Can a 4-Potential Approximate Gravitational Field in Weak-Field Limit?

In summary, the conversation discussed the use of variations of metrics for gravitational field in the Lagrangian and the possibility of constructing a 4-potential similar to that of the electromagnetic field for the effect of gravitational field. However, it was pointed out that this would result in an identically zero action and a better approach would be to directly consider the weak field limit for a point particle action. The conversation also touched upon the relationship between gravity and spin, and the interpretation of gravity as a Gallilean scalar field in the Newtonian approximation. The speaker acknowledged that their thoughts were still in the early stages of understanding Relativity Theory.
  • #1
I just read some basic concepts on General Relativity, and this idea pops up: I know we should use variations of metrics for gravitational field in the Lagrangian. But considering the resemblance of gravitational field(weak-field) to electromagnetic field, can we construct a 4-potential similar to that of the electromagnetic field, say [itex]A_{G} = (ψ(gravitational potential),0, 0, 0)[/itex]. So the Action for the effect of gravitational field would be: [itex]\int -\frac{m}{c} A_{G}dx^{i}[/itex]. Would that be a good approximation for weak field?
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  • #2
No. What you wrote down is identically zero. You should consider the weak field limit directly for the point particle action. So, take this action, write the metric as a
perturbation of e.g. Minkowski spacetime, and perform a Taylor expansion on the square root. Taking static gravity and slowly moving particles should then on its turn give Newtonian gravity, as in e.g. Eqn 2.10 of arxiv:1206.5176.

In the weak field limit GR becomes Fierz-Pauli theory, massless spin 2. A vector potential would mean that gravity is represented by spin-1. In the Newtonian approx. gravity is effectively reduced to a Gallilean scalar field, which could be interpreted as spin 0 (but then with spin defined wrt to the Galilei group).
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  • #3
Eh I was trying to make a parallel comparison to [itex]S_{mf}[/itex], so the integral is actually [itex]\int -\frac{m}{c}ψ d(ct)[/itex] and when v is relatively small the whole expression does degrade into the classical Lagrangian. But it is a very imprudent thought as I only start to scratch the surface of Relativity Theory. Thank you for your reply that I know where my problem is.

FAQ: Can a 4-Potential Approximate Gravitational Field in Weak-Field Limit?

1. What is the Lagrangian in a weak field?

The Lagrangian in a weak field is a mathematical function that describes the dynamics of a system in which the gravitational field is considered to be weak. It is used in the study of classical mechanics and general relativity.

2. How is the Lagrangian related to the weak field approximation?

In the weak field approximation, the gravitational field is assumed to be small and can be treated as a perturbation on the flat spacetime. The Lagrangian in this case is derived by expanding the metric tensor around the flat spacetime metric and keeping only the terms up to the second order.

3. What is the significance of the Lagrangian in weak field?

The Lagrangian in weak field allows for the calculation of the equations of motion of a system in a weak gravitational field. It provides a simplified way to study the dynamics of a system without having to deal with complex equations of general relativity.

4. How is the Lagrangian used in the weak field limit of general relativity?

The Lagrangian is used to derive the equations of motion in the weak field limit of general relativity, known as the linearized Einstein equations. These equations describe the behavior of particles and fields in the presence of a weak gravitational field.

5. What are the limitations of the Lagrangian in weak field?

The Lagrangian in weak field is only applicable in situations where the gravitational field is relatively weak. It cannot be used in strong gravitational fields, such as those near black holes, where general relativity must be used. Additionally, it only describes the behavior of particles and fields in a classical, non-quantum framework.
