NOn-linear equation, when has a solution?

In summary, the necessary and sufficient condition for a solution to exist in a linear system of equations is that the determinant of the coefficient matrix is greater than 0. However, in the case of non-linear equations, determining the existence of a solution is more complex. In non-linear equation theory, a 'quadrature method' can be applied to determine the existence of a solution, with the use of a contractive mapping procedure being a crucial tool. For non-linear differential equation systems, the existence of a unique solution can be proven in some cases by using a contractive mapping procedure. For algebraic non-linear systems, proving the existence of a solution can also be done by showing a contractive mapping through iteration. Other methods may also exist
  • #1
NOn-linear equation, when has a solution??

For linear system of equations:

[tex] A_{ij}x^{i}=b_{j} [/tex] (implicit sum over repeated indices)

a necessary and sufficient condition to exist is that |detA| >0

but what happens whenever you have a Non-linear equation:

[tex] f(x_{i},x_{j} , x_{k})=b_{j} [/tex] ??

How do you know it will have a solution or not??...

the problem arises mainly in NOn-linear equation do you know that equation:

[tex] \int_{0}^{\infty} K(x,y,f(x),)dy = g(x) [/tex]

has a solution applying a 'quadrature method' ??
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  • #2
Well, for non-linear diff.eq systems, you may prove, in special cases, the existence of a unique solution function in some neighbourhood of the initial value.

A crucial tool in deriving this, is the use of a contractive mapping procedure.

For algebraic non-linear systems, in so far as you can prove you get a contractive mapping by iteration should also guarantee a solution.

Perhaps there exist less crude tools, I dunno.
  • #3

In general, there is no easy way to determine if a non-linear equation has a solution. Unlike linear equations, there is no simple condition like |detA| > 0 to check for existence of a solution. Non-linear equations can have multiple solutions, no solutions, or even an infinite number of solutions.

One approach to solving non-linear equations is through numerical methods such as the quadrature method mentioned. These methods involve approximating the solution by breaking the equation into smaller, simpler pieces and iteratively finding a solution. However, these methods may not always work and may require some initial guess or approximation of the solution.

Another approach is to use analytical techniques such as substitution or elimination to simplify the equation and potentially find a solution. However, these techniques may not always be possible or may result in a very complex solution.

Ultimately, the best way to determine if a non-linear equation has a solution is to try different methods and see if a solution can be found. If a solution cannot be found, it may indicate that the equation does not have a solution or that more advanced techniques are needed to find one.

FAQ: NOn-linear equation, when has a solution?

What is a non-linear equation?

A non-linear equation is an equation in which the variables are raised to a power other than 1. It cannot be solved using simple algebraic methods and often has a curved graph when plotted.

What is the difference between a linear and non-linear equation?

A linear equation has variables that are raised to the power of 1, while a non-linear equation has variables raised to a power other than 1. In other words, a linear equation has a constant rate of change, while a non-linear equation does not.

How do you know if a non-linear equation has a solution?

A non-linear equation has a solution if the graph of the equation intersects the x-axis at least once. This point of intersection is the solution to the equation.

How many solutions can a non-linear equation have?

A non-linear equation can have multiple solutions, depending on the degree of the equation. For example, a quadratic equation can have two solutions, while a cubic equation can have three solutions.

What methods can be used to solve a non-linear equation?

There are several methods that can be used to solve a non-linear equation, such as graphing, substitution, elimination, and the quadratic formula. The best method to use depends on the specific equation and the information given.

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