Odd Integer Squares: Proving 8k+1

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that the square of an odd integer is always of the form 8k + 1, where k is an integer. This can be shown by expressing an odd integer as 2n + 1, where n is an integer, and then simplifying the square of this expression to 4n^2 + 4n + 1. By rearranging this expression, it can be shown that for all n in the set of integers, there exists a k in the set of integers such that 4n^2 + 4n can be expressed as 8k, proving that the square of an odd integer is of the form 8k + 1. The conversation also discusses
  • #1
Prove that the square of an odd integer is always of the 8k + 1, where k is an integer. Any help would be appreciated.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
An even integer can be written as [tex]2n, \ n \in \mathbb{Z}[/tex]
And an odd integer can be written as [tex]2n + 1, \ n \in \mathbb{Z}[/tex]
For example : 5 = 2 * 2 + 1 (n = 2), 7 = 2 * 3 + 1 (n = 3), 13 = 2 * 6 + 1 (n = 6).
So the quare of an add integer can be written as: [tex](2n + 1) ^ 2 = 4n ^ 2 + 4n + 1[/tex]
You will try to arrange [itex]4n ^ 2 + 4n + 1[/itex] into 8k + 1. Since you have '+ 1' in both sides, in fact, you just need to arrange [itex]4n ^ 2 + 4n[/itex] into 8k.
Can you go from here?
Viet Dao,
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  • #3
Hmm what does that "Z" in "n belongs to ..." mean? Not to fimilar with that sign :P
  • #4
[itex]Z[/itex] is the set of all integers, ie: [itex]\mathbb{Z} = \{..., \ -3, \ , -2, \ , -1, \ 0, \ 1, \ 2, \ 3, \ ... \}[/itex]
Do you get it now?
Viet Dao,
  • #5
Still don't get it >.< Sorry.
  • #6
[tex]n \in \mathbb{Z}[/tex] means that n is an integer.
And because:
[tex]\mathbb{Z} = \{..., \ -3, \ -2, \ -1, \ 0, \ 1, \ 2, \ 3, \ ... \}[/tex]
[tex]n \in \{..., \ -3, \ -2, \ -1, \ 0, \ 1, \ 2, \ 3, \ ... \}[/tex]
That means n can take any value from that set, n can be -3, or -5, or 9, or 10, or 14, or 600, or -1004, ...
Viet Dao,
  • #7
I understood that, just not the how to solve >.<
  • #8
An odd integer: [tex]2n + 1, \ n \in \mathbb{Z}[/tex]
So the square of an odd integer is: [tex](2n + 1) ^ 2 = 4n ^ 2 + 4n + 1[/tex].
You are going to prove [tex]\forall n \in \mathbb{Z},\ \exists k \in \mathbb{Z} \ | \ 4n ^ 2 + 4n + 1 = 8k + 1[/tex]
+ 1 is in both sides, so you are going to prove:
[tex]\forall n \in \mathbb{Z},\ \exists k \in \mathbb{Z} \ | \ 4n ^ 2 + 4n = 8k[/tex]
Note that:
[itex]4n ^ 2 + 4n = 4n(n + 1)[/itex]
What can you say about the product of two successive integers? ie : n * (n + 1).
Can you go from here?
Viet Dao,
  • #9
Ah, alrite I can go from there. Thanks Viet Dao.
  • #10
hi, I'm wondering, isn't [tex]\forall k[/tex]? cause k is stated to be an integer? just making sure..
  • #11
It can't be for all k, because:
k = 4:
8 * 4 + 1 = 32 + 1 = 33, and 33 is not a square of any integer.
k = 5:
8 * 5 + 1 = 40 + 1 = 41, and 41 is not a square of any integer.
Viet Dao,

FAQ: Odd Integer Squares: Proving 8k+1

1. What are odd integer squares?

Odd integer squares are numbers that are the product of an odd integer multiplied by itself. For example, 9 is an odd integer square because it is the product of 3 multiplied by itself.

2. How do you prove that a number is an 8k+1 integer square?

To prove that a number is an 8k+1 integer square, you need to show that it can be written in the form 8k+1 where k is any integer. This can be done by factoring the number and showing that its factors fit this form or by using the properties of odd integer squares.

3. What is the significance of proving a number is an 8k+1 integer square?

Proving that a number is an 8k+1 integer square is significant because it allows us to classify the number as a special type of integer square. This can help in solving certain mathematical problems and can also provide insight into the properties of numbers.

4. Can all odd integer squares be written in the form 8k+1?

No, not all odd integer squares can be written in the form 8k+1. Only odd integer squares that are also multiples of 8 plus 1 (8k+1) can fit this form. Other odd integer squares may fit different forms, such as 4k+1 or 2k+1.

5. How is proving 8k+1 integer squares related to the concept of modular arithmetic?

Proving 8k+1 integer squares is related to the concept of modular arithmetic because it involves finding the remainder when the number is divided by 8. This is similar to finding the remainder in modular arithmetic, where the remainder is the "mod" in the equation a = b (mod m). By proving that a number is an 8k+1 integer square, we are essentially showing that it has a remainder of 1 when divided by 8.
