Are Men Responsible for Menopause?

  • Thread starter BobG
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of men being responsible for everything, including menopause in women. The conversation also touches on the depiction of men and women in TV commercials, with men being portrayed as idiots and women as smarter and wiser. The speaker also brings up the idea that women's emotional responses can sometimes lead to their own downfalls, but this is a result of evolution. The conversation ends with a humorous comment about real analysis being easier than navigating relationships between men and women.
  • #1
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  • #2
The better (IMO :p) interpretation is that if it wasn't for men all women would die at the age of 40
  • #3
I suppose it is similar to going to the grocery store and selecting a bag of chips with the newest "best before" date, leaving behind older versions of the same product. Demand for the newer version being greater would result in its scarcity, and impart an accumulation of deleterious effects of survival on remaining bags of chips. Thus, a ‘death barrier’ should emerge not far beyond the maximum shelf life of chips, Proof would be that the store owner would necessarilt remove the 'aged' bags from the shelf, thereby terminating their existence, in contrast to what is seen in the human female population when past their "best before" date.
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  • #4
BobG said:
New scientific proof that men really are to blame for everything ...

If one is married, it is best to make that assumption whether it is true or not. :biggrin:
  • #5
All you have to do is watch TV commercials to know that all men are idiots and that women are the smartest and wisest creatures to walk the surface of the earth.
  • #6
Borg said:
All you have to do is watch TV commercials to know that all men are idiots and that women are the smartest and wisest creatures to walk the surface of the earth.


From a anecdotal stand point at least , the smartest women I've met are completely different from the "super-women CEO-type" they are presenting in those commercials.
  • #7
reenmachine said:

From a anecdotal stand point at least , the smartest women I've met are completely different from the "super-women CEO-type" they are presenting in those commercials.

And those women that they portray are always depicted as incredibly uptight and largely professional, with no time for fun.

Media :rolleyes:
  • #8
Borg said:
All you have to do is watch TV commercials to know that all men are idiots and that women are the smartest and wisest creatures to walk the surface of the earth.
I've noticed this trend. There was a time when women were depicted as silly and dependent on the wisdom of men to make the right decisions, but the pendulum has swung, slowly, to the opposite meme.
  • #9
AnTiFreeze3 said:
And those women that they portray are always depicted as incredibly uptight and largely professional, with no time for fun.

Media :rolleyes:

and incredibly sexually repressed, but deviant in private. :devil:
  • #10
zoobyshoe said:
I've noticed this trend. There was a time when women were depicted as silly and dependent on the wisdom of men to make the right decisions, but the pendulum has swung, slowly, to the opposite meme.
I really can't remember the last time that I saw a man who was depicted as smarter or wiser than a woman in a commercial. I think that it due to the fact that men aren't represented by rights groups that protest over every perceived insult. Hence, you'll never see this ad on TV... :-p
  • #11
Non-sense. I could come up with bunches women are to blame, and near the top is that woman-emotional response to virtually everything when in some cases, clearly a more rational approach would be more successful, you know like, "no I don't wanna' do it without a rubber." But alas, I don't want to turn the thread into a woman-bashing one for the simple reason that we both mess up, man and woman I mean. Ugh . . . one more maybe? Vengance. That woman vengence thing that can emerge when you break up with them. A woman can be very hostile after a break up and her emotions are to blame going to the first point I made. Maybe that's the origin of many of her pitfalls, her emotions, but that is the beauty of evolution: we're here aren't we? Somebody took care of us. :)
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  • #12
I must have missed that commercial.
  • #13
jackmell said:

I thought it was fairly obvious that the purpose of this thread was to be humorous. No one is honestly saying that every single problem can be traced back to a man.
  • #14
AnTiFreeze3 said:
I thought it was fairly obvious that the purpose of this thread was to be humorous. No one is honestly saying that every single problem can be traced back to a man.

Typical post by a man...
  • #15
micromass said:
Typical post by a man...

Typical post from a female.
  • #16
A friend used to use "if a tree falls in a forest and there's no one it still a man's fault?" as a sig.

jackmell - :eek:
  • #17
Borg said:
I really can't remember the last time that I saw a man who was depicted as smarter or wiser than a woman in a commercial. I think that it due to the fact that men aren't represented by rights groups that protest over every perceived insult. Hence, you'll never see this ad on TV... :-p

All I can say is that I'm glad she's OK, close call :eek: (as DiracPool scratches his blonde head)
  • #18
Borg said:
I really can't remember the last time that I saw a man who was depicted as smarter or wiser than a woman in a commercial. I think that it due to the fact that men aren't represented by rights groups that protest over every perceived insult. Hence, you'll never see this ad on TV... :-p

There is one that seems like a reasonable group (tho basically managed by one man):

You won't hear much about it on TV because this guy (Mel Feit) is reasonable and does not fit neither with the far-right nuts on FOX nor with the far-left nuts (incl.feminists) on MSNBC.
  • #19

loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool and I thought real analysis was hard
  • #20
It pays to be attractive;us average-looking men do not get supported by sugar mommies,so we need to make sure we're good at what we do.
  • #21
Oh for sure. Beauty can work wonders.
  • #22
WannabeNewton said:

loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool and I thought real analysis was hard

She comes from a family that heavily modifies their vehicles and that generally aren't too picky about recalibrating their speedometers after installing monster truck tires.
  • #23


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  • #24
The study notes that a menopausal mechanism would have had to predate the effects they are referring to. So male choice didn't "cause menopause", it prevented menopause from dying out. At least that's what I took from that. Could be wrong, didn't read it that closely and am about to go to bread.
  • #25
What's the standard psi of a highway patrol cars tires, btw? I want to make sure I'm maximizing my mpg.

FAQ: Are Men Responsible for Menopause?

1. What evidence supports the claim that men are to blame for everything?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that men are solely responsible for all of society's problems. Blaming an entire gender for complex issues is oversimplifying and ignores the contributions of women and other factors. Additionally, societal issues are often the result of a system or cultural norms, rather than the actions of one gender.

2. Are men really to blame for things like gender inequality and violence against women?

While men may play a role in perpetuating these issues, it is important to recognize that they are not solely responsible. These issues are deeply rooted in societal norms and systems that affect both men and women. It is unfair and counterproductive to place all of the blame on men without acknowledging the larger societal factors at play.

3. How does this claim affect men's mental health and well-being?

Constantly blaming and demonizing an entire gender can have negative effects on the mental health and well-being of men. It can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and inadequacy, and can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and expectations. It is important to recognize and address issues without placing the blame on one gender.

4. Can men be victims too?

Yes, men can also be victims of societal issues and violence. This claim ignores the fact that men can also face discrimination, inequality, and violence based on their gender. It is important to acknowledge and address all forms of discrimination and violence, regardless of the gender of the victim.

5. How can we move past this harmful and divisive rhetoric?

We can move past this rhetoric by recognizing and addressing the root causes of societal issues, rather than placing the blame on one gender. We should also strive to promote equality and understanding between all genders, rather than perpetuating harmful stereotypes and divisions. It is important to have open and respectful discussions about these issues, rather than resorting to blaming and shaming one gender.

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