Solving a Physics Puzzle: Unraveling the Mystery of Iron-56

In summary, Iron-56 is a stable and abundant isotope of iron that is important in physics due to its high abundance on Earth and its role in understanding the formation of elements in stars and the universe. The "iron puzzle" refers to the mystery of how Iron-56 is produced, which is significant in understanding the processes of element creation and star evolution. Scientists use theoretical calculations, experiments, and data analysis to approach solving this puzzle. Possible explanations for the abundance of Iron-56 include the Supernova Theory and Neutron Star Merger Theory, but the mystery is still not fully solved. Scientists continue to study and gather data in hopes of solving the "iron puzzle."
  • #1
i got a atronphysics question that i have a hard time to solve it:

In the most massive stars, nuclear fusion continues until iron-56 is formed in the core. consider the net process, which is to take 56 hydrogen atoms and turn them into one iron atom.
a, how much enegry is released per atom?
the answer i get is 10ev per atom, i thought this is not a correct answer.

b. an iron core of a massive star has is typically 2 solar masses in much energy has the star generated in forming this core, through fusion?
the answer i get is 3.81*10^39 J

c.if the star shines with a luminosity of 100,000 times that of the sun, how long do you expect it to live?
i have no idea how to solve question c...

any help is appreciated...
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  • #2
crystalplane said:
In the most massive stars, nuclear fusion continues until iron-56 is formed in the core. consider the net process, which is to take 56 hydrogen atoms and turn them into one iron atom.
Is not really as simple as that, but you should expect a small positive value. That is forming iron is (just) energetically favourable.

b. an iron core of a massive star has is typically 2 solar masses in much energy has the star generated in forming this core, through fusion?
the answer i get is 3.81*10^39 J
Number of moles of iron * answer to a .

c.if the star shines with a luminosity of 100,000 times that of the sun, how long do you expect it to live?
In a very simple picture just take the number of Joules you found above and the sun's luminosity and divide.
  • #3
crystalplane said:
i got a atronphysics question that i have a hard time to solve it:

In the most massive stars, nuclear fusion continues until iron-56 is formed in the core. consider the net process, which is to take 56 hydrogen atoms and turn them into one iron atom.
a, how much enegry is released per atom?
the answer i get is 10ev per atom, i thought this is not a correct answer.

Was this supposed to read '10 MeV per atom'? Also, is that per hydrogen nucleus? If so, it is in the right neighborhood, though slightly high.

You'll need the following information:

the 56 hydrogen atoms have protons for nuclei, so you start out with

56 x mass of a proton (mass of proton: 1.007 276 atomic mass units)
[see, for instance,|search_for=atomnuc! ];

through the fusion history of the stellar core, these get converted into a single Fe-56 nucleus, having 26 protons and 30 neutrons and a negative binding energy, so the
mass of this nucleus is actually

mass of Fe-56 nucleus: 55.92066 atomic mass units
[see, for instance, ] ;

the atomic mass unit has an energy equivalent of 931.494 MeV
[see ] .

You will need to calculate the change in mass of the group of protons in becoming a single Fe-56 nuclei in amu and then convert that to MeV. If you divide this by the 56 hydrogen nuclei, you will get a figure somewhat lower than 10 MeV/proton. (I'm not clear on how much precision you are being asked for...)
b. an iron core of a massive star has is typically 2 solar masses in much energy has the star generated in forming this core, through fusion?
the answer i get is 3.81*10^39 J

This figure is very low. Find the number of protons in 2 solar masses (close to 2 · 10^30 kg.) and multiply this by the energy release per proton from part (a), then convert this to Joules.

As a rough check, the gravitational binding energy of a uniform sphere is

-0.6 · [ G(M^2)/R ] .

For the 2-solar mass stellar core near the end of its fusion lifetime, its radius will be somewhat small than a white dwarf star, say, 3000 km. This value will be an underestimate, since the actual core is rather denser near its center than at its periphery.

c.if the star shines with a luminosity of 100,000 times that of the sun, how long do you expect it to live?

mgb_phys has given the method for an estimate of the stellar lifetime. Since we are looking at the most massive stars here, you should get a figure not larger than a few million years.
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FAQ: Solving a Physics Puzzle: Unraveling the Mystery of Iron-56

1. What is Iron-56 and why is it important in physics?

Iron-56 is a specific isotope of the element iron, with 26 protons and 30 neutrons. It is important in physics because it is the most stable and abundant isotope of iron, making up about 91.754% of all iron found on Earth. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the formation of elements in stars and the overall structure of the universe.

2. What is the "iron puzzle" and why is it significant?

The "iron puzzle" refers to the mystery of how Iron-56 is produced in the universe. According to known nuclear reactions, it should not be the most abundant isotope of iron. This puzzle is significant because understanding the production of Iron-56 is key to understanding the processes that create elements and the evolution of stars.

3. How do scientists approach solving the mystery of Iron-56?

Scientists use various methods, such as theoretical calculations and experiments, to study the production of Iron-56. They also study the behavior of other elements and isotopes in stars and supernovae, as well as analyzing the cosmic rays that pass through our solar system.

4. What are some possible explanations for the abundance of Iron-56?

There are several theories that attempt to explain the abundance of Iron-56, including the Supernova Theory, where Iron-56 is produced in massive stars and then distributed through supernova explosions, and the Neutron Star Merger Theory, where Iron-56 is produced in the collision of two neutron stars. Other theories suggest that Iron-56 may be created through nuclear reactions in the early universe or through some unknown process.

5. How close are scientists to solving the "iron puzzle"?

While there have been many advancements and breakthroughs in understanding the production of Iron-56, the mystery is still not fully solved. Scientists continue to study and gather data from various sources to piece together the puzzle and come up with a comprehensive explanation for the abundance of Iron-56 in the universe.
