Reducing Normal Subgroup Calcs: Finite Groups Only?

In summary, the abstract algebra book discusses the concept of normal subgroups and how to reduce the calculations involved in determining if a subgroup is normal. It states that if N is a subgroup of a group G, then N is normal if for all g in G, gN(g^-1) is equal to N. It also explains that if generators for N are known, it is sufficient to check that all conjugates of these generators are in N. Similarly, if generators for G are known, it suffices to check that the conjugates of N by these generators are equal to N. However, it is stipulated that N must be a finite group for this to work. The conversation also discusses why g^{-1}ng is used
  • #1
My abstract algebra book is talking about reducing the calculations involved in determining whether a subgroup is normal. It says:

If N is a subgroup of a group G, then N is normal iff for all g in G, gN(g^-1) [the conjugate of N by g] = N.

If one has a set of generators for N, it suffices to check that all conjugates of these generators lie in N to prove that N is a normal subgroup (because the conjugate of a product is the product of the conjugates and the conjugate of the inverse is the inverse of the conjugate).

Similarly, if generators for G are known, then it suffices to check that the conjugates of N by these generators all equal N [these generators for G normalize N].

In particular, if generators for both N and G are known, then this reduces the calculations to a small number of conjugations to check. If N is a FINITE group then it suffices to check that the conjugates of a set of generators for N by a set of generators for G are again elements of N.

My question is: why does it stipulate that N be finite? Wouldn't this work if N has infinite order as well?

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  • #2

Not quite.

Let [itex]{C_2=\{e,x\}}[/itex] be the cyclic group of order 2. Let [itex]{H=\{\lambda|\lambda:\mathbb{Z}\rightarrow C_2\wedge\lambda^{-1}(x)\text{ is finite}\}}[/itex] with pointwise multiplication, i.e. for [itex]{\lambda,\mu\in H,\lambda\mu:n\in\mathbb{Z}\mapsto \lambda(n)\mu(n)}[/itex]. (That is H is a direct product of copies of [itex]C_2[/itex] with [itex]\mathbb{Z}[/itex] as index set). For [itex]{\lambda\in H}[/itex], let [itex]{\lambda_k:\mathbb{Z}\rightarrow C_2}[/itex] be [itex]{\lambda_k:n\mapsto \lambda(n-k)}[/itex] and for [itex]{k\in\mathbb{Z}}[/itex] let [itex]{\phi_k:H\rightarrow H}[/itex] be [itex]{\phi_k:\lambda\mapsto \lambda_k}[/itex].

Then [itex]H[/itex] is a group and each [itex]\phi_k[/itex] is an isomorphism of [itex]H[/itex]. Morover [itex]\phi_j\circ\phi_k=\phi_{j+k}[/itex], so [itex]{\Phi=\{\phi_k|k\in\mathbb{Z}\}}[/itex] is a group isomorphic to [itex]\mathbb{Z}[/itex] under addition, with the isomorphism [itex]\theta:k\in\mathbb{Z}\mapsto \phi_k[/itex].

We can then form the semidirect product [itex]{G=\mathbb{Z}\times_\theta H}[/itex] as [itex]\{(k,\lambda):k\in\mathbb{Z}\wedge\lambda\in H\}[/itex] with the product [itex]{(k,\lambda)(k',\lambda')=(k+k',\lambda_{k'}\lambda')}[/itex].

The set [itex]{\{(1,\epsilon)\}\cup\{(0,\lambda^{(r)})|r\in\mathbb{Z}\}}[/itex] generates [itex]G[/itex], where [itex]{\epsilon:n\in\mathbb{Z}\mapsto e}[/itex] and [itex]{\lambda^{(r)}:r\mapsto x,\lambda^{(r)}:s\neq r\mapsto e}[/itex].

If we consider the subgroup [itex]N[/itex] of [itex]G[/itex] generated by [itex]{\{(0,\lambda^{(r)}):r\geq 0\}}[/itex] this is not normal in G, because, e.g. [itex]{(-1,\epsilon)^{-1}(0,\lambda^{(0)})(-1,\epsilon)=(0,\lambda^{(-1)})}[/itex] and [itex]{(0,\lambda^{(-1)})\notin N}[/itex].

On the other hand [itex]{(1,\epsilon)^{-1}(0,\lambda^{(r)})(1,\epsilon)=(0,\lambda^{(r+1)})}[/itex] and [itex]{(0,\lambda^{(s)})^{-1}(0,\lambda^{(r)})(0,\lambda^{(s)})=(0,\lambda^{(r)})}[/itex], so conjugation of each member of a set of generators of [itex]N[/itex] by each member of a set of generators of [itex]G[/itex] remains in [itex]N[/itex].

If you check both [itex]g^{-1}ng[/itex] and [itex]gng^{-1}[/itex] for each of the generators [itex]g[/itex] of [itex]G[/itex] and [itex]n[/itex] of [itex]N[/itex] this should work in all cases.
  • #3


Your final sentence might be explaining this, but why are you using [tex]g^{-1}ng[/tex] as your criterion for normality instead of [tex]gng^{-1}[/tex]?
  • #4

landor said:

Your final sentence might be explaining this, but why are you using [tex]g^{-1}ng[/tex] as your criterion for normality instead of [tex]gng^{-1}[/tex]?

Sorry. I did notice I'd switched sides, but I didn't want to go back and revise it.

I was brought up at a time when many algebraists liked to write their mappings on the right, so that composite mappings are applied in the order you read them instead of right to left. In this case to get a homomorphism [itex]\phi[/itex] from a group to its inner automorphisms the inner automorphism [itex]g^\phi[/itex] should be [itex]x\mapsto g^{-1}xg[/itex], when [itex]x^{gh^\phi}=x^{g^\phi h^\phi}[/itex]. In this case also the normal subgroup should be the right hand factor in the semidirect product.

If you read it in a mirror you should have no problem. Obviously the two conventions are equivalent.

The point of the final sentence is that if the group of automorphisms of [itex]N[/itex] may be infinite (which would not be the case were [itex]N[/itex] finite), then you need to also check that the inverses of the inner automorphisms corresponding to the generators [itex]G[/itex] map [itex]N[/itex] into itself to prove [itex]N[/itex] is normal.
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  • #5

I would respond by saying that the stipulation that N be finite is necessary in order for the statement to hold true in all cases. The reasoning behind this is that for finite groups, the set of generators is a finite set, and therefore the number of conjugates that need to be checked is also finite. However, for infinite groups, the set of generators may also be infinite, and therefore the number of conjugates that need to be checked may also be infinite. This makes it impossible to reduce the calculations to a small number of conjugations, as stated in the book. Therefore, in order for the statement to hold true, it is necessary for N to be a finite group.

FAQ: Reducing Normal Subgroup Calcs: Finite Groups Only?

1. What is a normal subgroup?

A normal subgroup is a subgroup of a group that is closed under conjugation. In other words, for any element in the group, when it is conjugated with an element in the subgroup, the result is still in the subgroup.

2. Why is reducing normal subgroup calculations important for finite groups?

Finite groups have a limited number of elements, so reducing the number of calculations needed to determine normal subgroups can save time and resources in solving problems related to these groups.

3. How are normal subgroup calculations reduced for finite groups?

One way to reduce normal subgroup calculations is by using the concept of cosets. Cosets are subsets of a group that can be used to represent all the elements of a normal subgroup, thus reducing the number of individual calculations needed.

4. Are there any limitations to reducing normal subgroup calculations for finite groups?

While reducing normal subgroup calculations can be helpful in solving problems related to finite groups, there are some cases where it may not be possible. For example, if the group is not finite or if the subgroup is not normal, reducing calculations may not be feasible.

5. How does reducing normal subgroup calculations impact the overall understanding of finite groups?

By reducing the number of calculations needed to determine normal subgroups, researchers are able to focus on other aspects of finite groups and gain a deeper understanding of their properties and behaviors. This can lead to new insights and advancements in the field of group theory.

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