wants me to buy a video from him. His concepts are interesting though. I just don't want to buy a video.

FAQ: John Hutchison and the Hutchison Effect: Evidence Examined

What is the Hutchison Effect?

The Hutchison Effect is a phenomenon named after Canadian inventor John Hutchison, who claimed to have discovered a way to manipulate electromagnetic fields in a way that can cause objects to levitate, metal to bend, and materials to fuse together.

Is there any evidence to support the existence of the Hutchison Effect?

There is no scientific evidence that supports the existence of the Hutchison Effect. Many of the supposed demonstrations of this phenomenon have been debunked and attributed to trickery or natural causes.

What are some of the criticisms of John Hutchison's claims?

Critics of John Hutchison's claims point out that there is no scientific basis for his theories and that his experiments have not been replicated by other scientists. They also argue that the videos and photographs presented as evidence are not reliable and could easily be faked.

How has John Hutchison responded to these criticisms?

John Hutchison has not provided any scientific evidence to support his claims and has not responded to the criticisms in a satisfactory manner. He has often dismissed the skepticism as being closed-minded and lacking understanding of his work.

Has the Hutchison Effect been studied by reputable scientists?

No, the Hutchison Effect has not been studied by reputable scientists. Any claims of scientific research on this phenomenon have been found to be unsubstantiated or have been conducted by individuals with questionable credentials. The lack of scientific evidence and credibility makes it difficult to take the Hutchison Effect seriously as a legitimate scientific concept.

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