Obtaining Temperature-Dependent MCNP Cross Sections Without NJOY

  • Thread starter shireojan
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    Cross Mcnp
In summary, the temperature-dependent MCNP cross section data can be obtained using the ACE format, which is a binary format containing pre-generated cross sections for various temperatures. This format is advantageous over using NJOY as it allows for faster and more efficient generation of cross sections without additional processing steps. The ACE format can be used for all types of nuclear data, but has limitations for temperatures outside the pre-generated data range. To ensure accuracy, it is important to use validated and benchmarked data and perform sensitivity analyses.
  • #1
i am using mcnp for a reactor kinetic study.the only problem is, to establish the model i need to calculate the temperature coefficients, and in order to do that i need to calculate k in different temperatures and therefor need a mcnp library that contains cross-sections for a multitude of temperatures.Given that i don't have access to NJOY to compile the needed cross-sections,how could i get what i want?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
You can order the libraries from RSICC or NEA instead.
Have a look on their websites for the package you want.

shireojan said:
i am using mcnp for a reactor kinetic study.the only problem is, to establish the model i need to calculate the temperature coefficients, and in order to do that i need to calculate k in different temperatures and therefor need a mcnp library that contains cross-sections for a multitude of temperatures.Given that i don't have access to NJOY to compile the needed cross-sections,how could i get what i want?
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  • #3

Hi there,

I suggest reaching out to the MCNP community or the developers of the software to see if there are any available libraries or resources that contain the cross-sections you need. You could also try searching online for any open-source libraries that may have the information you require. Additionally, you could try reaching out to a university or research institution that may have access to NJOY and see if they can assist you in compiling the cross-sections you need. Good luck with your research!

FAQ: Obtaining Temperature-Dependent MCNP Cross Sections Without NJOY

1. How is the temperature-dependent MCNP cross section data obtained without using NJOY?

The temperature-dependent MCNP cross section data can be obtained using the ACE format, which is a binary format used to store nuclear data. This format contains pre-generated cross sections for various temperatures and can be used directly in MCNP without the need for NJOY.

2. What is the advantage of using the ACE format over NJOY for obtaining temperature-dependent cross sections?

The ACE format allows for faster and more efficient generation of temperature-dependent cross sections compared to using NJOY. It also eliminates the need for additional processing steps, making it a more streamlined process.

3. Can the ACE format be used for all types of nuclear data?

Yes, the ACE format can be used for all types of nuclear data, including neutron, photon, and charged particle cross sections. It is a versatile format that can handle a wide range of nuclear reactions and materials.

4. Are there any limitations to using the ACE format for obtaining temperature-dependent cross sections?

One limitation is that the ACE format is only applicable for temperatures within the range of the pre-generated data. If the desired temperature falls outside of this range, additional processing steps may be required to obtain accurate cross sections.

5. How can I ensure the accuracy of the temperature-dependent cross sections obtained using the ACE format?

The accuracy of the cross sections depends on the quality of the pre-generated data used in the ACE format. It is important to use data that has been validated and benchmarked to ensure accuracy. Additionally, it is recommended to perform sensitivity analyses to evaluate the impact of temperature on the cross sections.
