Need explanation of this differential equation

In summary, the solution to the given differential equation is y = Cx^2.e^x, where C is any constant not equal to 0. The step that may be confusing is when taking the exponential of both sides and using the property ##a^{(b+c)}=a^ba^c## to get |y| = e^c.x^2.e^x. This is done because what is done to one side must also be done to the other side.
  • #1
I need explanations at the last part of this math solution.

Solve the differential equation:
y' = (1 + 2/x)y

ln|y| = x+ln(x^2)+c

|y| = e^c.x^2.e^x

y = Cx^2.e^x (C = +/-e^c is any constant that is not equals to 0)

What I don't understand is this part where : |y| = e^c.x^2.e^x
Why do we have to multiply all the terms when we take the "In" out?
Physics news on
  • #2
Because what you do to one side has to be done to the other and ##a^{(b+c)}=a^ba^c## ... step by step:

starting from:
##\ln|y|=x+\ln(x^2)+c## ... take the exponential of both sides:

##y=e^{x+\ln(x^2)+c}=e^x e^{\ln(x^2)}e^c##
  • #3
The symbol is not "In" it is "ln" for logarithm.

FAQ: Need explanation of this differential equation

1. What is a differential equation?

A differential equation is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between a function and its derivatives. It is used to model a wide range of phenomena in science and engineering.

2. Why do we use differential equations?

Differential equations are used to describe dynamic systems and how they change over time. They are particularly useful in modeling physical systems, such as motion, heat transfer, and population dynamics.

3. How do you solve a differential equation?

The method for solving a differential equation depends on its type and complexity. Some equations can be solved analytically using techniques such as separation of variables or integration. Others may require numerical methods or computer simulations.

4. What is the difference between ordinary and partial differential equations?

An ordinary differential equation involves only one independent variable, whereas a partial differential equation involves multiple independent variables. Ordinary differential equations are used to model single-variable systems, while partial differential equations are used to model multi-variable systems.

5. Can you give an example of a real-world application of differential equations?

Differential equations are used in a wide range of fields, such as physics, biology, economics, and engineering. For example, they are used to model the spread of diseases, the motion of objects through a fluid, and the growth of populations. They are also essential in understanding and predicting natural phenomena, such as weather patterns and climate change.
