Limits at Infinity: Let S(n) Converge to S

In summary: This concludes that |S_(n-1) -S| ≤ |S_(n-1) -S_n| for all n,n>N .Basically, |S_n- S|<e/2 (S_n converges), and |S_(n-1)-S_n|<e/2 ( convergence implies Cauchy) and then the triangle ineq. kicks-in:You can use that every convergent sequence is Cauchy, which means that for every e>0 there is a positive N with |S_n-S_m| <e for all n,m>N. Choose, then, some N > n for any e
  • #1
I have a question about limits at infinity, particularly, about a limit I have seen in the context of infinite series convergence.

Let's say we have an infinite series where the the sequence of partial sums is given by {S(n)} and also, it is convergent and the sum is equal to S. Then we know that the limit of S(n) as n approaches infinity is S, but from this, can we also say the the limit of S(n+1) is equal to S?

Well, based from the textbook I was reading, it is. I actually have an intuitive idea of why, but I'd rather see something more of a 'formal' explanation, probably something which has epsilons. I tried verifying with an epsilon-N proof but I'm not that confident.
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  • #2
mathsciguy said:
I have a question about limits at infinity, particularly, about a limit I have seen in the context of infinite series convergence.

Let's say we have an infinite series where the the sequence of partial sums is given by {S(n)} and also, it is convergent and the sum is equal to S. Then we know that the limit of S(n) as n approaches infinity is S, but from this, can we also say the the limit of S(n+1) is equal to S?
Yes. Both limits result in S.
mathsciguy said:
Well, based from the textbook I was reading, it is. I actually have an intuitive idea of why, but I'd rather see something more of a 'formal' explanation, probably something which has epsilons. I tried verifying with an epsilon-N proof but I'm not that confident.

It sounds like you've made a good start. People who are new to this try to do things with a ##\delta\ \epsilon## argument. If you can show that for a given ##\epsilon## a number N can be found so that if n ≥ N, then |Sn - S| < ##\epsilon##, you're set. Keep in mind that Sn+1 is the next number in the sequence. As long as the index is past the magic number N, every term in the sequence satisfies the inequality above.
  • #3
Hm, well I could think that obviously if n≥N then this implies n+1≥N (if N>0 and n is restricted to positive integers). Does that mean I can say: if for any ε>0, and N>0 such that |S(n)-S|<ε whenever n≥N is true by hypothesis, then |S(n+1)-S|<ε whenever n+1≥N is also true?

The catch is I've used both N for S(n) and S(n+1).
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  • #4
mathsciguy said:
Hm, well I could think that obviously if n≥N then this implies n+1≥N (if N>0 and n is restricted to positive integers). Does that mean I can say: if for any ε>0, and N>0 such that |S(n)-S|<ε whenever n≥N is true by hypothesis, then |S(n+1)-S|<ε whenever n+1≥N is also true?
It's simpler than that: If n ≥ N, then for sure n+1 ≥ N. So Sn is within ##\epsilon## of S, Sn+1 is within ##\epsilon## of S, Sn+2 is within ##\epsilon## of S, ...
mathsciguy said:
The catch is I've used both N for S(n) and S(n+1).
  • #5
I think that's same things as what I've said. Haha, sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my head around stuff like this. Thanks anyway.
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  • #6
Maybe this summarizes the ideas here:
You want to know :


But, since the series converges, the sequence of partial sums is Cauchy, so that
the difference in the parentheses goes to zero, i.e., the limit is 0. If you show quickly that both limits exist (more precisely, you can show that if S(n) exists as n→∞ , then S(n+1) also exists). Then you can say:

Limn→oo[S(n+1)-S(n)]=0 . Since both the limits exist, the limit distributes and

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  • #7
What if the limit of S(n) as n approaches infinity is known to be S, I've read that the function S(n-1) as n approaches infinity is also S. How do we verify this? My idea is that, after finding an N such that: |S(n)-S|<ε whenever n>N; and we adjust ε so that we find a 1<N.

So that: |S(n-1)-S|<ε' whenever (n-1)>(N-1).
  • #8
mathsciguy said:
What if the limit of S(n) as n approaches infinity is known to be S, I've read that the function S(n-1) as n approaches infinity is also S. How do we verify this? My idea is that, after finding an N such that: |S(n)-S|<ε whenever n>N; and we adjust ε so that we find a 1<N.

So that: |S(n-1)-S|<ε' whenever (n-1)>(N-1).

Basically, |S_n- S|<e/2 (S_n converges) , and |S_(n-1)-S_n|<e/2 ( convergence implies

Cauchy) and then the triangle ineq.

kicks-in :

You can use that every convergent sequence is Cauchy, which means that for every e>0 there

is a positive N with |S_n-S_m| <e for all n,m>N . Choose, then, some N > n for any e>0

so that |S_n-S_(n-1)| <e . Then |S_(n-1) -S |=

|S_(n-1) -S_(n)+S_(n)-S | ≤ ...(triangle ineq.)
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Related to Limits at Infinity: Let S(n) Converge to S

1. What is the concept of a limit at infinity?

The concept of a limit at infinity involves examining the behavior of a function or sequence as the input or index approaches infinity. It is used to determine the ultimate or long-term behavior of a function or sequence.

2. How is a limit at infinity calculated?

A limit at infinity can be calculated by evaluating the function or sequence at larger and larger values of the input or index. If the values approach a single number, then that number is the limit at infinity. If the values do not approach a single number, then the limit at infinity does not exist.

3. What does it mean for a sequence to converge to a limit at infinity?

If a sequence S(n) converges to a limit at infinity S, it means that as n increases without bound, the values of S(n) get closer and closer to the value of S. In other words, the sequence approaches a single number as n approaches infinity.

4. How is the behavior of a function at infinity different from its behavior at a finite value?

The behavior of a function at infinity can be significantly different from its behavior at a finite value. For example, a function may have a horizontal asymptote at infinity, meaning that its values approach a certain number as the input approaches infinity, even though the function itself does not reach that number at any finite value. Additionally, the limit at infinity may not exist, even though the function may have a well-defined value at any finite input.

5. What are some real-world applications of limits at infinity?

Limits at infinity are used in various fields of science and mathematics, including physics, engineering, and economics. For example, in physics, limits at infinity are used to determine the ultimate behavior of a system as time approaches infinity. In economics, they are used to model long-term trends and behaviors of financial markets. In calculus, limits at infinity are used to evaluate infinite series and integrals.

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