Neutron capture by light nuclei

In summary, the conversation discusses neutron-induced reactions in heavy and light nuclei. It is noted that there are reactions involving light nuclei, such as Li6 + n --> He4 + T and Li7 + n --> He4 + He3, which are similar to fission reactions. The possibility of neutron capture reactions for light nuclei, particularly in protium, is also discussed. It is mentioned that protium can combine with a neutron to form deuterium, which can then capture a neutron to become tritium. The use of heavy water as a moderator in CANDU reactors is also mentioned. The effectiveness of He-3 and B-10 in absorbing neutrons is noted, as well as the role of Be as a neutron
  • #1
I have a decent understanding of neutron-induced reactions in heavy nuclei (fission, capture), but less so when light nuclei are involved. I do know of Li6 + n --> He4 + T and the Li7 equivalent. Those reactions are more like nucleus splitting (fission).

My question is: do neutron capture reactions for light nuclei exist? I'm mainly thinking of protium. Would it be possible to produce deuterium by having protons capture neutrons? I read about proton-neutron collisions (as a shielding measure against a neutron flux, slowing the neutrons down), but those didn't involve a forming of a new nucleus. Where do those neutrons actually go after being slowed down? Are they just around until they decay to protons?
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  • #2
In protium, a proton can combine with a neutron to form a deuteron in a deuterium atom, and deuteron could capture a neutron and become a triton, which is the nucleus of tritium. The cross-section for n-capture by deuterium is very small, hence the motivation to use heavy water as a moderator in CANDU reactors.

He-3 is a particular effective capturer (absorber) of neutrons, and the product is He-4.

B-10 is another effective absorber of neutrons and is used in neutron detectors and control rods in nuclear reactors.

n(6Li,α)T is a source of tritium.

Be is a good reflector of neutrons, and at high (fast) energies induces an (n,2n) reaction.

Protons effectively moderate neutrons since they have approximately the same mass, and by that a neutron may lose up to half of its kinetic energy (by virtue of the conservation of energy and momentum).

If neutrons are not absorbed, they will eventually decay into a proton, electron and anti-neutrino.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply, much useful information in that.

About these reactions: something has to be wrong in my calculations. I've calculated that 10B + n --> 11B would be exothermic and yield 11.5 MeV. This seems quite an energy to me. That's approx. 111 TJ/kg. The energy density rivals that of ordinary heavy-nucleus fission. One would just need a neutron flux.

Can someone correct my calculation, or tell me why isn't this used in energy production?
  • #4
The thermal neutron n + B^10 capture reaction goes to lithium 7 and an alpha particle, plus about 2.3 MeV of ionization energy. The energy release is nearly 100 times less than uranium fission per nucleus, plus the fact that there is no neutron multiplication to sustain the reaction, makes this reaction unsuitable for energy production. I would guess that if you put boron into a reactor, you would poison (quench) the reaction by absorbing neutrons.

Free protons will capture thermal neutrons to form deuterons, and and emit a 2.2 MeV gamma ray.

FAQ: Neutron capture by light nuclei

What is neutron capture by light nuclei?

Neutron capture by light nuclei is a nuclear reaction in which a neutron is absorbed by a light nucleus, resulting in the formation of a heavier, more stable nucleus. This process plays a crucial role in the formation of elements in stars and in nuclear energy production.

How does neutron capture by light nuclei occur?

Neutron capture by light nuclei can occur through two mechanisms: (1) radiative capture, where the neutron is absorbed by the nucleus and a gamma ray is emitted, and (2) non-radiative capture, where the neutron is absorbed and the nucleus undergoes internal rearrangement to reach a more stable state.

What is the significance of neutron capture by light nuclei in nuclear reactions?

Neutron capture by light nuclei is a key process in nuclear reactions, as it can lead to the production of heavier elements through the process of nucleosynthesis. This process is responsible for the creation of elements such as carbon, oxygen, and iron, which are essential for life and the universe as we know it.

Can neutron capture by light nuclei be controlled?

Neutron capture by light nuclei can be controlled in nuclear reactors through the use of control rods, which absorb excess neutrons and regulate the rate of the nuclear reaction. This is important for safety and efficiency in nuclear energy production.

What are the potential applications of neutron capture by light nuclei?

Neutron capture by light nuclei has a wide range of potential applications, including nuclear energy production, nuclear medicine, and materials science. It is also a crucial process in understanding the origin and evolution of the universe and the formation of elements in stars.
