Jumping between quantized values

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In summary, when a particle undergoes a quantum measurement, it can only be observed in one of its quantized energy states. There is no in-between time or movement between these states, as the measurement process is not complete until the result is registered on a macroscopic device. This is similar to statistical mechanics, where a quantum state is represented by a collection of possible states. However, in quantum mechanics, these states can interact with each other. It is a mistake to assume that the particle is in a specific energy state before measurement, as the act of measurement causes the state to collapse into one of its possible states. Therefore, the concept of a "seamless whole" or instantaneous state change is not applicable in quantum mechanics.
  • #1
If you have a particle spinning at some quantized value and it makes a jump to the next energy level so it's spinning faster, what happens in the in-between time? If it happens immediately I'd think that would imply an infinite acceleration...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Measuring something in QM is sort of like taking a sledgehammer and whacking the system, then seeing what you get. For whatever reason, you always whack it into one of these quantized energy levels, or spin states, or whatever. So a measurement always gives you a quantized energy level, and you never see it in between. So there isn't really an in-between time, or rather, you can't see what's going on in the in-between time. Seeing as you can't know what's going on 'in-between', it doesn't make much sense to talk about it. I suppose that's not all that satisfying, but that seems to be how the world works.
  • #3
The nature of the measurement process is that it is not complete until the result has registered on the output of some macroscopic device. That could take milliseconds.

QM is related to statistical mechanics in a way. A quantum state is represented by a collection of possible states, similar to the "ensemble" of statistical mechanics. Measurement means that one of those states turned out to be the one.

Where QM is different from statistical mechanics is that the states in the ensemble interact. In the two-slit experiment, the fact that the other slit is open influences what the particle does even though the particle can travel only through one slit.

None of what I've described here suggests particle movement that is fast. What apparently happens in a measurement is that one of the states gets picked out. We can't place a speed on how fast that state gets picked out because all the states already describe the same points in space time. The transition speed is in the measurement, not in the particle.

  • #4
Wouldn't the idea of a "seamless whole" produce ridiiculous results though? How can a state change instantaneously? Of course I'm only referring to states in a 3+1 dimensional well.
  • #5
You're falling into a rather simple error: you're assuming that the particle can be said to be "in an energy level" before you make a measurement. To say that a particle is in a state
|\alpha \rangle = 1/\sqrt{2} ( |n \rangle + |m \rangle )
means that I have an equal probability of measuring the system to be in n or m when I measure it. But I can't say that the particle is in the state n because that's what I measured, because that isn't the case.

The particle is in neither n nor m before you make the measurement, and afterwards it is in one or the other state with certainty (state vector collapse). But it doesn't make sense to talk about the particle being in the state n or m definitely before the measurement.

FAQ: Jumping between quantized values

1. What is jumping between quantized values?

Jumping between quantized values is a phenomenon that occurs when a physical or digital system is only able to produce or process values in discrete increments, rather than continuously. This can result in jumps or discontinuities in the output or behavior of the system.

2. Why does jumping between quantized values occur?

Jumping between quantized values occurs due to limitations in the system's ability to measure or represent continuous values. This can be due to physical limitations, such as the resolution of a measuring instrument, or digital limitations, such as the number of bits used to represent a value.

3. How does jumping between quantized values affect data analysis?

Jumping between quantized values can introduce errors and inaccuracies in data analysis. It can also affect the interpretation and understanding of the data, as the jumps may not accurately reflect the true behavior of the system.

4. Can jumping between quantized values be avoided?

In most cases, jumping between quantized values cannot be completely avoided. However, the effects can be minimized by using higher resolution instruments or increasing the number of bits used to represent values. Additionally, signal processing techniques can be used to smooth out the jumps in the data.

5. How can jumping between quantized values impact scientific research?

Jumping between quantized values can have a significant impact on scientific research, particularly in fields that rely heavily on precise measurements and data analysis. It can result in misleading or inaccurate conclusions, and may require additional steps to mitigate its effects on the research.

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