Why Does Music Affect Humans and How Did It Begin?

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In summary: Additionally, Phillip Ball's "The Music Instinct" is a great resource for delving into the origins and significance of music.
  • #1
I want to know about music. It should be something that starts with what music is, how humans started it, why humans are stimulated by it. Further it should give a brief description about idea of solfege, music notation, rhythm and how we develop new songs.

The latter part is music theory which I can find plenty resources. The first part is what I really want to know. Any recommendations?
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  • #2
Try Phillip Ball's "The Music Instinct"
  • #3

Music is a form of art that involves creating sounds and arranging them in a structured manner to evoke emotions and express ideas. It is a universal language that transcends cultural and language barriers.

The origins of music can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where humans used primitive instruments such as drums and flutes to communicate and express themselves. It is believed that music was initially used for rituals and ceremonies, and later evolved into a form of entertainment.

Humans are stimulated by music because it has the power to evoke emotions, memories, and physical responses. The beat and rhythm of music can affect our heart rate and breathing, while the melody and lyrics can evoke strong emotions and memories.

Solfege is a system used to teach and learn musical notes and intervals. It uses syllables such as do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, and do to represent different pitches. This system is commonly used in vocal training and is also helpful in sight-reading and memorizing music.

Music notation is a system of writing music using symbols and characters to represent pitch, rhythm, and other musical elements. It allows musicians to communicate and preserve their compositions for future generations.

Rhythm is an essential aspect of music, as it gives a piece its structure and flow. It is created by a combination of note durations and accents, and can vary greatly depending on the style and genre of music.

The process of developing new songs involves a combination of creativity, technical skill, and inspiration. It can be a collaborative effort between multiple musicians or a solo endeavor. Musicians draw inspiration from various sources such as personal experiences, current events, and other pieces of music.

In conclusion, music is a complex and diverse art form that has been an integral part of human culture for centuries. Its ability to stimulate and connect us makes it a powerful and universal force. I recommend exploring different genres and styles of music to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for this beautiful art form.

FAQ: Why Does Music Affect Humans and How Did It Begin?

What is the best book for learning about music?

The best book for learning about music depends on your specific interests and goals. Some popular options include "Music Theory for Dummies" by Michael Pilhofer and Holly Day, "How Music Works" by David Byrne, and "This is Your Brain on Music" by Daniel J. Levitin.

What are some books about the history of music?

Some books that explore the history of music include "A History of Western Music" by J. Peter Burkholder, "Music: A Very Short Introduction" by Nicholas Cook, and "The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century" by Alex Ross.

Are there any biographies about musicians?

Yes, there are many biographies written about musicians. Some popular options include "Just Kids" by Patti Smith, "Miles: The Autobiography" by Miles Davis, and "Life" by Keith Richards.

What are some books about different genres of music?

There are countless books that explore different genres of music. Some examples include "The Jazz Book: From Ragtime to the 21st Century" by Joachim E. Berendt, "Hip Hop Family Tree" by Ed Piskor, and "Country Music USA" by Bill C. Malone.

Are there any books that analyze the cultural impact of music?

Yes, there are many books that analyze the cultural impact of music. Some titles to consider include "The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song" by Elena Mannes, "Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain" by Oliver Sacks, and "How Music Became Mine: Cultural Lives of Young People Making Music" by David J. Elliott.

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