What Is the Maximum Frequency in the Fourier Transform of a Rectangular Pulse?

In summary, the question asks how to find the maximum frequency component of a rectangular pulse in order to check if Nyquist's theorem holds. However, there is no maximum frequency component in the continuous time domain and attempting to find one is unnecessary. The problem statement is unclear and ambiguous. A rectangular pulse cannot have a period, as it is not a periodic signal. A single rectangular pulse cannot be faithfully reconstructed with a sampler unless the sampling period approaches zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Since the Fourier Transform of a rectangular Pulse with a half period of Tp contains an infinite number of frequencies, how can you find the max one to check if Nyquist's theorem holds?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I don't suppose Ωmax = 2*pi / Tp ?
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  • #2
There is no maximum frequency component of a rectangular pulse in the continuous time domain, as you wrote. So don't attempt to find one! What is the problem statement?

Also, typically we'd use ω to represent angular frequency, not Ω.
  • #3
I just have a rectangular pulse, with a half period T0, and I'm asked to justify :
"if we take samples with sampling period Ts < 2*T0 , no aliasing occurs"

Don't i need to find the maximum frequency of the signal to do that?
  • #4
".. a half-period of T0 ..." suggests you have not one pulse but a pulse TRAIN, alternating between 0 and V at a 50% duty cycle ...

Assume your first sample occurs just before the rising edge of the pulse, at a sample rate of 2T0 - ε where ε → 0, satisfying Ts < 2T0, then obviously your samples would all be zero forever!
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  • #5
half period T0, meaning that the singal is P(t) = u(t+T0) - u(T-T0) , where u is the heavside step.
  • #6
You can only talk about a "period" in reference to a pulse train, not a single pulse. A single pulse is not "periodic".

OK, so we have a single rectangular pulse of duration 2T0, centered at t = 0. Is that right?

OK, now we're guaranteed that one of the first two samples will be 1, then the rest of course will all be zero. We have to know ahead of time that the pulse is rectangular. Only in that sense can we claim some kind of valid sampling.

In general, a sampler cannot ever reconstruct a single pulse faithfully unless Ts → 0.

Suppose for example your pulse is u(t+T0)sinωt - U(t-T0)sin(ωt), ω = π/2T0. That pulse is zero for t < - T0, max'es out to 1 at t = 0, then goes back to zero for t > +T0. The sampler might sample at t = -T0 and then again at t = +T0 - ε where ε is an arbitrarily small quantity. This meets the criterion that Ts < 2T0. But your samples would be 0, ε, 0, 0, ... , totally losing the peak at t = 0.

FAQ: What Is the Maximum Frequency in the Fourier Transform of a Rectangular Pulse?

What is the maximum frequency of a sinc function?

The maximum frequency of a sinc function is equal to half the sampling rate, also known as the Nyquist frequency. This means that the highest frequency component that can be accurately represented by a sinc function is half of the sampling rate.

How is the maximum frequency of a sinc function calculated?

The maximum frequency of a sinc function can be calculated using the formula fmax = 0.5 * fs, where fmax is the maximum frequency and fs is the sampling rate. This formula is based on the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem which states that the maximum frequency that can be accurately represented is half the sampling rate.

What is the significance of the maximum frequency of a sinc function?

The maximum frequency of a sinc function is significant because it determines the highest frequency component that can be accurately represented in a sampled signal. Exceeding this frequency can lead to aliasing, where higher frequency components are misrepresented as lower frequencies, resulting in distortion of the signal.

Can the maximum frequency of a sinc function be increased?

No, the maximum frequency of a sinc function cannot be increased beyond half the sampling rate. This is a fundamental limit set by the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem and cannot be exceeded without resulting in aliasing and loss of accuracy in the signal representation.

How does the maximum frequency of a sinc function compare to other types of functions?

The maximum frequency of a sinc function is the same as other types of functions used in digital signal processing, as it is based on the sampling rate. However, sinc functions have a unique property of having zero crossings at integer multiples of the sampling rate, which allows for easier filtering and analysis of signals.
