Laser Energy Reflection: Understanding Photon Build-Up in a Vacuum

In summary, when a laser beam is bounced between two mirrors, the energy is gradually converted to heat and some photons may be lost due to imperfections in the mirrors. This process is not infinite and requires a constant supply of energy to sustain.
  • #1

If in a vacuum, I have a laser pointing into a mirrior which bounces between two mirriors on the same spot, do the photons / laser energy continuously build up? If not whare does it go?
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  • #2
I don't know for sure, but I imagine it's lost as heat via infrared waves.
  • #3
You can't arrange a pair of (finite) mirrors so that you can fire a beam in and have it bounce back between them indefinitely.
If you could then with real mirrors a small amount is absorbed on each bounce and so the energy would gradually be converted to heat in the mirror.

Some types of laser are made from a pair of mirrors. Light bounces between them traveling back and forth through a laser medium, but you need to feed energy into the laser medium material to make new photons.
One of the mirrors is usually semitransparent to let the laser light out.
  • #4
mgb_phys said:
You can't arrange a pair of (finite) mirrors so that you can fire a beam in and have it bounce back between them indefinitely.
If you could then with real mirrors a small amount is absorbed on each bounce and so the energy would gradually be converted to heat in the mirror.

The amount of energy converted into heat in the mirrior would have to equal to the amount of energy comming from the laser. If not, the there's excess energy that has to go somewhere.
  • #5
Gmanme said:
The amount of energy converted into heat in the mirrior would have to equal to the amount of energy comming from the laser. If not, the there's excess energy that has to go somewhere.

Most of the energy would remain as photons bouncing between the mirrors, but it would loose a bit of energy every bounce-cycle to heat so the system would run out eventually. In fact, it would run out exactly when you lost 100% of the energy you put in as heat. Also, unless the mirror is absolutely flawless (which I bet is impossible), you'll loose some photons that way too as they aren't redirected perfectly to the other mirror. So it's finite, unless you had a constant supply of energy to keep producing photons, but then we're talking just hypotheticals at that point. Also, to reiterate, the other guy said you can't set up finite mirrors like that anyway and he has a lot of posts so I bet he's right.

FAQ: Laser Energy Reflection: Understanding Photon Build-Up in a Vacuum

What is laser energy reflection?

Laser energy reflection refers to the process in which a laser beam is directed onto a surface and a portion of the beam is bounced back, or reflected, off the surface.

How does laser energy reflection occur?

Laser energy reflection occurs when a laser beam strikes a surface and the photons, or particles of light, are absorbed by the atoms in the surface. The atoms then re-emit the photons in a different direction, causing the laser beam to be reflected.

What is photon build-up in a vacuum?

Photon build-up in a vacuum refers to the phenomenon in which photons, or particles of light, are confined and accumulate in a vacuum. This can occur when a laser beam is directed into a vacuum, causing the photons to bounce back and forth between the walls, increasing in number with each reflection.

Why is understanding photon build-up in a vacuum important for laser technology?

Understanding photon build-up in a vacuum is important for laser technology because it helps scientists and engineers design and optimize laser systems for various applications. It also allows for the development of more efficient and powerful lasers.

What factors influence laser energy reflection and photon build-up in a vacuum?

Several factors can influence laser energy reflection and photon build-up in a vacuum, including the type of material the laser beam is striking, the angle of incidence, and the intensity of the laser beam. The properties of the vacuum, such as its pressure and composition, can also play a role.

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