Linear and Circular Motion - Physics Question

In summary, the conversation is discussing the possibility of having a combined net force in a different direction after two objects collide in free space and one of them begins to spin, causing a transfer of energy. The concept of conservation of momentum and energy is also brought up.
  • #1
Forgive me for questioning basic science, but was wondering..

Two objects of the same mass, traveling towards each other in free space, collide in such a manner as to result in one of them to spin. Since some of the energy in one direction is now lost in the spin, ie. some of the linear force of one of the objects has been tranfered to a spinning motion, would it then be possible to then have a combined net force in the other direction?
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  • #2
What other direction are you talking about?

Yes, it is possible for a body to have both translational and rotational motion. Look at a cars wheel, a baseball, a football, or nearly any ball for that matter.
  • #3
Integral, think you completely misunderstood. I'm talking about the action and opposite reaction, and the possibility of making something move in free space.
  • #4
seb7 said:
Since some of the energy in one direction is now lost in the spin,
Translational KE has been transformed into rotational KE. I don't know what you mean by "in one direction".
would it then be possible to then have a combined net force in the other direction?
I don't understand what you mean. In any case, the net force on the two objects due to their interaction will be zero, as per Newton's 3rd law.
  • #5
seb7 said:
the possibility of making something move in free space.

1. As you have stated in your original post - two bodies collide. That means one of them was already moving, and momentum was conserved in the collision.

2. There is no problem with two bodies in free space starting to move - as long as both energy and momentum are conserved. Imagine two balls connected with compressed (not sure if that's the correct word) spring, hold together by the line. Cut the line - and bodies start to move in the opposite directions. Momentum is conserved, energy is conserved, bodies move in the 'free space'.
  • #6
Both bodies were moving towards each other, so has a combined movement of zero. They collide, object A bounces off in one direction, object B, (because of shape or something) bounces as well, but it is also put into a spin.

Some of the linear motion must have transferred to circular motion. If we can do this without object A spinning, or even just spinning at a slower momentum than object B, wouldn’t we now have some combined movement. ie. a bending of Newton's 3rd law?
  • #7
seb7 said:
Both bodies were moving towards each other, so has a combined movement of zero.
OK. Let's say that the total linear momentum of the two bodies is zero.
They collide, object A bounces off in one direction, object B, (because of shape or something) bounces as well, but it is also put into a spin.
OK. An example might be a ball hitting a stick.

Some of the linear motion must have transferred to circular motion.
Not sure what you mean by this. Both linear and angular momentum are conserved.
If we can do this without object A spinning, or even just spinning at a slower momentum than object B, wouldn’t we now have some combined movement. ie. a bending of Newton's 3rd law?
  • #8
Linear kinetic energy can be transferred into rotational kinetic energy, but there is no conservation law for this transfer, only for linear and angular momentum. I think you may be thinking of 'force', 'momentum' and 'energy' as interchangeable, which is incorrect.

FAQ: Linear and Circular Motion - Physics Question

1. What is the difference between linear and circular motion?

Linear motion refers to the movement of an object in a straight line, while circular motion refers to the movement of an object along a circular path.

2. How is acceleration calculated in linear and circular motion?

In linear motion, acceleration is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the change in time. In circular motion, acceleration is calculated as the change in velocity divided by the change in time, squared, and multiplied by the radius of the circular path.

3. What is the role of centripetal force in circular motion?

Centripetal force is the force that acts towards the center of a circular path and keeps an object moving in circular motion. It is necessary to maintain the object's direction and prevent it from moving in a straight line.

4. What is the relationship between linear and angular velocity in circular motion?

Linear velocity is the speed of an object moving in a straight line, while angular velocity is the rate of change of angle in circular motion. The two are related by the formula v = rω, where v is linear velocity, r is the radius of the circular path, and ω is the angular velocity.

5. Can an object have both linear and circular motion at the same time?

Yes, an object can have both linear and circular motion at the same time. This is known as curvilinear motion, where an object moves in a curved path while also moving in a straight line.
