Magnetic Propulsion-how can it only oscillate in one direction?

In summary, the conversation was about a possible future propulsion system using magnetic propulsion. The concept involves using an electro magnet that is turned on and off for half of the oscillation period to produce thrust in one direction. However, the concept has not been perfected yet and there are doubts about its feasibility.
  • #1
I was reading about possible future propulsion systems and they all pretty much work by accelerating fuel back to produce forward thrust, accept for magnetic propulsion. Initially when you first turn on the current to an electro magnet there is a rapid oscillation that occurs until the magnet reaches a stable charge. I understand that. How its actually said to work is if you can turn the magnet on and off for half the oscillation period it will only oscillate in one direction producing thrust. My question is why does the magnet always start its oscillation in the same direction? The concept sounds way too simple not to have been perfected yet, so why hasn't it yet?
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  • #2
Gabe21 said:
I was reading about possible future propulsion systems and they all pretty much work by accelerating fuel back to produce forward thrust, accept for magnetic propulsion. Initially when you first turn on the current to an electro magnet there is a rapid oscillation that occurs until the magnet reaches a stable charge. I understand that. How its actually said to work is if you can turn the magnet on and off for half the oscillation period it will only oscillate in one direction producing thrust. My question is why does the magnet always start its oscillation in the same direction? The concept sounds way too simple not to have been perfected yet, so why hasn't it yet?

The concept does not appear to make sense as described. Can you provide a pointer to a mainstream website that describes this?
  • #4
Thread closed for Moderation; the sources in the HowStuffWorks article look to have problems.

If you can find any other sources, please PM them to me. Thanks.
  • #5
No valid sources have been found, and the consensus is that this is BS. Thread will remain closed.

FAQ: Magnetic Propulsion-how can it only oscillate in one direction?

1. How does magnetic propulsion work?

Magnetic propulsion works by using electromagnets and permanent magnets to create a repelling force that propels an object forward. The magnets are arranged in a specific way to ensure that the object only moves in one direction.

2. Can magnetic propulsion be used for transportation?

Yes, magnetic propulsion has been used for transportation in various forms, such as Maglev trains and magnetic levitation vehicles. It has also been proposed as a potential method for space propulsion.

3. Is magnetic propulsion more efficient than traditional methods of propulsion?

It depends on the specific application and design. Magnetic propulsion can be more efficient in certain circumstances, such as in high-speed transportation, due to the lack of friction and moving parts. However, it may not be as efficient for low-speed or heavy load applications.

4. Can magnetic propulsion only work in a vacuum?

No, magnetic propulsion can work in both vacuum and non-vacuum environments. In fact, Maglev trains operate in a non-vacuum environment and still achieve high speeds.

5. What are the limitations of magnetic propulsion?

One limitation of magnetic propulsion is that it requires a specific arrangement of magnets and a power source to generate the repelling force. This can make it more complex and costly to implement compared to traditional methods of propulsion. Additionally, magnetic propulsion is limited in its ability to move objects in multiple directions, as it primarily only works in a straight line.
