MMX and the earth's rotational sagnac

In summary, the conversation discusses how the MMX experiment and hand-held GPS units both prove special relativity, but in different ways. The MMX experiment showed that light is isotropic in all directions, while GPS units use the Earth rotational sagnac correction to synchronize clocks. However, the Sagnac effect is only applicable to light traveling around a closed loop that encloses a non-zero area, and since the MMX experiment used light traveling in a straight line, the Sagnac effect was irrelevant. The GPS units measure the speed of light in all directions, but the synchronization is performed in the Earth-Centered Inertial frame using the constancy of the speed of light. This means that the Sagnac effect is not
  • #1
MMX proves light is isotropic in all directions.

Hand held GPS units apply the Earth rotational sagnac correction which means light is not isotropic in all directions at the unit from the satellites.

If a hand held GPS unit is placed at the same location as an MMX experiment, one experiment proves light is isotropic in all directions and the other concludes it is not.

Yet both of these results prove SR.

How is that?
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Physics news on
  • #2
chinglu1998 said:
Hand held GPS units apply the Earth rotational correction
Do you have a reference for this?

Since you have trouble understanding basic SR concepts I suspect you may have trouble understanding any such reference and any explanations you get here.
  • #3
DaleSpam said:
Do you have a reference for this?

Since you have trouble understanding basic SR concepts I suspect you may have trouble understanding any such reference and any explanations you get here.

Thanks for the flaming. I have a few links.

GPS and sagnac

Because Earth rotates, Sagnac effect is large enough in the GPS and the clocks can’t be synchronized in the rotating frame and there is necessity for different approach to synchronize the clocks. In the GPS synchronization is performed in the Earth-Centered Inertial frame using constancy of speed of light.

GPS observation processing must also compensate for another relativistic effect, the Sagnac effect. The GPS time scale is defined in an inertial system but observations are processed in an Earth-centered, Earth-fixed (co-rotating) system, a system in which simultaneity is not uniquely defined.

Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Allan et al., Science, 228 (1985), pg 69.They observed the Sagnac effect using GPS satellite signals observed simultaneously at multiple locations around the world. See GPS.

from a single GPS satellite in common view of receivers at the two locations
provide enough information to determine the time difference between the two
local clocks. The Sagnac effect is very important in making such comparisons,
as it can amount to hundreds of nanoseconds, depending on the geometry. In
1984 GPS satellites 3, 4, 6, and 8 were used in simultaneous common view
between three pairs of Earth timing centers, to accomplish closure in performing
an around-the-world Sagnac experiment. The centers were the National
Bureau of Standards (NBS) in Boulder, CO, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
(PTB) in Braunschweig, West Germany, and Tokyo Astronomical Observatory
(TAO). The size of the Sagnac correction varied from 240 to 350 ns.
Enough data were collected to perform 90 independent circumnavigations. The
actual mean value of the residual obtained after adding the three pairs of time
differences was 5 ns, which was less than 2 percent of the magnitude of the
calculated total Sagnac effect [4].
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  • #4
The Sagnac effect applies only to light which travels around a closed loop that encloses a non-zero area, for example a circle, triangle or square. In the MMX experiment, light traveled in a straight line there-and-back enclosing zero area, so the Sagnac effect was irrelevant.
  • #5
DrGreg said:
The Sagnac effect applies only to light which travels around a closed loop that encloses a non-zero area, for example a circle, triangle or square. In the MMX experiment, light traveled in a straight line there-and-back enclosing zero area, so the Sagnac effect was irrelevant.

Given a sagnac correction is applied to a GPS unit and clearly the signal did not travel around in a closed loop, then why do mainstream papers apply this correction to GPS?
  • #6
DrGreg said:
The Sagnac effect applies only to light which travels around a closed loop that encloses a non-zero area, for example a circle, triangle or square. In the MMX experiment, light traveled in a straight line there-and-back enclosing zero area, so the Sagnac effect was irrelevant.

Geez, I missed this on first read. Light travels in straight lines only in ECI. That is why the sagnac must be applied in ECEF. Light aberration is applied in ECEF , the location of the MMX experiment, based on the Earth's rotation.

Therefore, although one's brain may think the light is moving in the MMX arms in straight lines because the arm are straight, in fact the arms are moving in ECEF and hence, light is moving at an angle in the MMX arms. This is proven everyday by GPS.
  • #7
chinglu1998 said:
In the GPS synchronization is performed in the Earth-Centered Inertial frame using constancy of speed of light.
That seems to explicitly contradict your assertion that GPS handheld units use a Sagnac correction. The citations that you provided that actually detected Sagnac effect using GPS did so via a system of multiple recievers at different locations on the earth, certainly not a Sagnac correction embedded in a hand held unit.
  • #8
DaleSpam said:
That seems to explicitly contradict your assertion that GPS handheld units use a Sagnac correction. The citations that you provided that actually detected Sagnac effect using GPS did so via a system of multiple recievers at different locations on the earth, certainly not a Sagnac correction embedded in a hand held unit.

In the GPS synchronization is performed in the Earth-Centered Inertial frame using constancy of speed of light.
Yes, I thought that would trip you up. Synchronization is performed in ECEF for the hand held units, not ECI. In ECI, light is measured c in all directions.

The links reveal the sagnac effect to receivers on the ground as you admit. So how would you apply triangulation to determine position without considering the sagnac effect since it has been scientifically proven and you agree? Actually Ashby confesses the sagnac effect is applied to the units.

For atomic clocks in satellites, it is most convenient to consider the motions as they would be observed in the local ECI frame. Then the Sagnac effect becomes irrelevant. (The Sagnac effect on moving ground-based receivers must still be considered.)

Chapter 5.
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  • #9
chinglu1998 said:
Synchronization is performed in ECEF for the hand held units
Not according to your citation.
  • #10
DaleSpam said:
That seems to explicitly contradict your assertion that GPS handheld units use a Sagnac correction. The citations that you provided that actually detected Sagnac effect using GPS did so via a system of multiple recievers at different locations on the earth, certainly not a Sagnac correction embedded in a hand held unit.

This may help you.

Sagac Effect.
--- Maximum Value 133ns
--- Correction applied to receiver.
  • #11
DaleSpam said:
Not according to your citation.

It is for sagnac.
  • #12
The MMX allows for a margin of error due to such effects, but the Sagnac effect would be insignificant. The experimenters were trying to find a difference in times for the light pulse to traverse each arm due to the Earth's motion. The Earth travels around the sun at a speed of appromimately 1 / 10000 the speed of light, so the experimenters thought this would make a difference. The difference in times expected between an arm aimed into the Earth's motion and the other aimed perpendicularly to it would be d / (c - v) in the direction of the Earth's motion and d / (c + v) against, while the time either way along the perpendicular arm would be d / sqrt(c^2 - v^2), where d is the length of the arms of let's say 1 meter, giving a difference in times of

(d / (c + v) + d / (c - v)) - 2 d / sqt(c^2 - v^2)

= (d / c) [1 / (1 + v/c) + 1 / (1 - v/c) - 2 / sqrt(1 - (v/c)^2)]

= 3.33 * 10^(-17) seconds

For a maximum difference in times with the Sagnac effect, let's say the light pulses travel completely around the perimeter of the MM apparatus in opposite directions, so the area covered is A = 1 m^2. The apparatus would rotate at the same rate as the Earth. The difference in times for the light pulses will be 4 A w / c^2, where w is the rotational speed of the Earth where w = 2 pi / (24 hours) = 1 / (13751 sec), so we have a difference in times of just 3.232 * 10^(-21) seconds. The difference with the Sagnac effect is still 4 orders of magnitude smaller than the expected value, and that is with the maximum effect of having the pulses travel all the way around, which would be nowhere near that otherwise. So while the Sagnac and other effects might not allow the result of the MMX to be precisely null, it is nowhere near what the experimenters were looking for and expecting with the motion of the Earth. Of course as well as this, the Sagnac effect deals with rotation, not inertial motion. Only inertial frames measure an isotropic speed of light, but even non-inertial frames are well within the margin of error for subtle issues such as the Sagnac effect as compared to what would otherwise be expected.
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  • #13
grav-universe said:
The MMX allows for a margin of error due to such effects, but the Sagnac effect would be insignificant. The experimenters were trying to find a difference in times for the light pulse to traverse each arm due to the Earth's motion. The Earth travels around the sun at a speed of appromimately 1 / 10000 the speed of light, so the experimenters thought this would make a difference. The difference in times expected between an arm aimed into the Earth's motion and the other aimed perpendicularly to it would be d / (c - v) in the direction of the Earth's motion and d / (c + v) against, while the time either way along the perpendicular arm would be d / sqrt(c^2 - v^2), where d is the length of the arms of let's say 1 meter, giving a difference in times of

(d / (c + v) + d / (c - v)) - 2 d / sqt(c^2 - v^2)

= (d / c) [1 / (1 + v/c) + 1 / (1 - v/c) - 2 / sqrt(1 - (v/c)^2)]

= 3.33 * 10^(-17) seconds

For a maximum difference in times with the Sagnac effect, let's say the light pulses travel completely around the perimeter of the MM apparatus in opposite directions, so the area covered is A = 1 m^2. The apparatus would rotate at the same rate as the Earth. The difference in times for the light pulses will be 4 A w / c^2, where w is the rotational speed of the Earth where w = 2 pi / (24 hours) = 1 / (13751 sec), so we have a difference in times of just 3.232 * 10^(-21) seconds. The difference with the Sagnac effect is still 4 orders of magnitude smaller than the expected value, and that is with the maximum effect of having the pulses travel all the way around, which would be nowhere near that otherwise. So while the Sagnac and other effects might not allow the result of the MMX to be precisely null, it is nowhere near what the experimenters were looking for and expecting with the absolute motion of the Earth. Of course as well as this, the Sagnac effect deals with rotation, not inertial motion. Only inertial frames measure an isotropic speed of light, but even non-inertial frames are well within the margin of error for subtle issues such as the Sagnac effect as compared to what would otherwise be expected.

Nice post.

The Michelson-Morley Experiment (the MMX)
The Michelson-Morley experiment (MMX) was intended to measure the velocity of the Earth relative to the “lumeniferous æther” which was at the time presumed to carry electromagnetic phenomena. The failure of it and the other early experiments to actually observe the Earth's motion through the æther became significant in promoting the acceptance of Einstein's theory of Special Relativity, as it was appreciated from early on that Einstein's approach (via symmetry) was more elegant and parsimonious of assumptions than were other approaches (e.g. those of Maxwell, Hertz, Stokes, Fresnel, Lorentz, Ritz, and Abraham).

The fact is, the null result supported relativity.

Those that understand basic math understand the result cannot be null.

So, a null MMX has been used to prove SR. But, it is not actually null.
  • #14
chinglu1998 said:
The fact is, the null result supported relativity.

Those that understand basic math understand the result cannot be null.

So, a null MMX has been used to prove SR. But, it is not actually null.
Seems like another case of reviving an old argument you raised on another forum:

If someone just doesn't understand some mainstream conclusions they can of course ask questions, but the rules here don't allow for aggressively disputing mainstream results in SR as you did on the other forum and appear to be doing above, make sure to read the IMPORTANT! Read before posting thread.
  • #15
JesseM said:
Seems like another case of reviving an old argument you raised on another forum:

If someone just doesn't understand some mainstream conclusions they can of course ask questions, but the rules here don't allow for aggressively disputing mainstream results in SR as you did on the other forum and appear to be doing above, make sure to read the IMPORTANT! Read before posting thread.

Uh, what mainstream am I disputing? The sagnac correction is a mainsteam fact. I agree with the modern experiments of GPS with distances to measure correctly.

Please be specific on what mainstream I am disputing.

If you are disputing the mainstream fact of the sagnac correction in GPS, I have supplied many many many mainstream papers for that experimentally verified position.

Please indicate your position so I can understand.
  • #16
JesseM said:
Seems like another case of reviving an old argument you raised on another forum:

If someone just doesn't understand some mainstream conclusions they can of course ask questions, but the rules here don't allow for aggressively disputing mainstream results in SR as you did on the other forum and appear to be doing above, make sure to read the IMPORTANT! Read before posting thread.

I read my stuff over there. I can't see where I am refuting any GPS facts. Can you please prove your flat Earth accusations? I support the conclusions of modern non-flat Earth GPS experimental data and did in all my posts here and there that I have proven with the most accepted mainstream links.

Perhaps you can be more specific.
  • #17
chinglu1998 said:
Nice post.

The fact is, the null result supported relativity.

Those that understand basic math understand the result cannot be null.

So, a null MMX has been used to prove SR. But, it is not actually null.
The expected effect resulting solely from the inertial motion was not found. Other insignificant effects due to rotation or anything else do not apply as they are not what MMX was intended to measure, so do not affect the overall outcome of the experiment for inertial motion only.
  • #18
grav-universe said:

The expected effect resulting solely from the inertial motion was not found. Other insignificant effects due to rotation or anything else do not apply as they are not what MMX was intended to measure.

Again nice post.

6 months ago, you could find many links that claimed MMX supported isotropic light.

Try to look now. There are none. Therefore, MMX does not prove lorentz invariance and if any readers believe this, look for it.

If anyone finds a mainstream paper of flat Earth times, I have a modern one based on verified GPS data waiting to counter.

So, here is the bottom line, what does MMX prove? Nothing.

So, what is the experimental basis of special relativity without MMX?
  • #19
chinglu1998 said:
Again nice post.
Thanks again. :smile:

6 months ago, you could find many links that claimed MMX supported isotropic light.

Try to look now. There are none. Therefore, MMX does not prove lorentz invariance and if any readers believe this, look for it.
A lesser number of links showing that MMX supports Lorentz invariance means it's not true? That doesn't sound right. :smile:

So, here is the bottom line, what does MMX prove? Nothing.

So, what is the experimental basis of special relativity without MMX?
It proves that light can be measured isotropically in any arbitrary inertial frame, since it travels away and back with the same two way time over the same distance in any direction. From there, SR follows.
  • #20
chinglu1998 said:
Again nice post.

6 months ago, you could find many links that claimed MMX supported isotropic light.

Try to look now. There are none. Therefore, MMX does not prove lorentz invariance and if any readers believe this, look for it.

If anyone finds a mainstream paper of flat Earth times, I have a modern one based on verified GPS data waiting to counter.

So, here is the bottom line, what does MMX prove? Nothing.

So, what is the experimental basis of special relativity without MMX?


Harping on this like harping on the relatively well accepted fact the first measurement of light bending in an eclipse was swamped by experimental errors; ignoring hundreds of additional tests of GR of enormously greater precision; same goes for SR.

Please desist.
  • #21
chinglu1998 said:
Uh, what mainstream am I disputing?
That the MMX (and other more recent experiments of the same type) is evidence for SR because SR predicts a null result. Aren't you disputing this claim?

(note, I'm not saying the rotation of the Earth has precisely zero effect on what we should predict for the MMX to an infinite number of decimal places, just that any rotational effect is too miniscule to change the fact that SR predicts a null result to within the limits of experimental error).
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  • #22
PAllen said:

Harping on this like harping on the relatively well accepted fact the first measurement of light bending in an eclipse was swamped by experimental errors; ignoring hundreds of additional tests of GR of enormously greater precision; same goes for SR.

Please desist.

I want to desist. But that would mean I need to toss all of the GPS evidence proven everyday in the trash.

GPS proves light is not isotropic in the ECEF frame everyday. Do you refute the mainstream evidence?
  • #23
grav-universe said:
A lesser number of links showing that MMX supports Lorentz invariance means it's not true? That doesn't sound right. :smile:
No, there was a paper that has been accepted modernly and refutes MMX using GPS data. It is even at Microsoft's publishing outlet.

It proves that light can be measured isotropically in any arbitrary inertial frame, since it travels away and back with the same two way time over the same distance in any direction. From there, SR follows.

You cannot claim ECEF sagnac is true and MMX proves isotropy.
  • #24
JesseM said:
That the MMX (and other more recent experiments of the same type) is evidence for SR because SR predicts a null result.

(note, I'm not saying the rotation of the Earth has precisely zero effect on what we should predict for the MMX to an infinite number of decimal places, just that any rotational effect is too miniscule to change the fact that SR predicts a null result to within the limits of experimental error).

Why don't you show me links that MMX proves light is isotropic in post GPS papers. I want to see them.
  • #25
chinglu1998 said:
Why don't you show me links that MMX proves light is isotropic in post GPS papers. I want to see them.
Try searching "Michelson-Morley" on google books, you'll find plenty of books more recent than the GPS system (which dates to 1973).
  • #26
chinglu1998 said:
I want to desist. But that would mean I need to toss all of the GPS evidence proven everyday in the trash.

GPS proves light is not isotropic in the ECEF frame everyday. Do you refute the mainstream evidence?

The key is the following:

"So, what is the experimental basis of special relativity without MMX?"

Your way of dealing with this is intellectually fraudulent. A tendentious misinterpretation of MMX is taken to refute it plus hundreds of other experiments supporting SR.
  • #27
JesseM said:
Try searching "Michelson-Morley" on google books, you'll find plenty of books more recent than the GPS system (which dates to 1973).

No,GPS did not consider Sagnac until the 80's. You live in flat Earth times.

Anyway bring a modern article from a mainstream university. I want to see it.
  • #28
PAllen said:
The key is the following:

"So, what is the experimental basis of special relativity without MMX?"

Your way of dealing with this is intellectually fraudulent. A tendentious misinterpretation of MMX is taken to refute it plus hundreds of other experiments supporting SR.

So, are you claiming all the mainsteam papers are false on GPS which is proven everyday in which MMX is false?

Can you prove MMX is true and GPS is true? I will knock that one down quick.

That is where we are for your argument to be true. Are you going to defend your position under this logic?
  • #29
chinglu1998, this is your thread and these are your claims being discussed. You need to start substnatiating them with mainstream, peer reviewed papers. Laying down a claim and demanding to be proven wrong is not acceptable.

Putting words in other peoples' mouths is also not acceptable. Like with your other thread, the mainstream view, obviously, is that Relativity is correct and no mainstream experiments - as interpreted by mainstream scientists in mainstream journals - contradict this. The other posters are following that, so implications that they are contradicting the mainstream view is putting words in their mouths they didn't say.

This forum is not a game, it is here to teach people science. If you're not here to learn, then stop wasting our time.
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  • #30
chinglu1998 said:
So, are you claiming all the mainsteam papers are false on GPS which is proven everyday in which MMX is false?

Can you prove MMX is true and GPS is true? I will knock that one down quick.That is where we are for your argument to be true. Are you going to defend your position under this logic?
MMX was intentded to measure anisotropy from a particular source, based on a particular model, and the expected effect was a particular size. Whether done now or a 100 years ago, an effect of the then expected size does not occur. Therefore MMX came out against expectations, leading to the Lorentz interpretation and also verified Einstein's SR interpretation. That a different, much smaller effect, might be detected (though even this is disputed - whether any design of MMX could detect Sagnac) is irrelevant.

Further, there are hundreds of other experiments in the link I provided validating SR.

To sum up your response to this with the following, which is your concluding quote from your post #18:

"So, what is the experimental basis of special relativity without MMX?"

is, pure and simple intellectual dishonesty.
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  • #31
chinglu1998 said:
No,GPS did not consider Sagnac until the 80's.
Are you just saying that until the 80s all the calculations involving GPS devices were done in the nonrotating ECI frame rather than the ECEF frame? If not, where are you getting this claim? Certainly the GPS designers would have known about the Sagnac effect, which dates back a lot further than 1973.
chinglu1998 said:
Anyway bring a modern article from a mainstream university. I want to see it.
Find it yourself--try google scholar. It's pretty obvious this isn't a matter of you accepting relativity but believing modern physicists don't accept MMX, you are trying to say physicists are wrong to accept MMX as evidence for relativity, and are using this argument to question SR itself (as evidenced by your rhetorical question "So, what is the experimental basis of special relativity without MMX?") I'm not going to play the game of looking for a source that exactly matches your specifications, but just so you can't say you weren't shown a source, here is a book that discusses modern variations on MMX on page 152 which you can read on google books, it's published by Springer which is a respected publisher of scientific texts (and the book's original publication date is 1999, this is a 2nd publishing from 2006). And here is the abstract of a published journal article which backs up my claim that rotational effects into account are not precisely zero, but in the MMX they would be too small to make any observable difference to the experimental results:

Reinterpretation of the Michelson-Morley experiment based on the GPS Sagnac correction
By examining the effects of rotational and orbital motions of the Earth on wave propagation in the global positioning system and an intercontinental microwave link, it is pointed out that the Earth's orbital motion has no influence on these earthbound wave propagations, while the Earth's rotation does contribute to the Sagnac effect. As the propagation mechanism in the Michelson-Morley experiment cannot be different from that in the aforementioned ones, it is concluded that due to the Earth's rotation, the shift in interference fringe in this famous experiment is not exactly zero. However, by virtue of the round-trip propagation path, this shift becomes second order and hence is too small to observe within the present precision.
Anyway, feel free to try to continue to argue that relativity should predict a non-null result for the MMX, but you can't claim ignorance now, so doing that will probably just get you banned.
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  • #32
Not sure about the ban yet, but this thread is closed for now.

FAQ: MMX and the earth's rotational sagnac

1. What is MMX and how does it relate to the earth's rotational sagnac?

MMX stands for Michelson-Morley Experiment, which was conducted in the late 19th century to detect the presence of an "ether" that was believed to be the medium through which light waves traveled. The experiment failed to detect the ether, leading to the development of Einstein's theory of relativity. The earth's rotational sagnac effect is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein's theory, which states that the rotation of the earth causes a slight difference in the speed of light depending on its direction of travel. This effect is what the MMX experiment was trying to detect.

2. How was the MMX experiment conducted and what were the results?

The MMX experiment involved splitting a beam of light and sending it in two different directions, perpendicular to each other. The two beams were then recombined and the interference pattern was measured. If the earth was moving through an ether, the two beams would have different speeds and the interference pattern would have shifted. However, the experiment showed no shift in the interference pattern, indicating that the ether did not exist.

3. What implications does the MMX experiment have for our understanding of the universe?

The MMX experiment was a crucial step in the development of Einstein's theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space and time. It showed that the speed of light is constant, regardless of the observer's frame of reference, and that there is no "ether" through which light waves travel. This has had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe and has led to many advancements in physics and technology.

4. Are there any modern experiments that have replicated the MMX experiment?

Yes, there have been many modern experiments that have replicated the MMX experiment with more advanced technology and techniques. These experiments have confirmed the results of the original MMX experiment and further solidified our understanding of the earth's rotational sagnac effect and the constancy of the speed of light.

5. How does the earth's rotational sagnac effect impact our daily lives?

The earth's rotational sagnac effect has a very small impact on our daily lives, as it only affects the speed of light by a very small amount. However, it is a crucial factor to consider in modern technologies such as GPS, which rely on precise measurements of time and distance. Without taking the earth's rotation into account, GPS systems would not be as accurate as they are today.
