Legendre poynomials proof question.Help

In summary, Legendre polynomials are a set of orthogonal polynomials used in mathematics and physics to represent continuous functions on the interval [-1, 1]. They have practical applications in solving partial differential equations, approximating functions, and representing physical systems. The proof for Legendre polynomials involves using induction and the Gram-Schmidt process. They can be generalized to higher dimensions through associated Legendre functions and have real-world applications in physics, engineering, statistics, computer graphics, signal processing, and data analysis. Examples include modeling planetary orbits, fitting data to a curve, and solving Laplace's equation.
  • #1
Hello everyone i had some questions about legendre polynomials. I have solved most of them but i had just two not answered question. I tried to solve this problem by rodriguez rule but it was really hard for me. Could anyone help me or give me some hints for this question?

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Please don't double post.
Continue your discussion in your other post.
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  • #3
ok i will look for help in physics.

FAQ: Legendre poynomials proof question.Help

What are Legendre polynomials?

Legendre polynomials are a set of orthogonal polynomials that are commonly used in mathematics and physics. They are named after French mathematician Adrien-Marie Legendre and can be used to represent any continuous function on the interval [-1, 1].

How are Legendre polynomials useful?

Legendre polynomials have many practical applications, including solving partial differential equations, approximating functions, and representing physical systems. They also have important connections to other mathematical concepts such as Fourier series and spherical harmonics.

What is the proof for Legendre polynomials?

The proof for Legendre polynomials involves using the method of induction to show that the polynomials satisfy a recursive formula and using the Gram-Schmidt process to show their orthogonality. This proof can be found in most advanced calculus or linear algebra textbooks.

Can Legendre polynomials be generalized to higher dimensions?

Yes, Legendre polynomials can be generalized to higher dimensions through the use of associated Legendre functions. These functions have similar properties to the 1-dimensional version and are commonly used in spherical harmonics and quantum mechanics.

Are there any real-world applications of Legendre polynomials?

Yes, Legendre polynomials have numerous real-world applications, including solving problems in physics, engineering, and statistics. They are also used in computer graphics, signal processing, and data analysis. Some examples include modeling planetary orbits, fitting data to a curve, and solving Laplace's equation in electrostatics.

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