Implementing Moving Average Algorithm for Data Analysis

  • Thread starter khdani
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In summary: If you want to smooth out the data and not introduce new peaks, then you can average it with a point that is the same number of points to the left and the right of the original data point. This has the disadvantage of averaging fewer points at the left and right extremes of your data but it will smooth it out.
  • #1
i'm trying to implement the moving average algorithm

i don't understand, after i calculate an average of say 5 values, what do i do
with the x values? how do i plot the new data points?
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  • #2
The output at time n is equal to the average of the input at times n, n-1, n-2, n-3, and n-4.

- Warren
  • #3
thanks chroot,
is there a better algorithm, which gives more accurate results ?
  • #4
Define accurate. What are you trying to represent?
  • #6
Increase the "sample size" of your moving average. That should smooth it out some more.
  • #7
Look carefully at the peaks of the two graphs. The one with the running average has the peaks shifted to the right. The larger the sample size, the more they will shift to the right. You might consider moving your whole graph to the left by half the number of points in your running average.

Or consider averaging a point with the same number of points to the left and to the right of it. This method has the disadvantage of averaging fewer points at the left and right extremes of your data.
  • #8
khdani said:
but i want it to be without this small fluctuations, as linear as possible, but only the noticeable peaks to keep.
so, is there any other techniques except moving average ?

Do you know to implement a high pass filter?

Are you working in Excel or programming this in a particular language?
  • #9
i'm programming this in C#,
i don't know how to implement high pass filter, would you please explain what exactly do you mean by implementing a high pass filter and would it help?

Or consider averaging a point with the same number of points to the left and to the right of it. This method has the disadvantage of averaging fewer points at the left and right extremes of your data.

i didn't understand this, would you please explain this ?
  • #10
That will depend on whether you're doing this in real-time. If you are, then you can only use data that you've already taken, or in the past. That will force you to use a backwards method. If you are doing this post-processing, then you can average from both behind and in front of your point of interest. This will keep the peaks at the right place in time.

Alternately you can look at CFD dissipation algorithms which are similar in a way to what you're doing.
  • #11
Well, you'd want a low-pass filter, not a high-pass.

A low-pass filter is a system which permits low low frequencies to pass from input to output, but blocks high frequencies. The small wiggles on your plot are high-frequency information, and would be blocked by such a filter.

If you don't know how to design one, it's really too complex a topic for us to explain here. If you have access to MATLAB, though, you can design some basic filters with just a couple of lines of code, and we can help you with that.

- Warren
  • #12
khdani said:
i'm programming this in C#,
i don't know how to implement high pass filter, would you please explain what exactly do you mean by implementing a high pass filter and would it help?

i didn't understand this, would you please explain this ?

Only you know what want and what you consider accurate. If what you want is to locate the peaks without regard to actual values this may be of help.

Again given the raw data points at A(n) and output at B(n), B(n) = A(n+2) - A(n-2) + A(n)*Exp(t).
You may be able to enhance the peaks by changing the value of t or raising the result to an odd power greater than one. Try starting with a value for t of -1.

B(n) = (A(n+2) - A(n-2) + A(n)*Exp(t))^3
Running averages typically average the current value with historical values resulting in a shift of the curve to the right by half the number of data points that are being averaged. To prevent that, the running average must average the same number of future points as it averages historical points. Obviously this isn't possible if you're doing real time processing or averaging at either end of the data series.

FAQ: Implementing Moving Average Algorithm for Data Analysis

1. What is a moving average algorithm?

A moving average algorithm is a data analysis technique that calculates the average value of a subset of data points over a specified time period. It is used to smooth out fluctuations and identify trends in data.

2. How is a moving average algorithm implemented?

The algorithm is implemented by taking the sum of a specified number of data points and dividing it by the number of points to calculate the average. This process is repeated for subsequent subsets of data, creating a "moving" average as the data set is analyzed.

3. What are the benefits of using a moving average algorithm?

Moving average algorithms can help to identify trends and patterns in data, as well as smooth out any noise or fluctuations. They are also useful for making future predictions based on past data.

4. What are some common applications of a moving average algorithm?

Moving average algorithms are commonly used in finance and economics to analyze stock prices, market trends, and economic data. They are also used in weather forecasting, signal processing, and marketing analysis.

5. Are there any limitations to using a moving average algorithm?

One limitation of a moving average algorithm is that it may not accurately reflect sudden changes or outliers in the data. It also requires a consistent and evenly spaced data set to be effective. Additionally, the selection of the time period for the moving average can impact the results.
