Do you prefer short and sweet replies in threads?

  • Thread starter cmdr_sponge
  • Start date
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In summary, the conversation discusses different opinions on the length of replies in threads. Some argue that long posts are sometimes necessary for clarity and to improve writing skills, while others believe that short and concise posts are better, especially in humorous threads. The issue of wasting server space is also mentioned, with some suggesting that long posts should be avoided to save space. Overall, it is agreed that presentation and organization are key factors in making a post easy to read, regardless of its length.

I would like to bannish long posts to the depths of hell.

  • yes banish them now o lord

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • no keep them i find them interesting and i'm a loser

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters
  • #1
my last thread was stopped cus it was offensive, sorry. so here's a different one. who hates long replies in threads? short and sweet is better i think, especially in the funnier threads. if a question requires a long reply fair enuf, and if ure just tryin to be annoying then goal achieved, but please, for gods sake just get to the point.
Physics news on
  • #2
Originally posted by cmdr_sponge
my last thread was stopped cus it was offensive, sorry. so here's a different one. who hates long replies in threads? short and sweet is better i think, especially in the funnier threads. if a question requires a long reply fair enuf, and if ure just tryin to be annoying then goal achieved, but please, for gods sake just get to the point.

Well, sometimes they are necessary, though I think some people tend to stretch a point far too long, and thus make exhaustively long posts. Of course, I can't actually vote in your poll ('cause I ain't no loser ), but I can say that you are expressing the view of many of the members here.
  • #3
'Kiss' it (off?)

A waste of server space. (Sometimes)

© R. Parsons 2003 Canada
KISS principal, Keeping It Simple's Smart

Would have liked an alternate choice in the poll though, don't mind 'em, but don't read 'em, read 'em, but well, I could go on forever, server space, truncate yourself!
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  • #4
death to those who wish to express their ideas freely and with no concern for others eyes
  • #5

(Anyone who hates long posts, stop reading now!)

First, I object to the use of O Lord in the first option. So I don't want to vote that since simply it implies a "lord" exists.

Secondly, I believe I hold the criteria necessary for "loser" by replying, so the second match me best. :smile:

Third, I like playing devil's advocate, so maybe this will be fun.

Fourth, I am sure that one long but complete post takes up less server room that lots of small posts each filling in after the other.

Fifth, there are a large number of subjects on which you must write alot, for real clarity. Try describing QM in a line.

Sixth, writing long documents improves your writing skills, and shows respect for whoever you respond to. If you write a dazzling item and someone just says "No", then you feel pretty irritated.

Seventh, it's usually not a problem with length but with overall presentation. You can usually stomach long posts if they are well organised enough. But few make it through a long post with poor spelling, punctuation, grammar and paragraphing.

Eight, this is a long post, so it would be rather hypocritical for me to pick the first option.

Ninth, the fact you read this line shows that you can in fact bear long posts. :smile:
  • Like
Likes gracy
  • #6
^Too long. Condense it.
  • #7
I always thought it was the quality of the post and
not its length that really matters. There are sometimes
sequences of full 10,000 character posts on PF that I
read fully and there are sometimes posts with two sentances
that I don't bother reading after the first couple of
words. In short :wink:, I think this is a strange thread.

Peace and long life.
  • #8
I agree with FZ+ on this but you must admit that some posts are far too long and don't get to the point, i think that some people just ramble on about whatever the subject is just to try and sound smart, when a shorter more accurate reply is much easier to understand.
  • #9
Originally posted by FZ+
(Anyone who hates long posts, stop reading now!)
First, I object to the use of O Lord in the first option. So I don't want to vote that since simply it implies a "lord" exists.
Secondly, I believe I hold the criteria necessary for "loser" by replying, so the second match me best. :smile:
Third, I like playing devil's advocate, so maybe this will be fun.
Fourth, I am sure that one long but complete post takes up less server room that lots of small posts each filling in after the other.
Fifth, there are a large number of subjects on which you must write alot, for real clarity. Try describing QM in a line.
Sixth, writing long documents improves your writing skills, and shows respect for whoever you respond to. If you write a dazzling item and someone just says "No", then you feel pretty irritated.
Seventh, it's usually not a problem with length but with overall presentation. You can usually stomach long posts if they are well organised enough. But few make it through a long post with poor spelling, punctuation, grammar and paragraphing.
Eight, this is a long post, so it would be rather hypocritical for me to pick the first option.
Ninth, the fact you read this line shows that you can in fact bear long posts. :smile:

Me, doing this, is a waste of server space.

And I agree with what Drag, Mulder, and Andy state, above this. (Save space, free the stars??) (Itinerant/errant Humor)
  • #10
I don't think that FZ's post was long. A long one is one that takes up several screens. What makes it even worse is when you have paragraphs that each take up one screen.
  • #11
Seventh, it's usually not a problem with length but with overall presentation.

Definitely. Presentation is everything.

It's the posts with poor grammar that I find the hardest and most frusterating to read... and I often won't read more than a few lines of it.

The overall structure of a post is important too, but I find the people who can write long posts with correct grammar tend to also structure their posts decently.
  • #12
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
I don't think that FZ's post was long.

Neither did I, but quoting it in it's complete form, when I make absolutely no reference to anything in it, is a waste of server space.
  • #13
This is a public forum where people want to make their true opinions known. Ideas are often complex and require many words for expression. If the reading here isn't already light enough for you, perhaps you should shop for your literature in the cereal aisle.

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  • #14
This is a public forum where people want to make their true opinions known. Ideas are often complex and require many words for expression. If the reading here isn't already light enough for you, perhaps you should shop for your literature in the cereal aisle.

Typical American resorting to insults.
  • #15
This is a public forum where people want to make their true opinions known. Ideas are often complex and require many words for expression. If the reading here isn't already light enough for you, perhaps you should shop for your literature in the cereal aisle.


Originally posted by eNtRopY
if a question requires a long reply fair enuf, and if ure just tryin to be annoying then goal achieved[/B]
Originally posted by me

I don't shop for literature. but if i did i wouldn't look in the cereal aisle, what an unusual place for books. Are there books on public forums in cereal aisles, or are there books on complex ideas (i bet these books are long as they often need many words for expression).

I must admit, not being a man of such worldly wisdom i am not as familiar with the cereal aisle as prehaps others are.

Prehaps some form of General 'light' discussion forum is needed so i needn't pollute others with my lowly form of intelegence.
  • #16
Kellogg's Corn Flakes

Sensible Eating for a healthy lifestyle

Nowadays, we are all trying to make healthier food choices. While you'll know that all kellogg's cereals are nutritious-and tasty of course-they all have something different to offer and it's sometimes difficult to decide which cereals have the benefits you want.

That's why Kellogg's have designed a brand new set of symbols on the front of each packet, with an explanation of the benefits on the side, allowing you to make the right Kellogg's choice for your health.

Heart Health

Diets low in saturated fat can reduce blood cholesterol, which may help to keep your heart healthy. Kellogg's Corn Flakes is low iin saturated fat.


Your brain needs energy to help you concentrate. Cereals high in Carbohydrates that contain B vitamins and iron can help keep your concentration at its best.

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Your Body needs energy to help you perform at your best. Kellogg's Corn Flakes is high in carbohydrates and a good source of B Vitamins and iron - a great combination for your body's energy needs.

Low Fat

Low fat foods are ideal for maintaining a healthy weight. Kellogg's Corn Flakes contains no more than 3% fat.


That is what i found looking at the side of my Cereal box and I have to thank Entropy for giving me the idea.

Oh and this is what is meant as a pointless and long post by the way.
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  • #17
Originally posted by eNtRopY
This is a public forum where people want to make their true opinions known. Ideas are often complex and require many words for expression. If the reading here isn't already light enough for you, perhaps you should shop for your literature in the cereal aisle.


Having reconsidered entropy's advive (andy reading andy's post) i visited my local cereal aisle and found this rather stunning prose gracing the side of a humble cereal packet. this is just an excerpt should you wish to read more visit your local TESCO (difficult if your not in britain but ,i'm sure you'll agree after reading this, worth it)

"Honey nut corn flakes


A typical 30g serving of Tesco honey nut cornflakes 750g typically contains at least 30% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin d thaimin (b1), riboflavin (b2), Niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin b12, Pantothenic acid and iron."

ahh, its like sweet toasted flakes of heaven to my ear.
  • #18
Well commander sponge and his sidekick andy,
it seems you have won this round... but the game has just begun...

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  • #19
Why am I his sidekick! just look at the member numbers boy and you will see that i am much higher than the both of you so surely he must be my sidekick!

let battle commence!
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  • #20
Originally posted by eNtRopY
Well commander sponge and his sidekick andy,
it seems you have won this round... but the game has just begun...


if u give up that easily then this won't be a very good game. ps the americans have never won a major war without the english btw, so u better enlist some. (the civil war don't count cus technically that was english fighting english)
  • #21
Yes of course it appears that you have won... but triumph comes before a fall...
  • #22
Originally posted by cmdr_sponge
if u give up that easily then this won't be a very good game. ps the americans have never won a major war without the english btw, so u better enlist some. (the civil war don't count cus technically that was english fighting english)

you might be commiting fallacy by concluding that your presence caused us to win the war. just think about it.
  • #23
Hummmm, history, let's see, any Canadians involved in any of those efforts, oh Ya, YUP!
Sorry don't know who said this first
"No man is an island"
...also, "No Nation can function as one, for surely it will die/lose, if it tries to" there are always "to many others"!

PS> Cereal boxes can, and do, contain educational information that you can be rather certain is verified by experts in the (PR?) field.
  • #24
you might be commiting fallacy by concluding that your presence caused us to win the war. just think about it.

After thinking about it just like you said max, i have decided that without us the british there would not have been a war, not only because you need two sides to fight a war but because the war was a british civil war, remember that it was the settler's on america that where still british citizens and they fought for independence from britain. so we beat ourselves.

Hummmm, history, let's see, any Canadians involved in any of those efforts, oh Ya, YUP!

Canada?...who cares about Canada?

Yes of course it appears that you have won... but triumph comes before a fall...

thats why i drink Red Bull!
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  • #25
Originally posted by cmdr_sponge
the americans have never won a major war without the english btw,

... and the Revolutionary War never happened.

(the civil war don't count cus technically that was english fighting english)

No dude, that was Americans fighting Americans.

  • #26
... and the Revolutionary War never happened.

I do believe that's the Civil War that cmdr sponge was referring too, not to sure as to what you americans call it but if that's the war where you won independence from the British then it was the British fighting the British.
  • #27
Originally posted by Andy
Why am I his sidekick!

Pop Quiz: What sounds better? Commander Sponge and Andy or Andy and Commander Sponge? Seriously, who would guess to be the faithful sidekick?

Sorry kid, looks like you were destined to join the ranks of Robin, Sancho Pancho, Chewbacca the Wookie, and Andy Richter from the beginning.

  • #28
i suggest a new tactic entropy,

let the wookie win

thats if u want to keep your arms in your sockets that is.
  • #29
Just remember to wash your lips before you kiss my feet number 135!
  • #30
Originally posted by cmdr_sponge
i suggest a new tactic entropy,

let the wookie win

thats if u want to keep your arms in your sockets that is.

No, my tactic is working just fine...

I got it from Sun Tzu's Art of War -- and I paraphrase -- if you can cause decension amidst the ranks of the enemy, you will win the battle without fighting it.

  • #31
Your only fooling yourself if you think you can win by getting us to argue.
  • #32
Originally posted by eNtRopY
No, my tactic is working just fine...

I got it from Sun Tzu's Art of War -- and I paraphrase -- if you can cause decension amidst the ranks of the enemy, you will win the battle without fighting it.


Not if that ranking is only existanent in your mind, no 'decension' here. (no need to 'battle'-----' either)
  • #33
Originally posted by Andy

Canada?...who cares about Canada?

Clearly not you, but you did, well, your country did, and some in your country still do. (I have 'proof' of that 'nside)
  • #34
Sorry my previous statement should have read,

Canadians?...Who cares about Canadians?
  • #35
Originally posted by Andy
Sorry my previous statement should have read,

Canadians?...Who cares about Canadians?

"Sorry my previous statement should have read","Clearly not you!"