Nilpotent / Diagonalizable matrices

  • Thread starter alaa_137
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In summary, the conversation is about proving that a matrix A with rank=1 and n>1 is either nilpotent or diagonalizable. The original attempt at a proof was incorrect and the conversation then discusses the importance of the rank=1 property and the use of Jordan canonical forms in finding eigenvalues. A counterexample is also given to show that not all rank 1 matrices have the same Jordan form.
  • #1
Hey guys
I hope I'm in the right place...
I have this question I've been trying to solve for too long:

Let A be an nxn matrix, rankA=1 , and n>1 .
Prove that A is either nilpotent or diagonalizable.

My best attempt was:
if A is not diagonalizable then det(A)=0 then there is a k>0 such that A^k = 0 then A is nilpotent.

But I'm quite sure that's not good...

Anyone can help?

Thanks a lot
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  • #2
alaa_137 said:
if A is not diagonalizable then det(A)=0 then there is a k>0 such that A^k = 0 then A is nilpotent.

This is incorrect. This should be clear since you did not use the rank=1 property.

Also, why should a non-diagonalizable matrix have det(A)=0??
And more crucial, why should a matrix with det(A)=0 have A^k=0 for a k?

What does diagonalizable mean?? What does it say about the eigenvectors??

Do you know anything about Jordan canonical forms??
  • #3
alright so everything i said is wrong i guess.
i just tried to get to SOMEthing... because i came to a dead end...
and yes i know about Jordan forms...
How can I use that for the proof?
  • #4
Well, try to write down the Jordan canonical forms of a matrix with rank 1. Can you find some eigenvalues of such a matrix?
  • #5
if rank = 1 then all eigenvalues are zero, right ?
  • #6
alaa_137 said:
if rank = 1 then all eigenvalues are zero, right ?

What is the rank of [tex] A = \pmatrix{1&0\\0&0}?[/tex] What are its eigenvalues?

  • #7
t1=1 , t2=0
  • #8
alaa_137 said:
t1=1 , t2=0

So this is a counterexample to your post 5, right?
  • #9
yeah, and its jordan form is just as the original matrix.
I tried another rank 1 matrix to see if i come across a rule for jordan forms for rank 1 matrices... but i didn't find anything special...

FAQ: Nilpotent / Diagonalizable matrices

1. What is a nilpotent matrix?

A nilpotent matrix is a square matrix whose powers eventually become all zeros. In other words, there exists a positive integer k such that A^k = 0, where A is the nilpotent matrix.

2. How can I determine if a matrix is nilpotent?

A matrix is nilpotent if and only if its determinant is equal to 0. This means that the matrix is not invertible and has at least one eigenvalue of 0.

3. What is a diagonalizable matrix?

A diagonalizable matrix is a square matrix that is similar to a diagonal matrix. In other words, it can be transformed into a diagonal matrix by using an invertible matrix.

4. How can I tell if a matrix is diagonalizable?

A matrix is diagonalizable if it has n linearly independent eigenvectors, where n is the dimension of the matrix. This means that it has n distinct eigenvalues and can be transformed into a diagonal matrix.

5. Can a matrix be both nilpotent and diagonalizable?

No, a matrix cannot be both nilpotent and diagonalizable. This is because a nilpotent matrix has all its eigenvalues equal to 0, while a diagonalizable matrix has distinct eigenvalues. Therefore, a matrix cannot have both all eigenvalues equal to 0 and distinct eigenvalues at the same time.
