Can Protons and Electrons Combine to Form Neutrons in Stars?

In summary: WikipediaIn summary, nuclear fusion reactions, such as the proton-proton chain reaction, can lead to the formation of a neutron star or black hole after a massive star explodes and collapses. The interaction involved is an inverse beta decay, where a proton and electron combine to form a neutron and neutrino. This process occurs under extreme pressure and temperature conditions. In addition, the mass of a nucleus, such as Helium, is less than the sum of its individual nucleons due to the binding energy within the nucleus. This can be seen in the fusion of four protons into a Helium nucleus, where a small amount of mass is lost and converted into energy.
  • #1
Chalnoth said:
There's a reaction where a proton and electron can combine to form a neutron and a couple of neutrinos...

This the answer that I have from Chalnoth in my other thread about nuclear fusion inside the sun (or star in main sequence).

And after iron burning in the core of massive star, the star explodes and leaves a neutron star (or a black hole) behind.

Is producing neutron in P+P reaction chains and producing neutron star a similar process?
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  • #2
I think we had talked about it in the neutron star formation question you had posted...
The interaction is an inverse beta decay (or electron capture)
[itex] pe^- \rightarrow n \nu_e[/itex]
and it's what happens at the collapsing core of the sun before forming a neutron star. (sidenote: Not all protons or electrons have to disappear)

Stephanus said:
Is producing neutron in P+P reaction chains

for which branch are you asking about?
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  • #4
Also check here:–proton_chain_reaction
where it gives the reactions...
For the pp I branch (temperatures 10-14 MK) you don't have any electron capture processes vs pp II branch (temperatures 14-23MK) you have electron capture processes (Berylium gets an electron to give the Lithium)
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  • #5
ChrisVer said:
I think we had talked about it in the neutron star formation question you had posted...
The interaction is an inverse beta decay (or electron capture)
[itex] pe^- \rightarrow n \nu_e[/itex]
and it's what happens at the collapsing core of the sun before forming a neutron star. (sidenote: Not all protons or electrons have to disappear)
for which branch are you asking about?
Yes, I do remember it ChrisVer.
It's just that I realized in P + P reaction P + P -> Deuterium
It is different I think with He3 + He 3 -> Two Hydrogens + He 4.
There's no change of particle here, but in P + P there is a change particle. Proton becomes a Neutron. So I remember back then when I ask that previous question about neutron star. Is it the same process.
In neutron star it is pressure, right?
And in P + P reaction it is collision (and pressure), right?
Because there's also fusion reaction in tokamaks, but in atmospheric pressure.
  • #6
that change is just a usual beta+ decay and not an electron capture.

Both are due to pressure...

i am not sure if Tokamaks have achieved fusion.
  • #7

And at some other links

It seems that proton is heavier than neutron.–proton_chain_reaction#Energy_release

Comparing the mass of the final helium-4 atom with the masses of the four protons reveals that 0.007 or 0.7% of the mass of the original protons has been lost. This mass has been converted into energy, in the form of gamma rays and neutrinos released during each of the individual reactions.

Is He4 heavier than 4 Hydrogens?
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  • #8
ChrisVer said:
i am not sure if Tokamaks have achieved fusion.
Haven't they? Perhaps for 10 minutes then dies I think. ITER is designed to sustained the reaction much longer.
  • #9
Stephanus said:
It seems that proton is heavier than neutron.

the proton is lighter than the neutron, and that's why a free proton cannot decay to a neutron.

Stephanus said:
Is He4 heavier than 4 Hydrogens?
no... Nuclei are not "balls" made up of constituents you can sum up and get their mass. There is a difference between summing over the neutron/proton masses and the nucleus mass, and that's because the nucleus is a bound system.
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  • #10
ChrisVer said:
the proton is lighter than the neutron, and that's why a free proton cannot decay to a Nuclei are not "balls" made up of constituents you can sum up and get their mass. There is a difference between summing over the neutron/proton masses and the nucleus mass, and that's because the nucleus is a bound system.

Thanks for your invaluable help ChrisVer.
Wikipedia says "Comparing the mass of the final helium-4 atom with the masses of the four protons reveals that 0.007 or 0.7% of the mass of the original protons has been lost"
The proton is lighter than the neutron. As you say and many links in internet and my textbook in high school. Okay...
Or a SINGLE proton is lighter than a SINGLE neutron?
Or somehow 2P+2N (as in He4) if combined together becomes even more lighter than 4 single protons?
  • #11
ChrisVer said:
i am not sure if Tokamaks have achieved fusion.
They have.

Fusion needs high pressure and/or high temperature - both are important. We cannot reproduce the pressure in the interior of the sun in tokamaks, but we can reach higher temperatures.
Stephanus said:
Or a SINGLE proton is lighter than a SINGLE neutron?
Right. It does not make sense to ask about the mass of a single proton or neutron inside a nucleus. That is a meaningless concept.
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  • #12
Stephanus said:
Or somehow 2P+2N (as in He4) if combined together becomes even more lighter than 4 single protons?

That's what it happens... Again I'm repeating that the mass of the Helium is not [itex]2m_p + 2m_n[/itex], but less than that... The difference is due to the binding energy of the four nucleons within the Helium nucleus.

The proton (or hydrogen nucleus) has a mass of around 1.007825u
So 4 protons have a total mass of 4.031300u...

The Helium has a mass of 4.00260u...

Take the difference 4p-He: 4.031300u-4.00260u =0.02870u (or 26.72 MeV )
That's positive so [itex]M_{4p} > M_{He}[/itex]
And so that's why it says that the protons lost some of their mass when they got combined into the Helium nucleus.

Making a check of the percentage: [itex]\frac{\Delta M}{M_{4p}} = \frac{0.02870}{4.031300}=0.00711929154 \approx 0.007[/itex] or 0.7%
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  • #13
mfb said:
They have.

OK, thanks for that :)
  • #14
Stephanus said:
Or a SINGLE proton is lighter than a SINGLE neutron?

I don't understand this question.
A proton is lighter than a neutron... it can decay to a neutron only by finding from somewhere the needed energy [and it does so when it is within a bound state like a nucleus, and so you have nuclei that can undergo beta+ decay]
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  • #15
ChrisVer said:
I don't understand this question.
A proton is lighter than a neutron... it can decay to a neutron only by finding from somewhere the needed energy [and it does so when it is within a bound state like a nucleus, and so you have nuclei that can undergo beta+ decay]

I mean the mass of a positive ion of Hydrogen is lighter compared to the mass of a single free neutron.
  • #16
Stephanus said:
positive ion of Hydrogen

You are rephrasing the word "proton" in a complicated way here o0)

and yes... a free "positive ion of Hydrogen" has a mass [itex]m_p[/itex] while a neutron has [itex]m_n[/itex]...and we already agreed that [itex]m_n> m_p[/itex].
But still, two free "positive ions of Hydrogen" are lighter (mass=##2m_p##) than two free neutrons (mass=##2m_n##)... (that's why I had problem with the word "single" but I'd prefer "free").

But for example (from the wiki article on the pp chains) the diproton which is not "free", is heavier than a deuterium...
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  • #17
mfb said:
"Or a SINGLE proton is lighter than a SINGLE neutron?"
Right. It does not make sense to ask about the mass of a single proton or neutron inside a nucleus. That is a meaningless concept.

Okay, okay I understand now. Really do.
Thank you everybody.
Can I add a question here?
Beta decay.
ChrisVer said:
A proton is lighter than a neutron... it can decay to a neutron... so you have nuclei that can undergo beta+ decay

ChrisVer said:
I think we had talked about it in the neutron star formation question you had posted...
The interaction is an inverse beta decay (or electron capture)
I can understand (if not imagine) beta decay in P+P reaction chain in the Sun.
What about in neutron star.
Are you saying that the whole iron core, 1.44 solar mass I think, decays in 1 seconds to become a big ball of neutrons?
I mean tritium decays in 12 year, is it?
And Carbon 14 decays more than 5000 years.
But if somehow P + P decays becomes a deuterium in more than 1 second, I can imagine. At least, they say the proces for P + P becomes He4 in the sun takes more than 100 000 years. Forgot how long.
But in neutron star, does beta decay take place in 1 second?
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  • #18
ChrisVer said:
...But still, two free "positive ions of Hydrogen" are lighter (mass=##2m_p##) than two free neutrons (mass=##2m_n##)... (that's why I had problem with the word "single" but I'd prefer "free").
FREE is the word. I understand now. Thanks.
It means a big different than the proton in nucleus.
  • #19
Stephanus said:
Are you saying that the whole iron core, 1.44 solar mass I think, decays in 1 seconds to become a big ball of neutrons?

I don't know about the time scales to be honest...
However when the core collapses beyond the white dwarf stage, it gets heated up... this heat up provides enough energy for:
[itex]e^-+ p+1.36MeV \rightarrow n \nu_e[/itex]
As I have already explained, the existing electron/proton degeneracy blocks the neutron from decaying back and makes it stable within the core.
As collapse keeps on going and temperatures keep on growing (more free energy), any surviving atomic nuclei will undergo the inverse beta decay, with a peak appearing for the iron at ~3.7MeV.
So you get suddenly too many neutrons in the core. After that point the collapse is getting slowed down from free-fall by the neutrino pressure.
When neutrons are enough to become degenerate, the collapse is halt and immediately you go back into equillibrium ...this immediate transition produces an outward going shockwave (being also boosted by the neutrino pressure) because of the bounce of the infalling matterial over the neutron degenerate core. And that shock is the supernova.
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  • #20
ChrisVer said:
I don't know about the time scales to be honest...
However when the core collapses beyond the white dwarf stage, it gets heated up... this heat up provides enough energy for:
[itex]e^-+ p+1.36MeV \rightarrow n \nu_e[/itex]
As I have already explained, the existing electron/proton degeneracy blocks the neutron from decaying back and makes it stable within the core.
As collapse keeps on going and temperatures keep on growing (more free energy), any surviving atomic nuclei will undergo the inverse beta decay, with a peak appearing for the iron at ~3.7MeV.
So you get suddenly too many neutrons in the core. After that point the collapse is getting slowed down from free-fall by the neutrino pressure.
When neutrons are enough to become degenerate, the collapse is halt and immediately you go back into equillibrium ...this immediate transition produces an outward going shockwave (being also boosted by the neutrino pressure) because of the bounce of the infalling matterial over the neutron degenerate core. And that shock is the supernova.
Thanks ChrisVer, it's good enough for me.:smile:
  • #21
Now if all that happens in ~1sec, I don't know... But I wouldn't be surprised if it astrophysicist might help you in that...
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  • #22
Stephanus said:
t seems that proton is heavier than neutron.

1842 > 1837.
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  • #23
Vanadium 50 said:
1842 > 1837.
Ahhh, typo.
Proton is lighter than Neutron.
  • #24
Stephanus said:
I can understand (if not imagine) beta decay in P+P reaction chain in the Sun.
What about in neutron star.
Are you saying that the whole iron core, 1.44 solar mass I think, decays in 1 seconds to become a big ball of neutrons?
I mean tritium decays in 12 year, is it?
And Carbon 14 decays more than 5000 years.
But if somehow P + P decays becomes a deuterium in more than 1 second, I can imagine. At least, they say the proces for P + P becomes He4 in the sun takes more than 100 000 years. Forgot how long.
But in neutron star, does beta decay take place in 1 second?
You are mixing several different concepts here.
p+p happens in main-sequence stars over millions to trillions of years. A stellar remnant that might form a neutron star fused most of its hydrogen to heavier elements already.
The neutron formation for a neutron star is not a decay in the usual sense - it is more a collision process of high-energetic protons and electrons.
There are very short-living nuclei, by the way. 10-22 seconds is nothing special.
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  • #25
mfb said:
You are mixing several different concepts here.
p+p happens in main-sequence stars over millions to trillions of years. A stellar remnant that might form a neutron star fused most of its hydrogen to heavier elements already.
The neutron formation for a neutron star is not a decay in the usual sense - it is more a collision process of high-energetic protons and electrons.
There are very short-living nuclei, by the way. 10-22 seconds is nothing special.
10-22seconds, oh okay...
Thanks MFB for the answer.
I mean the beta decay process to convert the all of the protons to neutrons in supernova is 1 sec?
The process from hydrogen burning, helium, CNO, up to iron burning as you say, could be millions of years. 1 day for silicon burning.
But can't be more than 20 millions years I think from what I read, more than that the mass is not suficient to provide iron burning.
And how long this "iron burning" process? I read that it only takes 1 second and the star explodes into a supernova and leaves a neutron star behind.
So this beta decay in supernova is 1 second?

Sorry, I think I'm going off of topic here. I just want to know the nuclear reaction in main sequence, but,...
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  • #26
The nuclear reactions happen much faster (of the order of those 10-22 seconds), all those stellar timescales are the timescales of the stellar evolution. Imagine building a house - the whole process can take a year, but you do not need one year to put one stone on top of other stones (as one tiny step in building the house).

Stephanus said:
But can't be more than 20 millions years I think from what I read, more than that the mass is not suficient to provide iron burning.
There are stars that do not end in a supernova. Very light stars can burn for trillions of years.

Related to Can Protons and Electrons Combine to Form Neutrons in Stars?

What is a proton?

A proton is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom. It has a positive charge and is approximately 1,836 times more massive than an electron.

What is an electron?

An electron is a subatomic particle found orbiting the nucleus of an atom. It has a negative charge and is approximately 1/1836th the mass of a proton.

What is a neutron?

A neutron is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom. It has no charge and is approximately the same mass as a proton.

How does a proton and an electron combine to form a neutron?

When a proton and an electron come into close proximity, the attractive force between their opposite charges pulls them together. Due to the strong nuclear force, the proton and electron fuse to form a neutron.

What is the significance of the proton + electron = neutron equation?

This equation illustrates one of the fundamental processes that occurs in the nucleus of an atom. It also helps to explain the stability of atoms and the different types of particles that make up matter.

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