Lax pair and compatibility for KdV

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  • Thread starter Dustinsfl
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In summary: One last thing: you can get rid of the $v$'s in your expression by using the test function $v$, as I did above. This will make your computations much cleaner. In summary, the conversation discusses the operators $L$ and $M$ in the context of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. It is mentioned that typically $L$ is chosen to be a Schrödinger operator, but in this case, it is written as $L = \partial_{xx} + u_t$. The conversation then delves into the computation of $LM$ and $ML$, with the speaker providing guidance on how to properly assemble these operators. It is mentioned that the test function $v$
  • #1
u_t + u_{xxx} + 6uu_x &= 0\\
L &= \partial_{xx} + u_t\\
M &= -4\partial_{xxx} - 3(2u\partial_x + u_x)
For the \(L\) operator, should that be \(u\) not \(u_t\)?
I ask because I found
\partial_{xx}\psi &= (\lambda - u)\psi\\
\partial_t\psi &= (-4\partial_{xxx} - 6u\partial_x - 3u_x)\psi
Also, where did \(\lambda\) come from?
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  • #2
Yes, typically $L$ is chosen to be a Schrödinger operator; in your case, since you're using $u$ as the variable in KdV, you would usually write $L= \partial_{xx}+v$. So, just to be clear (and it's usually a good idea to write operators with the test function, since operators are such slippery characters), we have that $Lu=(\partial_{xx}+v)u=u_{xx}+uv$. I say this is typical. However, if you find a different $L$ and $M$ that, when plugged into the Lax equation, reproduce your pde, then those are fine.

The $\lambda$ comes from one of the two Lax equations: $Lv=\lambda v$. It's called the eigenvalue.
  • #3
Ackbach said:
Yes, typically $L$ is chosen to be a Schrödinger operator; in your case, since you're using $u$ as the variable in KdV, you would usually write $L= \partial_{xx}+v$. So, just to be clear (and it's usually a good idea to write operators with the test function, since operators are such slippery characters), we have that $Lu=(\partial_{xx}+v)u=u_{xx}+uv$. I say this is typical. However, if you find a different $L$ and $M$ that, when plugged into the Lax equation, reproduce your pde, then those are fine.

The $\lambda$ comes from one of the two Lax equations: $Lv=\lambda v$. It's called the eigenvalue.

So are my first L and M ok then?
  • #4
dwsmith said:
So are my first L and M ok then?

To find out if they work, you have a significant computation ahead of you. As a guide, in my Ph.D. dissertation, I compute whether the standard Schrödinger operator and its mate produce the KdV equation when plugged into Lax's equation. You can follow that program and see if those operators work. I'd be curious to know, so if you could please post the results, I'd be most grateful.
  • #5
Ackbach said:
To find out if they work, you have a significant computation ahead of you. As a guide, in my Ph.D. dissertation, I compute whether the standard Schrödinger operator and its mate produce the KdV equation when plugged into Lax's equation. You can follow that program and see if those operators work. I'd be curious to know, so if you could please post the results, I'd be most grateful.

So I found \(LM\), \(ML\), and \(L_t\) but I don't think I did something right or there is a simplification I don't see.
LMv &= -4v_{xxxxx} - 6u_{xx}v_x - 12u_xv_{xx} - 6uv_{xxx} - 3u_{xxx} - 4u_tv_{xxx} - 6u_tuv_x - 3u_tu_xv\\
-MLv &= 4v_{xxxxx} + 4u_{txxx}v + 4u_tv_{xxx} + 6uu_{tx}v + 6uu_tv_x + 3u_xv_{xx} + 3u_xu_tv\\
[LM - ML]v &= 4u_{txxx}v + 6uu_{tx}v - 6u_{xx}v_x - 9u_xv_{xx} - 3u_{xxx}\\
L_tv &= v_{xxt} + u_{tt}v\\
[L_t + [L,M]]v &= v_{xxt} + u_{tt}v + 4u_{txxx}v + 6uu_{tx}v - 6u_{xx}v_x - 9u_xv_{xx} - 3u_{xxx}
  • #6
Well, one thing right away I can see. If you look at the bottom of page 6 of my dissertation, you will see that when you compute $L_{t}$, everywhere you see just a $\partial_{x}$, it vanishes. That is, if $L=-\partial_{x}^{2}+u$, then $L_{t}=u_{t}$. It is not true that $L_{t}=-\partial_{t} \partial_{x}^{2}+u_{t}$.

Therefore, by analogy in your case, if you have $L=\partial_{x}^{2}+u_{t}$, then you should have $L_{t}=u_{tt}$.

Checking one or two other computations (you would make me do that, wouldn't you? ;) ). You must assemble $LM$, which in your case is
$$LMv= \left( \partial_{x}^{2}+u_{t} \right) \left( -4 \partial_{x}^{3}-6u \partial_{x}-3u_{x} \right)v= \left[ -4 \partial_{x}^{5}-6\partial_{x}^{2}u \partial_{x} -3 \partial_{x}^{2}u_{x}-4u_{t} \partial_{x}^{3}-6u_{t}u \partial_{x}-3u_{t}u_{x}\right]v.$$
The second and third terms require more computation (you want the $\partial_{x}^{n}$ parts to be at the far right of the expressions). So, you must have the following:
\partial_{x}^{2}u \partial_{x}&=u_{xx}\partial_{x}+2u_{x} \partial_{x}^{2}+u \partial_{x}^{3} \quad \text{(Equation 1.1.15 in the dissertation)}\\
\partial_{x}^{2}u&=u_{xx}+2u_{x} \partial_{x}+ \partial_{x}^{2}, \quad \text{so by analogy, we have}\\
\partial_{x}^{2}u_{x}&=u_{xxx}+2u_{xx} \partial_{x}+ \partial_{x}^{2}.
Dropping these into the previous $LM$ expression yields
LMv&=\left[ -4 \partial_{x}^{5}-6(u_{xx}\partial_{x}+2u_{x} \partial_{x}^{2}+u \partial_{x}^{3}) -3 (u_{xxx}+2u_{xx} \partial_{x}+ \partial_{x}^{2})-4u_{t} \partial_{x}^{3}-6u_{t}u \partial_{x}-3u_{t}u_{x}\right]v \\
&=\left[ -4 \partial_{x}^{5}-6u_{xx}\partial_{x}-12u_{x} \partial_{x}^{2}-6u \partial_{x}^{3} -3 u_{xxx}-6u_{xx} \partial_{x}-3 \partial_{x}^{2}-4u_{t} \partial_{x}^{3}-6u_{t}u \partial_{x}-3u_{t}u_{x}\right]v \\
&=\left[ -4 \partial_{x}^{5}-12u_{xx}\partial_{x}-12u_{x} \partial_{x}^{2}-6u \partial_{x}^{3} -3 u_{xxx}-3 \partial_{x}^{2}-4u_{t} \partial_{x}^{3}-6u_{t}u \partial_{x}-3u_{t}u_{x}\right]v \\
You can see there are a couple of differences between this expression and yours. Double-check your $MLv$ equation also.
  • #7
For $MLv$, I get
MLv&= \left( -4 \partial_{x}^{3}-6u \partial_{x}-3u_{x} \right) \left( \partial_{x}^{2}+u_{t} \right)v \\
&= \left( -4 \partial_{x}^{5}-4 \partial_{x}^{3}u_{t}-6u \partial_{x}^{3}-6u \partial_{x} u_{t}-3u_{x} \partial_{x}^{2}-3u_{x}u_{t} \right) v.
We need two of these finished out:
\partial_{x}^{3} u&=u_{xxx}+3u_{xx} \partial_{x}+3u_{x} \partial_{x}^{2}+u \partial_{x}^{3}, \quad \text{so by analogy}\\
\partial_{x}^{3} u_{t}&=u_{txxx}+3u_{txx} \partial_{x}+3u_{tx} \partial_{x}^{2}+u_{t} \partial_{x}^{3}.
I don't have an analogy for $u \partial_{x} u_{t}$, so here goes:
$$(u \partial_{x} u_{t})v=u \partial_{x}(u_{t}v)=u(u_{tx}v+u_{t}v_{x})=
(uu_{tx}+uu_{t} \partial_{x})v,$$
and hence
$$u \partial_{x} u_{t}=uu_{tx}+uu_{t} \partial_{x}.$$
Dropping these into $MLv$ yields
MLv&=\left( -4 \partial_{x}^{5}-4 (u_{txxx}+3u_{txx} \partial_{x}+3u_{tx} \partial_{x}^{2}+u_{t} \partial_{x}^{3})-6u \partial_{x}^{3}-6(uu_{tx}+uu_{t} \partial_{x})-3u_{x} \partial_{x}^{2}-3u_{x}u_{t} \right) v \\
&=\left( -4 \partial_{x}^{5}-4 u_{txxx}-12u_{txx} \partial_{x}-12u_{tx} \partial_{x}^{2}-4u_{t} \partial_{x}^{3}-6u \partial_{x}^{3}-6uu_{tx}-6uu_{t} \partial_{x}-3u_{x} \partial_{x}^{2}-3u_{x}u_{t} \right) v \\
How does that compare?
  • #8
So, I think that $L= \partial_{x}^{2}+u_{t}$ is doomed, and here's why: there's no way you're going to get the resulting $u_{tt}$ to cancel from anything in the commutator. And the fact is, KdV is first-order in time. Therefore, that operator is incorrect.

You can see from my dissertation that the operators
L&=-\partial_{x}^{2}+u \\
M&=-4 \partial_{x}^{3}+3( \partial_{x} u+u \partial_{x})
will work.
  • #9
When I was doing some reading, I noticed the operator you used that is why I asked the question. I wasn't sure if I wrote it down wrong or if it would work.
  • #10
Even when I use
L &= \partial_{xx} + u\\
M &= -4\partial_{xxx} - 6u\partial_x - 3\partial_xu
the equations don't work out.

For \([L,M]\), I obtain:
-6\partial_{xx}u\partial_x + u_{xxx} + 2u\partial_{xxx} - 6u^2\partial_x + 3u\partial_xu + 3\partial_xu\partial_{xx} + 3\partial_xu^2
which simplifies to
u_{xxx} - 6u_{xx}\partial_x - 9u_x\partial_{xx} + 9uu_x - u\partial_{xxx}
Therefore, \(- 6u_{xx}\partial_x - 9u_x\partial_{xx} + 9uu_x - u\partial_{xxx}\) has to equal \(6uu_x\) some how.
  • #11
Using these identities:
\partial_{xxx}u &= u_{xxx} + 3u_{xx}\partial_x + 3u_x\partial_{xx} + u\partial_{xxx}\\
\partial_{xx}u\partial_x &= u_{xx}\partial_x + 2u_x\partial_{xx} + u\partial_{xxx}\\
u\partial_xu &= uu_x + u^2\partial_x\\
\partial_xu\partial_{xx} &= u_x\partial_{xx} + u\partial_{xxx}\\
\partial_xu^2 &= 2uu_x + u^2\partial_x
I re-wrote \(M\) to see if it would help as
L &= \partial_{xx} + u\\
M &= -4\partial_{xxx} - 6u\partial_x - 3\partial_xu
Then for \(LM\) and \(-ML\), I obtain:
LM &= -4\partial_{xxxxx} - 6\partial_{xx}u\partial_x - 3\partial_{xxx}u - 4u\partial_{xxx} - 6u^2\partial_x - 3u\partial_xu\\
&= -4\partial_{xxxxx} - 15u_{xx}\partial_x - 21u_x\partial_{xx} - 6u\partial_{xxx} - 3u_{xxx} - 7u\partial_{xxx} - 9u^2\partial_x - 3uu_x\\
-ML &= 4\partial_{xxxxx} + 4\partial_{xxx}u + 6u\partial_{xxx} + 6u\partial_xu + 3\partial_xu\partial_{xx} + 3\partial_xu^2\\
&= 4\partial_{xxxxx} + 4u_{xxx} + 12u_{xx}\partial_x + 15u_x\partial_{xx} + 13u\partial_{xxx} + 12uu_x + 9u^2\partial_x\\
[L,M] &= u_{xxx} - 3u_{xx}\partial_x - 6u_x\partial_{xx} + 9uu_x
Where have I gone wrong? I have also done this without writing \(3\partial_xu\) but instead using \(3u_x\) but leads no where as well.
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  • #12
dwsmith said:
Using these identities:
\partial_{xxx}u &= u_{xxx} + 3u_{xx}\partial_x + 3u_x\partial_{xx} + u\partial_{xxx}\\
\partial_{xx}u\partial_x &= u_{xx}\partial_x + 2u_x\partial_{xx} + u\partial_{xxx}\\
u\partial_xu &= uu_x + u^2\partial_x\\
\partial_xu\partial_{xx} &= u_x\partial_{xx} + u\partial_{xxx}\\
\partial_xu^2 &= 2uu_x + u^2\partial_x
I re-wrote \(M\) to see if it would help as
L &= \partial_{xx} + u\\
M &= -4\partial_{xxx} - 6u\partial_x - 3\partial_xu
Then for \(LM\) and \(-ML\), I obtain:
LM &= -4\partial_{xxxxx} - 6\partial_{xx}u\partial_x - 3\partial_{xxx}u - 4u\partial_{xxx} - 6u^2\partial_x - 3u\partial_xu\\
&= -4\partial_{xxxxx} - 15u_{xx}\partial_x - 21u_x\partial_{xx} - 6u\partial_{xxx} - 3u_{xxx} - 7u\partial_{xxx} - 9u^2\partial_x - 3uu_x\\
-ML &= 4\partial_{xxxxx} + 4\partial_{xxx}u + 6u\partial_{xxx} + 6u\partial_xu + 3\partial_xu\partial_{xx} + 3\partial_xu^2\\
&= 4\partial_{xxxxx} + 4u_{xxx} + 12u_{xx}\partial_x + 15u_x\partial_{xx} + 13u\partial_{xxx} + 12uu_x + 9u^2\partial_x\\
[L,M] &= u_{xxx} - 3u_{xx}\partial_x - 6u_x\partial_{xx} + 9uu_x
Where have I gone wrong? I have also done this without writing \(3\partial_xu\) but instead using \(3u_x\) but leads no where as well.

I am not to sure about these derivative identities. On page number 10 or page 30 of the pdf, we have that
LM &= -4\partial_{xxxxx} - \frac{5}{3}\alpha u\partial_{xxx} - \frac{5}{2}\alpha u_x\partial_{xx} - \frac{1}{6}\alpha^2u^2\partial_x - 2\alpha u_{xx}\partial_x - \frac{1}{12}\alpha^2uu_x - \frac{1}{2}\alpha u_{xxx}\\
-ML &= 4\partial_{xxxxx} + \frac{5}{3}\alpha u\partial_{xxx} + \frac{5}{2}\alpha u\partial_{xx} + \frac{1}{6}\alpha^2u^2\partial_x + 2\alpha u_{xx}\partial_x + \frac{1}{4}\alpha^2uu_x + \frac{2}{3}\alpha u_{xxx}
In my case, \(\alpha = 6\). Using these identities, I obtain the desired results. I then compared the terms with using the previous method. The identities for \(\partial_{xxx}u\) and \(u\partial_xu\) add too many terms. The identity \(\partial_{xx}u\partial_x\) is needed though. So those two identities either don't work for all \(\alpha\) or there is an issue with them not sure what it is though.

Here is the link to the other document:
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1. What is the Lax pair for the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation?

The Lax pair for the KdV equation consists of two operators, L and M, given by L = D^2 - 4u and M = 4u^3 - 6uD - u_xx, where D represents the derivative with respect to the independent variable x.

2. How are the Lax pair operators related to the KdV equation?

The KdV equation is said to be integrable if it can be written in terms of the Lax pair operators, L and M. This means that the KdV equation can be solved using the inverse scattering method, which relies on the compatibility condition between L and M.

3. What is the compatibility condition for the Lax pair operators?

The compatibility condition for the Lax pair operators L and M is given by the equation [L,M] = 0, where [L,M] represents the commutator of the two operators. This condition ensures that the Lax pair operators are compatible and can be used to solve the KdV equation.

4. How does the compatibility condition help in solving the KdV equation?

The compatibility condition allows us to construct an infinite number of conserved quantities, known as the Lax pair conserved densities, which are used to solve the KdV equation. These conserved densities, along with the inverse scattering method, provide a systematic way of solving the KdV equation.

5. Can the Lax pair and compatibility be generalized to other integrable equations?

Yes, the Lax pair and compatibility condition can be generalized to other integrable equations, such as the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and the sine-Gordon equation. This approach has been used to solve a wide range of integrable equations in various fields of physics and mathematics.

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