Why Do Girls Talk Like This These Days?

  • Thread starter Cyrus
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In summary, the girls behind Cyrus were laughing at what he was eating, and he was not amused. He then heard one of the girls say "Omg that's so funny." He then started thinking to himself "yeah, its so damn funny you forgot to laugh, idiot." He then commented on how annoying it was that girls talk like this these days. He also mentioned how high schoolers are the worst for this, and how after a few years, it all goes away.
  • #1
After hitting the gym today, I went to buy two chicken sandwiches to eat. As I am siting there there are some guys and girls sitting behind me, and another table of girls sitting to my far left. I am eating, minding my own business, until the girls behind me start laughing loudly. "Like omg, you know" "Its like, like like" Then I heard one of the girls sitting to my far left say "Omg that's so funny". I am thinking to myself, "yeah, its so damn funny you forgot to laugh, idiot." Why do girls talk like this these days? Its like, so totally annoying, and like, makes me like, want to smack them, for you know, omg that's so funny, talking like a dumbas$. Just shut up and eat if you have nothing to say. I've noticed a LOT of girls talking like this lately.


Seriously, what gives?

Side- Those buddist monks were back on campus and made another mandala, it was quite nice.

Ive also noticed undergrads constantly complaining about work and 'the teacher has a phd, and thinks we have one too when he teaches'. Wow, you have to do work, I feel so sorry for you. One guy was doing vibrations and said, 'what is an equation of motion, I don't understand what its asking!" :bugeye: I didnt have the balls to tell him to drop out of engineering because there is no hope for him in life.
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  • #2
Dude! OMG! Like, uhm, what's, you know, your problem with, like, people talking? :wink:
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  • #3

You need to find something more important to worry about.

- Warren
  • #4
Did they say "oh my god" or did they actually say "omg"? I hate hate HATE the latter! Luckily, not many people say it over here, but I know from my brief trips to the US that it really annoys me. Needless to say, people will start talking like that over here since it's undoubtedly language used on that "real life" OC (or whatever it's called).
  • #5
chroot said:

You need to find something more important to worry about.

- Warren

Its true I do, but its like OMG! Do you see my point, these people are in college. They should know how to SPEAK when they open their mouth.
  • #6



Becky look at


buttMe and my friend Leah talk like that when we meet girls who talk like that. It's funny how they don't notice you're, like, totally making fun of them. It's too fun. One time I couldn't keep it in and started laughing. TOTALLY blew my cover, like O-M-G, seeeoow awk-werrd.
  • #7
It's age-related cultural "entree" - for certain cliques. High schoolers are far and away the worst for this. If you haven't noticed, mid-teens wear uniforms, so you can identify what group (emo, skaters, etc) they think they fit into, kinda like reading all the band stickers on a rear window of an older fading goth kid's car.

You'll get the excess partitive blues from listening certain cliques. The barbie set with the beads on the cell phones are going to make you the sickest the quickest.


PS it all goes away after a few years in the Walmart job or in jail.
  • #8
jim mcnamara said:
PS it all goes away after a few years in the Walmart job or in jail.

That may well be the single most cynical statement I have ever read. Bravo!

- Warren
  • #9
jim mcnamara said:

:smile::smile: that was too funny. I'm at work here! I'm supposed to look all seriouslike in front of the computor. :mad: :biggrin:
  • #10
OMG! Cyrus, isn't it like so obvious? *shakes head to toss blonde hair* I like can't believe you so don't get it.

What I don't get is like, these guys, you know, and they go to the gym and are all like "I'm so hot," you know, and like then they go to some fast food place and like order TWO sandwiches. It's like, how do they eat so much? You know?


Though, yes, I do see far too much whining about having to actually do work in college. :rolleyes: I'm really unsympathetic. One of my friends started med school this year (not here), and was asking me if the med students here are as whiny as the ones where she is. She said they were all complaining they don't get enough time for each station on the gross lab practical...I just love that they have someone like her in their class...her response to them is, "Get over it, if you know the answer, it's plenty of time. When you're in the ER and someone needs to be treated, you're not going to be able to say, 'It's not fair, I need more time to think.'" :biggrin: I wish I had a student in the class I'm teaching to smack around their classmates like that.
  • #11

This sort of talking is soooo adicting. If you start to mock them YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO STOP.

Another way young people (usually girls) talk that drives me up a wall: "up-talk." That's when every sentence goes up at the end? Like a question but it's not? And when they talk that way? They can't understand? Why no one takes them seriously?

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  • #12
I guess if you down-talk you sound like you're going to commit suicide. I'm trying it now and it sounds like I'm frighteningly depressed.

- Warren
  • #13
I actually counted the number of times a girl sitting next to me used the word 'like' in her conversation, I stopped counting after getting up to 30 in under 10 mins. Becuase you know, it was like, so funny, omg.
  • #14
People say... "That's hilarious."... while laughing too.

Completely normal. Guys and girls do it.

Note: I find guys at prone to be like plugs than girls.
  • #15
Yeah, while laughing.
  • #16
Cyrus said:
Its true I do, but its like OMG! Do you see my point, these people are in college. They should know how to SPEAK when they open their mouth.
Embrace it - it's what makes a capitalist economy work. You'll never need to worry about a uniformly high level of competition for good jobs with no one left to do the crappy jobs as long as such people exist. There will always be plenty of applicants for bubbly, college educated, empty-headed WalMart greeter positions.
  • #17
Yea bro, i agree with chroot you are looking too much into it. Slang is very common.

You see when I'm in:
Spain: I speak like a spanish, i use their expressions. "¡Tiio!" "Pues hombre"
Argentina: i speak like an argentinian, i use their expressions. "¡¡Venite!" "Boludo"
Mexico: i speak like a dominican, i hate their expressions.

so, yeah slang is ok and should not be a focus of hate, but laughter, fun, and others alike.
  • #18
moe darklight said:



Becky look at


I just about spit my food out when I saw that. Damn that's funny.
  • #19
Cyclovenom said:
Yea bro, i agree with chroot you are looking too much into it. Slang is very common.

You see when I'm in:
Spain: I speak like a spanish, i use their expressions. "¡Tiio!" "Pues hombre"
Argentina: i speak like an argentinian, i use their expressions. "¡¡Venite!" "Boludo"
Mexico: i speak like a dominican, i hate their expressions.

so, yeah slang is ok and should not be a focus of hate, but laughter, fun, and others alike.

Thats not slang. Slang is replacing words with other words. This is simply inserting the word like inside a normal sentence.
  • #20
Really? i thought that was the equivalent of american slang. Hahah funny, i thought all american girls spoke like that.
  • #21
Cyrus said:
I actually counted the number of times a girl sitting next to me used the word 'like' in her conversation, I stopped counting after getting up to 30 in under 10 mins. Becuase you know, it was like, so funny, omg.

That actually happens with just about anyone talking... The word like is used all the time. It's just more noticeable when a ditsy girl says it.
  • #22
Cyrus, you must have like totally hated L.A. What you are describing sounds like Val-speak (as in Valley Girl).

I've been told that the origin of Val-speak is actually surf lingo. The Valley kids picked it up on trips to the beach and then carried it back with them to b*tchin' Encino or like wherever, I'm so sure.
  • #23

I remember seeing this in the theater. Nick Cage was so cute in this movie.

:!) :!) :!) :!) :!)
  • #24
I really only hear the OMG in very young teens here{13-16}, then they seem to out grow it. Which is fine by me.
  • #25
I'm a big Zappa fan and have the CD that has "Valley Girl" on it, featuring his daughter Moon Unit camping the Val Girl style big-time. Barf me out! Gag me with a spoon! I am so SUUUURE!

Somehow, this has become popular among young women all over the country, along with the (used to be primarily) Southern peculiarity of dragging out the last syllable of every sentence with a rising pitch so that statements come out sounding like questions.
  • #26
"like" is just a filler word, like "ah" or "um."
  • #27
According to an article in my local newspaper the younger generation is also spewing out the F word in public along with all of the other semi Valley girl speak. I've noticed it increasingly in the past several years.

So like uh you know ,what the F** am I supposed to say to them when I take my six year old grandson to a movie and they are spewing out this garbage?

It may be just a filler word too, but when it replaces proper language it sounds just plain ignorant.
  • #28
Well, its not like there in COLLEGE.
  • #29
I think the most annoying thing about the phenomenon is the fake lisp many girls add to their voices these days. The only culture I know of that intentionally adds a lisp are the spaniards, which supposedly was borne out of veneration for some long-dead king with a lisp.
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  • #30
Cyrus said:
Well, its not like there in COLLEGE.

Nope, not like they're in college either. :biggrin:
  • #31
lol i hate it when people talk like this with every ounce of enthusiasm that they can muster
  • #32
Moonbear said:
Nope, not like they're in college either. :biggrin:
Thanks, Moonie! I have seen similar "corrections" that would have read "it's not like their in college". :smile: Little things like the misuse of "its" (possessive) and "it's" (contraction of it is) drive me nuts, and it is (or "it's") getting worse with every passing year. It seems as if large segments of the US population are drifting into functional illiteracy and that is disturbing.
  • #33
My favorite: its'.

Oh, I don't see it very often but when I do...it makes my day.
  • #34
A good friend of mine, (previously mentioned in "Need Help" thread) has taken a vow to stop using like except in its proper context. I haven't actually noticed her misuse it much/ if ever, but its a good thing to get out of saying.
  • #35
Thanks, Moonie! I have seen similar "corrections" that would have read "it's not like their in college". Little things like the misuse of "its" (possessive) and "it's" (contraction of it is) drive me nuts, and it is (or "it's") getting worse with every passing year. It seems as if large segments of the US population are drifting into functional illiteracy and that is disturbing.

Oh! (as in Oh-some, dude!) Like, 12-gauge double bore!

Like, get over it. Speleeng will go extinct by 2022 anyway.

It'll be extinct about 10 years later than "Thank You" and about 15 years before "Sorry". And about 3 years after libraries go extinct.

Extinction Timeline

Hmm, "Rocky" films won't go extinct until 2035. I guess Sylvester Stallone won't be retiring anytime soon. Of course, since retirement will be extinct by 2016, I guess that's a given.
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