Need clarification on proof on I.V.T.

  • Thread starter Samuelb88
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In summary, the theorem states that for a continuous function f(x) on an interval [a,b], if f(a)<0 and f(b)>0, then there exists a point c between a and b such that f(c)=0. The proof involves defining c as the least upper bound of the set of x-values for which f(x)<0, and showing that if f(c)<0, it leads to a contradiction. Therefore, c must be equal to 0 and the theorem is proven.
  • #1
Theorem. Suppose that [itex]f(x)[/itex] is continuous on [a,b], [itex]a, b \in \mathbb{R}[/itex]. Then [itex]\exists c[/itex], a<c<b such that [itex]f(c)=0[/itex].

Proof. Let [itex]c=\sup\{ x : f(x) < 0 \}[/itex] and observe that [itex]c<0[/itex]. Now let [itex]x_n \rightarrow c[/itex] as [itex]n \rightarrow \infty[/itex] and observe that [itex]x_n < 0[/itex]. Get by transmission of continuity that [itex]f(x_n) \rightarrow f(c)[/itex] as [itex]n \rightarrow \infty[/itex]. Thus we have [itex]f(c) = \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} f(x_n) \leq 0[/itex]. Now suppose that [itex]f(c) < 0[/itex], we will derive a contradiction. Now we know that [itex]\exists \epsilon[/itex] such that [itex]\forall y \in (c-\epsilon, c+\epsilon)[/itex], [itex]f(y) < 0[/itex]. Then either [itex]y<c<0[/itex] or [itex]c<y<0[/itex]. Suppose that [itex]c<y<0[/itex], but this would contradict our definition of [itex]c[/itex]. Therefore we conclude that our initial supposition was wrong and therefore [itex]f(c)=0[/itex], as required.

Here's my question: I think I'm missing something about the definition of [itex]c[/itex], that is, how can we define [itex]c[/itex] to be the least upper bound of the negative values of a continuous function since we can get as close as we want to zero without ever reaching zero?
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  • #2
Hi samuelb88! :smile:

Where in Earth did you get this "proof"? A lot of it makes no sense and is not true.

Here's my attempt to clean things up

Samuelb88 said:
Theorem. Suppose that [itex]f(x)[/itex] is continuous on [a,b], [itex]a, b \in \mathbb{R}[/itex]. If f(a)<0 and f(b)>0 then [itex]\exists c[/itex], a<c<b such that [itex]f(c)=0[/itex].

Proof. Let [itex]c=\sup\{ x : f(x) < 0 \}[/itex] and observe that [itex]c<b[/itex] (since f(b)>0). Now let [itex]x_n \rightarrow c[/itex] as [itex]n \rightarrow \infty[/itex] with f(xn)<0. Get by transmission of continuity that [itex]f(x_n) \rightarrow f(c)[/itex] as [itex]n \rightarrow \infty[/itex]. Thus we have [itex]f(c) = \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} f(x_n) \leq 0[/itex]. Now suppose that [itex]f(c) < 0[/itex], we will derive a contradiction. Now we know that [itex]\exists \epsilon[/itex] such that [itex]\forall y \in (c-\epsilon, c+\epsilon)[/itex], [itex]f(y) < 0[/itex]. But for y>c, this contradicts our definition of c. Therefore we conclude that our initial supposition was wrong and therefore [itex]f(c)=0[/itex], as required.
  • #3
So how can we assign a value to the least upper bound of the set [itex]\{ x : f(x) < 0 \}[/itex]? I'm confused since for any real number, say c, such that c<0, we can always find another real number, say d, such that c<d<0.
  • #4
Samuelb88 said:
So how can we assign a value to the least upper bound of the set [itex]\{ x : f(x) < 0 \}[/itex]? I'm confused since for any real number, say c, such that c<0, we can always find another real number, say d, such that c<d<0.

Yes, but the c<0 thingies really don't make any sense. I see no reason why c must be <0.

Let's do an example: take the function f(x)=x-2 on [-10,10]. Then


then the least upper bound is 2, so our c=2. This doesn't mean that f(c)<0 (and indeed, our example shows that this is not the case). But we can always take the least upper bound.
  • #5
Ahh I was thinking about it incorrectly. Thank you, micromass! :)

FAQ: Need clarification on proof on I.V.T.

1. What is I.V.T.?

I.V.T. stands for Intermediate Value Theorem. It is a fundamental theorem in calculus that states that if a continuous function has values of opposite signs at two points, then there must exist at least one point between them where the function is equal to zero.

2. Why is I.V.T. important?

I.V.T. is important because it is used to prove the existence of roots or solutions to equations. It also helps in understanding the behavior of continuous functions and is used in many other theorems and proofs in calculus.

3. How do you prove I.V.T.?

To prove I.V.T., you must show that the function is continuous on a closed interval and has values of opposite signs at the endpoints. Then, using the Intermediate Value Theorem, you can conclude that the function must have a root or a point where it is equal to zero within that interval.

4. Can I.V.T. be used for all functions?

No, I.V.T. can only be applied to continuous functions. This means that the function must be defined and continuous on a closed interval. Discontinuous functions, such as piecewise functions, cannot be proven using I.V.T.

5. What are some real-life applications of I.V.T.?

I.V.T. has many real-life applications, one of the most common being in economics. It is used in supply and demand analysis to prove the existence of equilibrium points. It is also used in physics to prove the existence of solutions to equations of motion, and in engineering to design stable structures.

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