Mole concept Molar mass and mass no

In summary, the concept of mole in chemistry refers to 6.02×10²³ of atoms or molecules, which is similar to a dozen in terms of quantity. This concept was invented without knowing the exact number and is still based on the number of atoms in a gram of hydrogen. The difficulty in understanding moles may be due to the combination of chemistry and arithmetic, as well as the use of algebraic-like notation for chemical compounds. The prototype for comparison of atomic weight is based on the mass of hydrogen, and the refinement of using 12C can be ignored for practical purposes. Moles are used for counting in chemistry and can be compared to different methods of determining amounts.
  • #1
Brajesh kedia
The most so called "difficult" topic in chemistry mole.I am Confused in it a lot..please clear the doubt.
Firstly,The mass no of each elements means the mass Of how much atoms in the elements and relative to we know we assume a prototype as scientist did named it as kilogram and then on relative to that we find mass of everything..
Please stay connected the question is continuted...depending on your response
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  • #2
Nothing difficult about mole.

Mole is just an overgrown dozen - 6.02×1023 of atoms (or molecules, or ions, or whatever).

We did some tricks to make calculation of mass of the mole trivial, don't let them muddy the water.
  • #3
I know this borek ji.First of all i would like to clear wid the doubt i asked you above so that i can't match my concepts according and if still confused will confirm those doubts
  • #4
They didn't know what that number was when they invented that concept of mole. You can understand moles without knowing this number. It was just the number of atoms in a gram of hydrogen, even when we didn't knlwnwhat that number is. It still is! - almost. (Best to ignore the refinements if you're having such difficulties.) Different atoms combine with each other to form compounds with (in the beginning) small whole numbers of atoms of different elements, e.g. water has one atom of oxygen and two of hydrogen, methane has one of carbon and four of hydrogen. But the atoms of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon all have different masses, that of oxygen is about.16 times that of hydrogen, of carbon about 12 times that of hydrogen. So water combines two grams of hydrogen to one of oxygen so by grams they combine about 2:16 = 1:8. In grams, methane is about 4:12 = 1:3 in grams. The same numbers carry over to other compounds so the combination to make carbons dioxide (one atom carbon and two oxygen) is 12:2×16 = 1:1.66 . The combining numbers are easy to immagine - but they are not easily visibile in the laboratory - what you could measure in laboratories was combining weights. Still true for what people mostly do in chemistry. Hence all this science of stoichiometry, and all the calculations about it in excercises.

Which many students seem to have enormous difficulty with. Yet they involve nothing but simple proportions. So I wonder why the difficulty? I guess it is because one science is called chemistry and the other is arithmetic. And when they do one they can't carry the other over and mix them.

Another related problem is perhaps the rather algebraic-like notation for chemical compounds. Maybe if they wrote coloured blobs for atoms, say a white one for hydrogen a black on for oxygen and remembered the White on weighs 1 and the black one 16 they would get it.

However I think what I said in the first para is in your textbook so I hope re-reading it you can undesrstand it there, and bear in mind you can't expect us to write the textbooks again.
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  • #5
What do you mean by gram of you mean it has molecular mass 1 then 1g mass and what is the prototype for comparison of the atomic weight.As i knw C-12 atom which itself has mass how is that possible?? Confused
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  • #7
Brajesh kedia said:
What do u mean by gram of u mean it has molecular mass 1 then 1g mass and what is the prototype for comparison of the atomic weight.As i knw C-12 atom which itself has mass how is that possible?? Confused
What I mean by a gram of hydrogen is just that - 1 gram lf hydrogen. Hydrogen is a substance you can weigh. A gram is a unit of weight, arbitrary but standardised. A mole is the amount of hydrogen atoms in gram of hydrogen. (It used to be called a gram-atom.) It made sense to use hydrogen as the basis becuase it is the lightest atom.

To take an even simpler example than before: hydrogen can combine with bromine to form a compound hydrogen bromide. This contains one atom of hydrogen and one of bromine. The chemical symbol of it is H-Br or HBr. The bromine atom is about 80 times heavier than the hydrogen atom. So one mole of bromine atoms (I.e. the same number of atoms as in 1g or 1 mole of hydrogen) is about 80g; one mole of HBr about 81g.

Your point about 12C is the refinement I said best ignored till the concept is clear. The reference substance has been changed by standards authorities for practical purposes but 1g hydrogen is still 1 mole and vice versa to within less than 1%, which is as good as you'll need for most calculations.
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  • #8
Say you use two apples, 100 grams of raisins and 1 spoon of sugar in your apple pie recipe.

You measure by counting, by weighing mass and my measuring volume. Three different ways to determine an amount.
Moles are the counting. You just add 23 zero's to make 1 mole something you can manage in the lab.How is dragging up history making it straightforward?
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FAQ: Mole concept Molar mass and mass no

1. What is the mole concept and how is it related to molar mass?

The mole concept is a fundamental concept in chemistry that refers to the unit of measurement for the amount of a substance. One mole is equal to the number of atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12. Molar mass, on the other hand, is the mass of one mole of a substance. It is related to the mole concept because the molar mass of a substance is the numerical value of the mass of one mole of that substance.

2. How is molar mass calculated?

Molar mass is calculated by adding up the atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule. The atomic mass is found on the periodic table and is usually expressed in grams per mole (g/mol). For example, the molar mass of water (H2O) is calculated by adding the atomic masses of two hydrogen atoms (2 x 1.008 g/mol) and one oxygen atom (1 x 15.999 g/mol), giving a molar mass of 18.015 g/mol.

3. What is the difference between molar mass and mass number?

Molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance, while mass number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. Molar mass is expressed in grams per mole, while mass number is a unitless number. Additionally, molar mass is used to determine the mass of a compound, while mass number is used to identify different isotopes of an element.

4. How is the mole concept used in stoichiometry?

The mole concept is used in stoichiometry to convert between the mass of a substance and the number of moles of that substance. This conversion is necessary in stoichiometry because chemical reactions are typically given in terms of moles, but laboratory measurements are usually made in terms of mass. By using the mole concept, we can accurately determine the amount of reactants needed and products produced in a chemical reaction.

5. Can you give an example of how to use the mole concept to calculate molar mass?

Yes, for example, to calculate the molar mass of carbon dioxide (CO2), we would first determine the atomic masses of carbon (12.01 g/mol) and oxygen (16.00 g/mol). Then, we would multiply the number of atoms of each element by their respective atomic masses (1 carbon atom x 12.01 g/mol + 2 oxygen atoms x 16.00 g/mol). This gives a molar mass of 44.01 g/mol for carbon dioxide.

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