Next destination in my voyage through Mathematics

In summary, a university student who plans on persuing an electrical engineering degree should consider studying calculus 2 and complex variables. After that, there are many different directions you could go, such as complex variables, differential equations, and Fourier analysis. There are also references to Linear Algebra and Probability and Stochastic processes.
  • #1
Hello all,

I'm simply a student who has a passion for mathematics. I'm just curious as what domain of mathematics I should study next. I'm a university student who plans on persuing an electrical engineering degree.

I've already learned Calculus 1&2 along with linear algebra. What would be the next level of mathematics after things such as calculus 2 or even advancements in what I've already learned in linear algebra?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
After calculus there are many different directions you can go into. Related to elec. eng., you could consider complex variables, Fourier analysis, differential equations, for starters.
  • #3
you could consider complex variables, Fourier analysis, differential equations, for starters.
Any good resources/notes/problems you could point me to by chance?
  • #4
Don't forget Linear Algebra. Easily one of the most general and most important areas of mathematics after calculus.
  • #5
I've already taken Linear Algebra and I enjoyed it alot, complex variables seems to relate a lot to what I've already seen in my linear algebra course as well. Could you guys be more specific at what I should be looking at?
  • #6
Has a former electrical engineer, who later drifted to mathematics, I would agree and suggest Differential Equations and Complex Variables. Probability and Stochastic processes are also something you should learn, but later (to really understand probability you'll need Real Analysis and a bit of Measure Theory).

As for references, try Martin Braun's "Differential Equations and their applications" and Marsden and Hoffman's "Basic Complex Analysis".
  • #7
I'm just curious, how did you go from being an electrical engineer to working in mathematics?
  • #8
My first degree (called a License, in my country; a 5-year degree) was in electrical engineering; I got interested in Signal Processing and Control Theory and that led to Mathematics. Eventually, I decided that it was really that I wanted, and enrolled in a PhD program.

An Electrical Engineering course, if done properly, will give you a flexibility that few other courses can match.
  • #9
Thats something I may look into in the future, I'm just not sure I can jump from an electrical engineering degree to a PhD in mathematics? How can I figure this out?
  • #10
Depends where you are and how the system works there. It's possible that you may have to do a Masters degree first, but many math departments accept PhD students from other fields without this requirement. Why don't you try to talk with the people in the math department where you are studying? Tell them about your interests and ask for advice. Check if it's possible to do a minor, for exemple.

FAQ: Next destination in my voyage through Mathematics

1. What is the purpose of the "Next destination in my voyage through Mathematics" series?

The purpose of this series is to provide a comprehensive and engaging exploration of various mathematical concepts, theories, and applications. It aims to help readers develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the beauty and complexity of mathematics.

2. Who is the target audience for this series?

The target audience for this series is anyone with an interest in mathematics, from students and educators to professionals and casual learners. It is designed to be accessible to readers of all levels, from beginners to experts.

3. What topics are covered in this series?

This series covers a wide range of topics in mathematics, including but not limited to algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and logic. It also delves into applications of mathematics in fields such as physics, economics, and computer science.

4. How are the articles in this series structured?

Each article in this series follows a similar structure, beginning with an introduction to the topic and its relevance, followed by an explanation of key concepts and principles. It then explores real-world examples and applications, and ends with a summary and further resources for readers to continue their exploration.

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