Mesh Convergence Study in ABAQUS

In summary, the conversation discusses mesh convergence in regards to a model of a pipe bend with maximum von Mises stress. The person has refined the mesh and plotted the max stress against the number of elements, resulting in a graph that is a mirror image of the expected shape. They question whether this matters and if their mesh convergence graph is still valid. The expert advises to consider the possibility of coarsely meshing over a feature and to try using different element types. They also mention that computational physics is not always straightforward and it's important to have a good understanding of the process.
  • #1
I just have a quick question about mesh convergence, hopefully someone can help.

I have a model of a pipe bend that I've meshed using ABAQUS and then found the location and value of the maximum von Mises stress. I then refined the mesh a few times and plotted the max stress against the number of elements in each mesh. The resulting graph has the following shape with no. of elements on the X axis and stress on the Y axis

Any mesh convergence graphs I've seen however have the following shape.

Does it matter that my graph is a mirror image of what it "should" be? ie the stress in my model converges from a higher stress to a lower stress rather than vice versa.

Any help would be appreciated.

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  • #2
As you refine your mesh, the maximum stress goes to zero?

Are you sure that you are plotting the maximum stress and not perhaps stress at a certain element (which as the stress location could change, could change)?

You are correct that when your mesh is fine enough, the maximum stress should not change appreciably.
  • #3
Apologies for not being clear but what I meant was that as I refine the mesh, it approaches some value (not zero, actually it's around 6.6 MPa). I understand the first graph is misleading, just ignore the axes and look at the shape of the graph (it's the only graph I could find quickly on google with the correct shape).

As the mesh gets finer, the max stress drops from a higher value (say around 7 MPa) and eventually converges at around 6.6 MPa. Any mesh convergence graph I've ever seen starts at a lower stress (say 6 MPa) and then increases and eventually converges at 6.6 MPa. This gives my graph a shape similar to that in the first picture (just the shape, forget the values plotted on those axes) as opposed to what is shown in the second picture. Does this matter? Is my mesh convergence graph still valid or have I done something wrong?

Thanks for your reply, I hope I've cleared that up...
  • #4
No, you may be valid.

With coarse meshes typically I see erroneously high values of stress. This is mostly due to the elements in that region become very faceted. The high stress location is almost always in a curved region, so lack of meshing can introduce nonphysical stress concentrations.

Now it's very likely that you may be coarsely meshing over a feature which can add to stress, and you can see something like you have in Figure 2.

Computational physics is really a gray-box. It's important to know that, and know that things don't always happen the same way (in fact they rarely do).
  • #5
Thanks minger. I'm going to try mesh finer and finer and then see what the graph looks like, if it continues to converge, then so be it and if it doesn't I may be back with more questions! I'm also going to try using different element types.
  • #6
If your analysis and geometry are pretty straightforward then you shouldn't see too much of a difference between element types, so long as they are similar. Years ago, there were rather large differences in high-order vs low-order, and you may see that today if you use legacy elements. However, if you use updated elements, they should be similar.

Good luck,

FAQ: Mesh Convergence Study in ABAQUS

What is a Mesh Convergence Study in ABAQUS?

A Mesh Convergence Study in ABAQUS is a method used to determine the optimal mesh size for a finite element analysis model. It involves systematically refining the mesh and comparing the results to ensure that the solution is not significantly affected by the mesh size.

Why is a Mesh Convergence Study important?

A Mesh Convergence Study is important because it helps ensure the accuracy and reliability of the finite element analysis results. It also helps optimize the computational resources by using the smallest possible mesh size without compromising the accuracy of the results.

How is a Mesh Convergence Study performed in ABAQUS?

A Mesh Convergence Study in ABAQUS is typically performed by dividing the model into multiple sub-models and refining the mesh in each sub-model. The results from each sub-model are then compared to determine the optimal mesh size.

What are the factors that affect Mesh Convergence in ABAQUS?

The factors that can affect Mesh Convergence in ABAQUS include the element type, element size, element shape, and the presence of stress concentrations or local distortions in the model.

How can one determine the convergence criteria for a Mesh Convergence Study in ABAQUS?

The convergence criteria for a Mesh Convergence Study in ABAQUS can be determined by evaluating the trend in the results as the mesh size is refined. Generally, the results should converge to a stable value as the mesh size decreases, indicating that the solution is not significantly affected by the mesh size.

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