Solving an Object Falling with Non-Linear Power Series ODEs

In summary, Slater and Frank's Mechanics 1947 book has a equation for m v = m g - k v^3, but introduces dimensionless variables for time and velocity to get a 1st order ODE in velocity. When substituted into the original equation, the separable variables simplify to: \frac{dy}{1 - y^3} = dx.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have not had luck in finding a solution that describes an object falling. Forces include gravitational force which is constant and a vicous force directly proportional to the cube of the velocity. I am supposed to find v as a function of time.

Homework Equations

v' + a(v)^3 = b where a and b are constants.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have a lot of paper crumbled on the floor. I might add that I am just doing this for fun. I am practicing and learning some math. It is my hobby. :)
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  • #2
If you are attempting a power series solution, why don't you tell us what your guess for the series is, and what the ODE looks like after substituting in the series?
  • #3
Steely Dan said:
If you are attempting a power series solution, why don't you tell us what your guess for the series is, and what the ODE looks like after substituting in the series?


I have attempted to guessv = [itex]\Sigma[/itex]c[itex]_{n} [/itex]t [itex]^{n}[/itex]

But my problem is the cubed term. Series solutions seem to only be easy when dealing with polynomial coefficients, but this time the dependent variable is causing the non-linearity of the ODE.

I have ofcourse substituted the derivative terms of the power series but I do not know how to cube the series in order to then find the coefficients. Cubing the series would result in a mess.

Thanks for any input.By the way this problem is from an OLD book in mechanics. Very cool read if anyone is interested

Slater and Frank Mechanics 1947.
  • #4
Your equation should be:
m \, \dot{v} = m \, g - k \, v^3

It is a 1st order ODE in velocity! The one you have is 2nd order. If you introduce dimensionless variables for time and velocity:
t = a \, x, v = b \, y, \ y = y(x)
then, the equation reduces to:
m \, \frac{b}{a} \, y'(x) = m \, g - k \, b^3 \, y^3
Let us choose a, and b so that:
m \, \frac{b}{a} = m \, g = k \, b^3
a = \left( \frac{m}{k \, g^2} \right)^{\frac{1}{3}}, \ b = \left( \frac{m \, g}{k} \right)^{\frac{1}{3}}
then the ODE simplifies in form:
y' = 1 - y^3
This equation is with separable variables:
\frac{dy}{1 - y^3} = dx
\int_{y_0}^{y}{\frac{dy'}{1 - (y')^3}} = x, \ y(x = 0) = y_0
Do the partial fraction decomposition:
\frac{1}{1 - (y')^3} = \frac{1}{(1 - y') (1 + y' + (y')^2)} = \frac{A}{1 - y'} + \frac{B \, y' + C}{1 + y' + (y')^2}
1 = A (1 + y' + (y')^2) + (B \, y' + C)(1 - y')
1 = (A + C) + (A + B - C) \, y' + (A - B) \, (y')^2
A + C & = & 1 \\
A + B - C & = & 0 \\
A - B & = & 0
\end{array} \right. \Leftrightarrow A = \frac{1}{3} \, B = \frac{1}{3} \, C = \frac{2}{3}
Thus, you have the integrals:
\frac{1}{3} \, \int_{y_0}^{y}{\frac{dy'}{1 - y'}} + \frac{1}{3} \, \int_{y_0}^{y}{dy' \, \frac{y' + 2}{1 + y' + (y')^2}} = x
Do the integrals (assuming [itex]0 \le y, \ y_0 < 1[/itex]
  • #5
Thank you

Your solution is very elegant. Although the book calls for a power series solution ( at least first 4 terms). I was reviewing from my ODE books but like always math books turn out not to have the thing you are looking for. hehe

Nevertheless thanks for taking the time to solve it.

Also yeah, I did realized that I got carried away with the primes. Ofcourse the physical description was enough to figure it out.
  • #6
Oh, I think I might have found a better method that involves a polynomial solution. Maybe just by iteration using the Taylor series. The problem does not say anything about I.C s but I cannot think of anything else. xD

FAQ: Solving an Object Falling with Non-Linear Power Series ODEs

1. What is a non-linear power series ODE?

A non-linear power series ODE (ordinary differential equation) is a type of mathematical equation that involves a power series, or a series of terms with increasing powers of the independent variable. The equation can be non-linear, meaning that the terms may include products or powers of the dependent variable, making it more complex to solve.

2. How is a non-linear power series ODE different from a linear power series ODE?

A linear power series ODE only involves terms with a single power of the dependent variable, making it easier to solve using techniques such as separation of variables or variation of parameters. In contrast, a non-linear power series ODE involves terms with multiple powers of the dependent variable, requiring more advanced techniques to solve.

3. What are some applications of non-linear power series ODEs?

Non-linear power series ODEs have many applications in various fields of science and engineering, including physics, chemistry, biology, and economics. They can be used to model complex systems and phenomena such as population growth, chemical reactions, and electrical circuits.

4. How do you solve a non-linear power series ODE?

Solving a non-linear power series ODE typically involves using techniques such as power series methods, numerical methods, or approximation methods. This may include expanding the equation into a power series, finding a power series solution, or using numerical algorithms to approximate the solution.

5. What are some challenges of solving non-linear power series ODEs?

Non-linear power series ODEs can be more difficult to solve than linear power series ODEs due to their complexity and lack of general methods for finding solutions. In addition, they may have multiple solutions or no closed-form solution at all, making it necessary to use numerical methods to approximate the solution.

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