Limit proof problem as x goes to infinity

In summary, to prove that ##\lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{\sqrt{x+1}}{x} = 0## where ##x>0##, we use the definition of a limit and let ##\epsilon>0##
  • #1

Homework Statement

prove that ##\lim_{x \to \infty} \frac{\sqrt{x+1}}{x} = 0## where ##x>0##

Homework Equations

Definition: Let ##A\subseteq\mathbb{R}## and let ##f:A\rightarrow \mathbb{R}##. Suppose that ##(a,\infty)\subseteq A## for some ##a\in\mathbb{R}##. We say that ##L\in\mathbb{R}## is the limit of ##f## as ##x\rightarrow\infty## and write ##\lim_{x \to \infty} f=L## if any given ##\epsilon>0## there exists a ##K=K(\epsilon)>a## such that for any ##x>K## then ##|f(x)-L|<\epsilon##.

The Attempt at a Solution

I can't seem to connect this definition to the problem because the part that is confusing is connecting ##a## to ##\epsilon##. What I have so far is Suppose that ##(1,\infty)\subseteq A## where ##a=1##. Let ##\epsilon >0## then there exists a ##K\in\mathbb{N}## such that if ##x>K## then... Let's just say I am completely stuck.
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Physics news on
  • #2
hi bonfire09! :smile:
bonfire09 said:
I can't seem to connect this definition to the problem because the part that is confusing is connecting ##a## to ##\epsilon##.

you hae to prove that if x > a, then (√(x+1))/x < ε :wink:
  • #3
Yeah but what do I let ##\epsilon## equal to? Do I let it be equal to ##a##? Thats the part I am having trouble with. yes if ##x>a## then I can't really show ##\frac{\sqrt{x+1}}{x}<\epsilon##.
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  • #4
ahh! …

no, a is a function of ε :wink:

(in these problems, it's usually something like 1/ε or 1/√ε or 1/ε2)
  • #5
Well it looks similar to the normal epsilon proofs for limits of sequences. Here is what I have for scratchwork. We want ##|f(x)-0|<\epsilon \implies |\frac{\sqrt{x+1}}{x}|=\frac{\sqrt{x+1}}{x}\leq \sqrt{x+1}\leq x+1 <\epsilon## for ##x>0##. But then i am not sure what I should set my epsilon too?

Do I got about this way then? Let ##\epsilon>1\implies \epsilon-1>0## and let ##a=\epsilon-1## and there exists a ##k>\epsilon-1## such that if ##x>k##... Would that be the way I should do it? THough I am not sure if that epsilon will work.
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  • #6
bonfire09 said:
Do I got about this way then? Let ##\epsilon>1##

no, ε has to be very close to 0

FAQ: Limit proof problem as x goes to infinity

1. What is a limit proof problem?

A limit proof problem involves determining the value that a function approaches as its input variable becomes infinitely large or small. This is known as the limit of the function.

2. How do you solve a limit proof problem?

To solve a limit proof problem, you must first find the limit expression by plugging in the value that the input variable is approaching. Then, you can use a variety of techniques such as algebraic manipulation, L'Hopital's rule, or the squeeze theorem to simplify the expression and determine its limit.

3. What does it mean for a limit to approach infinity?

A limit approaching infinity means that as the input variable of a function becomes increasingly larger, the output of the function also becomes increasingly larger. This can be represented mathematically as the limit equaling positive or negative infinity.

4. Can a limit proof problem have multiple solutions?

Yes, a limit proof problem can have multiple solutions. This can occur when the function has different values for the limit depending on the direction in which the input variable approaches infinity. In this case, the limit is said to be divergent.

5. Why is finding the limit of a function important?

Finding the limit of a function is important in many mathematical and scientific applications. It can help determine the behavior of a function at certain points, identify asymptotes, and evaluate the convergence or divergence of a series. Limits are also used in calculus to calculate derivatives and integrals.
