New full scale deflection of an ammeter

In summary, a full scale deflection of an ammeter is the maximum value that the needle on the ammeter can reach when measuring a current. This value is determined by the maximum current the ammeter is capable of measuring and can be found in the ammeter's specifications. If the current exceeds the full scale deflection, the needle may stay at its maximum position and damage the ammeter's accuracy. The full scale deflection cannot be changed, but some ammeters have multiple scales for different current ranges. It is used as a reference to determine the current being measured by comparing the needle's position to the marked value for full scale deflection.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Calculate the new full scale deflection of the ammeter
Relevant Equations
Rs = iRc/I-i
Screenshot 2020-02-14 at 09.05.19.png

My attempt:


Does 4.75 amps for the full scale deflection seem okay?

Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
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  • #3
Looks good.