Killer flu virus built from scratch

In summary, Spanish Flu is a deadly virus that was recreated using a sample of its DNA. Scientists are studying how flu viruses mutate and attack, and one of my mother's aunts died in the 1918-1919 outbreak. However, Nature has published the sequences of two killer strands of the virus, and this could make the virus into a terror weapon.
  • #1
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The virus that caused the deadly "Spanish" flu epidemic of 1918-1919 has been reconstructed using a sample of its DNA. The object is to study how flu viruses mutate and attack.
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  • #2

Any interesting ideas about that, so far? I had always assumed it was a random fluke - some years are wimpy flu years, and others are much worse.

One of my mother's aunts died in that outbreak, as I am sure is true for many here.
  • #3
Too bad the cdc is not giving the samples to other universities for study. It would be hard knowing the progress of their research.
  • #5
pattylou said:
It appears to be genetically similar to bird flu. Not meant as a scare, but as an interesting piece of information. Bird flu would have to undergo several mutations to become as dangerous to humans as the Spanish Flu of 1918.

I have now looked at the paper in last week's Science. The super lethality is due to two gene strands that interfere with the cell biology in the lungs. This is different from the mechanism of modern flu viruses. So probably it won't come again.

BUT, I learn from an editorial in that same issue of Science that Nature has taken the, in my view, catastrophically stupid action of publishing the sequences of those two killer strands. The editorial makes all sorts of excuses of this, needs of scientific research, blah, blah, blah, but it doesn't require the whole virus to be rebuilt to make this into a terror weapon; modern molecular biology is more capable than that. Imagine the killer sequences attached to some modern, highly infectious, adenovirus.

At a broader level it looks like Spanish Flu was an evolutionary loser. It evolved, it infected 50 million people, it killed them all and there was no next generation. So it disappeared from history, modulo the stupid cleverness of the human species.
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  • #6
More disturbing than computer viruses is having biological viruses genetically engineered for ultimate destructive capacity against humans in germ warfare.

FAQ: Killer flu virus built from scratch

What is a "killer flu virus built from scratch"?

A "killer flu virus built from scratch" refers to a hypothetical scenario in which scientists could create a highly virulent and deadly strain of the influenza virus in a laboratory setting.

Is it possible to actually create a killer flu virus from scratch?

Currently, there is no evidence that such a virus has been created or is capable of being created. However, with advancements in genetic engineering and synthetic biology, the possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

Why would scientists want to create a killer flu virus?

Scientists do not have any intention or motivation to create a killer flu virus. The concept of creating such a virus is mainly used as a thought experiment to understand the potential risks and implications of manipulating viruses in a laboratory setting.

What measures are in place to prevent the creation of a killer flu virus?

There are strict regulations and guidelines in place for the handling and manipulation of viruses in laboratory settings. These include biosafety protocols, security measures, and ethical considerations to ensure that any research involving viruses is conducted safely and responsibly.

What can be done to mitigate the potential risks of a killer flu virus?

Continued research and development of antiviral drugs and vaccines, as well as ongoing surveillance and monitoring of influenza strains, can help mitigate the risks of a potential killer flu virus. Additionally, responsible and transparent communication among scientists, policymakers, and the general public is crucial in addressing any concerns or risks associated with virus research.

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