Matlab low-pass filter implementation and transfer function

In summary, the conversation discusses using a HET to develop amplitude plots for tactile vibrations and wanting to remove noise from the signals to obtain a clean sine wave. The goal is to use this wave and another amplitude-time graph to create a transfer function for the human finger. Matlab can help with this, but the specific details, such as the type of filter and cutoff frequency, are still unclear. An example of implementing a 2nd order Butterworth LPF with a 50Hz cutoff frequency is provided.
  • #1
Hey guys,

Basically, I have been doing some testing with regards to tactile vibrations (I know that isn't very electrical) and using a HET have developed several amplitude plots in the time domain. I've been sampling at 5000Hz and I want to remove the noise from my signals to leave me with a clean (hopefully!) sine wave. I then want to use this wave, along with another amplitude-time graph (basically a side profile of the sample used for testing) in order to produce a transfer function for the human finger. I undersrtand that Matlab can do this for me but I can't figure out how!

Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong area, can anyone help!?
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  • #2
You don't say what type of filter or what cutoff frequecy etc that you require? I'll give you an example anyway. Below is an IIR implementation of a 2nd order Butterworth LPF with 50Hz cutoff frequency.

fs=5000;                    % Sample Freuency
fn=fs/2;                    % Nyquist Frequency
fc=50;                      % Desired Cutoff frequency (example)
[b,a]=butter(2,fc/fn);      % IIR Filter coefficients, b=num, a=denom
xf=filter(b,a,x);           % apply filter to x

BTW. "filter" is an inbuilt function whereas "butter" (and other filter implementations) usually come with a signal processing toolbox. Both are available with a standard installation of gnu octave.
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  • #3
I knew I would forget to add something! The cut-off frequency is a little vague to me at the moment as I have not been able to ascertain the absolute frequency of the signal through FFT. Thanks very much for your reply though, it definitely helps with matlab!

FAQ: Matlab low-pass filter implementation and transfer function

1. What is a low-pass filter in Matlab?

A low-pass filter in Matlab is a digital signal processing technique used to remove high frequency components from a signal while preserving the low frequency components. It allows signals below a certain cut-off frequency to pass through while attenuating signals above the cut-off frequency.

2. How is a low-pass filter implemented in Matlab?

A low-pass filter can be implemented in Matlab using the lowpass function. This function takes in the input signal, desired cut-off frequency, and other parameters such as filter order and type, and returns the filtered output signal.

3. What is the transfer function of a low-pass filter in Matlab?

The transfer function of a low-pass filter in Matlab is a mathematical representation of how the filter affects the input signal. It is a ratio of the output signal to the input signal, and it can be used to analyze the frequency response of the filter.

4. How do I choose the cut-off frequency for a low-pass filter in Matlab?

The cut-off frequency for a low-pass filter in Matlab should be chosen based on the frequency content of the input signal. If the desired output signal should only contain low frequency components, the cut-off frequency should be set to a value below the highest frequency in the input signal. The specific cut-off frequency value can also be adjusted based on the desired level of attenuation for the high frequency components.

5. Can a low-pass filter be applied to images in Matlab?

Yes, a low-pass filter can be applied to images in Matlab by converting the image into a matrix representation and then using the lowpass function. This can be useful for reducing noise or blurring an image.

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