Solving a Ladder Problem: Finding Max Tension in a Rope

In summary, the problem involves a uniform ladder with its top against a vertical wall and its foot on a smooth horizontal floor. A rope is attached to the foot of the ladder and secured to the base of the wall, with a man climbing the ladder. The goal is to determine the tension in the rope when the man has climbed a distance d up the ladder, as well as the maximum tension in the rope. Using the equations F=ma and moments of force about a point, the tension in the rope can be found by considering the forces at the contact points with the wall, floor, and rope. The maximum tension in the rope is the tension just before it breaks, which can be found by considering the forces at the foot of the
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniform ladder of weight WL and length L has its top against a vertical wall with friction coefficient
μW and its foot on a smooth horizontal floor. A rope is attached to the foot of the ladder and secured
to the base of the wall, with the ladder making an angle α with the horizontal. If a man of weight WM
climbs the ladder, determine the tension in the rope when the man has climbed a distance d up the
ladder. What is the maximum tension in the rope?

Homework Equations

F=ma, applied to the contact with the wall, the floor and rope.

The Attempt at a Solution

So i know i have to use the moments of a force about a point, and that point doesn't matter, but itd be really helpful to show me which one is the easiest from a solving purpose. I need help with the maximum tension in the rope part, can't think of anything to be honest.
Physics news on
  • #2
Pick your favorite point! Just do it. (Hint: Pick one end of the ladder. Even better, pick both.)

In addition to moments, use force equations.
  • #3
Ok, I am getting that T = R (normal with vertical wall) as there are no other forces in that direction. But that seems a bit simple no? Is the maximum tension in the string, the tension just before it breaks yes? So the tension when the the ladder is about to slip?

This is what happens when you leave 15 physics questions until the last night of your christmas break. Hahahahah.

Edit- My equations;
T = R
N - Wm- Wl+ Fr= 0

Torques at Foot of ladder;
-RLSina= WmDCosa +1/2. Wl LCosa
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  • #4
Found my mistake, easy enough in the end.
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FAQ: Solving a Ladder Problem: Finding Max Tension in a Rope

1. How do you define a ladder problem?

A ladder problem is a physics problem that involves determining the maximum tension in a rope that is supporting a ladder at a given angle against a wall.

2. What is the formula for finding the maximum tension in a rope?

The formula for finding the maximum tension in a rope is T = mg / cosθ, where T is the maximum tension, m is the mass of the ladder, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and θ is the angle of the ladder against the wall.

3. What factors affect the maximum tension in a rope?

The maximum tension in a rope is affected by the weight of the ladder, the angle of the ladder against the wall, and the force of gravity.

4. How can I solve a ladder problem using trigonometry?

To solve a ladder problem using trigonometry, you can use the sine, cosine, and tangent functions to find the missing side lengths and angles of the triangle formed by the ladder, wall, and ground. Then, you can use the formula T = mg / cosθ to find the maximum tension in the rope.

5. Can the maximum tension in a rope ever be greater than the weight of the ladder?

Yes, the maximum tension in a rope can be greater than the weight of the ladder if the angle of the ladder against the wall is less than 90 degrees. This is because the weight of the ladder is not the only force acting on the rope, the force of gravity pulling down on the ladder also contributes to the maximum tension in the rope.

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